What Stops You From Snacking?



  • Kev383601
    Kev383601 Posts: 39
    I drink water, and I eat pickles!!! Really helps, since you can eat them and they're free of calories! :-)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For the most part, I snack on things that are good for me, like fruit, yogurt or protein bars that taste like candy bars. When I do have something more frivilous, like ice cream or cupcakes, it's because it fits in my calorie allowance.
  • shutterbug282
    shutterbug282 Posts: 588 Member
    Drinking ice cold water or a cup of tea really helps me. :)
  • Kailel
    Kailel Posts: 61 Member
    Looking at the transformation/before and after threads usually talks me out of it pretty quick. o.o
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    I have my healthy snack but when i want somthing well not so good I actually have a picture of my fitness romodel on my fridge so one i actuall go to the fridge i see that and I'm like "damn" lol and walk away hah
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I like to have my meals planned so that I always know when I'm going to eat next (this includes snacks). I keep things like grapes and pretzels around so if I do have a need for a quick snack, I have stuff available from both sweet and salty catagories. As for when I have really bad cravings for something, I make sure to wait for at least an hour before I decide whether I"m going to eat something or not, and I also keep my "before photos" on my phone so that I can look at them and know that I don't want to look like this.
  • Kely39
    Kely39 Posts: 6 Member
    I agree! That is great motivation!
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    I have three snacks a day. I just changed what snacks I eat. Instead of candy bars I eat fruit or instead of potato chips I eat pretzels or wheat crackers (Tricuits roasted garlic are one of my faves). If I have alot of exercise calories left I may splurge once in awhile, You've got to treat yourself once in awhile
  • gmctech
    gmctech Posts: 103 Member
    Healthy snacking is good for you! Just make the right choices for your yummies... I have set myself a 7pm cut off for eating and snacking. Fill up on water and such if you're leaning to some bad stuff, but its okay to treat yourself. No diet works if you don't treat yourself every once in a awhile. Good Luck! :)
  • Larry0445
    Larry0445 Posts: 204 Member
    Nothing. I snack on fruits or veggies.
  • I broke the habit, and also increased my water intake in one swoop. I'm a stay at home mom. I get bored, I walk to the fridge and get something. When I first found this site, I was drinking 2 liters a day of Dr. Pepper and snacking constantly. I went and bought small 8oz. bottles of water and put them in the fridge. If I opened the fridge I had to drink one, shut the door and walk away. Then if I was still truly hungry I would then go and find a healthy snack, such as yogurt, fruit, or veggie sticks. I no longer go mindlessly into the kitchen to end my boredom, only had soda a handful of times in 50 days, and never in large quanities, not even a whole can. I am not as hungry anymore because for the most part my calories mean something. This past week has been rough for me with the snacking, just so busy, and in the wrong place with temptations in front of me, but that week has past, this is a new one, with more opportunities for me to do better.
  • chubbytiff
    chubbytiff Posts: 61 Member
    scedule snacks...do not have (red light) foods in your home. Drink lots and lots of water. snacks are a good thing if kept healthy and under control.
  • Three things that help me avoid snacking.
    1. Empty fridge diet theory. I empty my house of all junk food and snacks. I'm less likely to walk to the shops for that unnecessary snack. And if I do I'll burn some calories going there.
    2. Money - I leave it behind. When I go out for a bike ride or hiking I leave my wallet at home. There is no temptation to pull into a gas station or kiosk for a snack then. If I go to work with a packed lunch I leave my wallet at home. It sucks, but it works.
    3. Keep busy. If I'm home and got 2 or 3 hours to do nothing much, then I get out for a walk or something, mow the lawn. Dig up the lawn and plant it again. Paint a room, spring clean something, whatever I can do to keep away from sitting near the fridge for 2 hours tempting myself.

    Maybe useful for some.
  • cufirst84
    cufirst84 Posts: 127 Member
    i chew gum !
  • jrlja5
    jrlja5 Posts: 59
    I have snacks built into my day. However, i work in an environment that does not support non-snacking (i.e. my boss is constantly bringing in candy or bagels etc. ) I just ask myself, "is it worth the calories" and believe it or not it works for me. She (boss) is always making comments about how I walk past the goodies. (a little passive-aggressively) Maybe that's why it works because it gets to her. Probably not a good reason but..hey it's my choice to make good food choices. Right?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    1) Finding other things to do. Mostly we snack because we are bored. Find something else to occupy yourself and you won't want to snack.

    2) Don't watch TV in the evenings. This is when most people eat without noticing it.

    3) Just get out of the habit. Some people feel the need to constantly have food on the go. It's a habit, you can break it like any other.

    4) Don't buy junk food. The only thing I have to snack on in the house is fruit. Occasionally I make cakes, but the making of them requires effort. I have never bought cakes or biscuits, and I very very rarely buy chocolate. If getting your snack food requires a high level of effort, you are going to think more about what you eat.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Gum! When I feel like I want a snack but know that I don't NEED one (not hungry, just snacky) I drink a glass of water and chew some gum. I love Trident with the two layers.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Self control, discipline and will power. It's mind over matter.
  • Kanlassak
    Kanlassak Posts: 101 Member
    I have a tendency to snack when I'm bored or frustrated, so if I go exercise or take a walk, sometime I realize I don't actually want a snack. And if I still do, I can have some crackers or fruit because I've done some exercise.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    I will allow myself a tiny bit of dark chocolate every day. It's good for my heart and my mental health. I space out my meals during the day. I start with coffee and then a while later I have yogurt, cottage cheese or an egg. A little while after that I eat a small lunch. Mid-afternoon I have grapes or carrots if I get hungry. If I'm hungry and not just bored, I'll eat them. I have a reasonable dinner when I get home. Before bed I have another yogurt or frozen yogurt and my daily portion of dark chocolate and a cup of Tazo Calm tea (hot in winter, iced in summer). Keeping my meals and snacks portioned and timed means I never get super hungry and lose all willpower.