


  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    I started with regular push ups and I did them every day. Now, I can do at least 30 in 1 set before I have to take a 30 sec-1 min break.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I will add to the recommendation to do them on an incline instead. I started by doing them on the end of my bed and moved progressively lower. I felt this trained me better to move to regular ones than the girly pushups. For some reason I find it easier to cheat with the knee ones -- I don't feel it works my muscles as well as even doing them off the end of the bed.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    If I can't do a push-up I can't very well take my head off to lighten the load.
    Well, no. But doing pushups on an incline effectively "lightens the load" while still correctly engaging the same core, shoulder, chest, and leg muscles. You don't get the right muscle engagement with girl pushups.
  • Amber86queenbee
    Bump for the tips

    I disagree that you can't do dips if you can't do push ups ( I am a classic example) but I do find negatives to be helpful + doing normal then going to "girl" after that.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Scooby on youtube has a decent video on it, IMO>

  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    "girl" push-ups will get you to the point where you can do real push-ups. You can do some dips too. They will strengthen your arms, shoulders and chest.

    if she cant do push ups she deff cant do dips...

    You got that right. Dips are much more challenging. (unless they meant girl dips from a chair, not a dip station)
    And one day I'll do them without someone giving me assistance.
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    I agree 100 % "Girl Pushups" or Wall Push ups until strength is built.
    Sounds like you are using a Beachbody program. if Yes which one? I stated P90X and love
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    From my own personal experience, do the hundred pushup challenge. I have been doing this in addition to the Jillian Michaels 30DS. I have been doing the girl pushups - and I can tell you - I am getting stronger. I decided to complete the 100 push up challenge, girl style, and then start the program over again doing regular push ups. When I did the original push up test, I couldn't do ONE. Today I am doing 24. Plus all the pushups in the 30DS. DO it!!! You won't regret it!!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I always fuss at my members in Body Pump for this. :bigsmile:

    Do as many as you can on your toes....you do get a much better workout. But when you need to, drop to your knees and then when/if you feel you're ready, get back on those toes. You ARE STRONGER than you think you are. You can do it!!! You will get stronger every time you do them. :smile:
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member
    I apologize if I wasn't clear about the dips. In no way did I mean a dip machine. unless, it's adjustable to lower and utilize the legs for assistance.

    Not every one is in as good of shape as many of theses posters replies. Also, not everyone, no matter how bad they want to, can physically do exercises even remotely in the same fashion.

    If a person weighs 300lbs doing a dip, a pull-up, a squat might only be possible with some type of assistance. We have to rehabilitate first. Not just do anyway and expect results in a week. Don't set people up for failure.
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member
    If I can't do a push-up I can't very well take my head off to lighten the load.
    Well, no. But doing pushups on an incline effectively "lightens the load" while still correctly engaging the same core, shoulder, chest, and leg muscles. You don't get the right muscle engagement with girl pushups.

    A girl push-up IS the same concept as doing incline.
    Wich I alread agreed was a good idea.
    Maybe you shouldn't quote using just a small portion of my post.
    You still work all the same muscles. Short of your toes!
    I have psoriatic arthritis and can't do regular push-ups on my toes.
    You make it sound like when you do a girl push-up you use your tongue or something. If I added the weight/incline back it would be exactly the same.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I need to work on this myself, have been trying to do a real push up since January and can still only get out about 10 girl push ups, my upper body strength is pathetic. I think I'll try and build this 100 push ups thing into my routine, start with my knees and then onto full ones. Thanks!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    If I can't do a push-up I can't very well take my head off to lighten the load.
    Well, no. But doing pushups on an incline effectively "lightens the load" while still correctly engaging the same core, shoulder, chest, and leg muscles. You don't get the right muscle engagement with girl pushups.

    A girl push-up IS the same concept as doing incline.
    Wich I alread agreed was a good idea.
    Maybe you shouldn't quote using just a small portion of my post.
    You still work all the same muscles. Short of your toes!
    I have psoriatic arthritis and can't do regular push-ups on my toes.
    You make it sound like when you do a girl push-up you use your tongue or something. If I added the weight/incline back it would be exactly the same.
    Okay, do girl pushups then. I'm not the boss of you. :smile: But it's not the same movement. You're taking out half of your leg muscle, engaging your core differently, and changing the angle of your arms relative to your chest.

    I could do girl pushups until the cows came home. I started doing real, incline pushups, and now I can do real, standard pushups because I trained the correct muscles in the correct way.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Don't do girl pushups (on your knees). Do pushups on an incline. Start at the wall if that's all you can do at first. Lower the incline until you get all the way to the floor.

    Totally agree with this! When you do "girl push ups" you are not using your core the way you do with a "real" pushup.... inclined or wall pushups will get you to standard pushups much faster. Good luck!
  • rcramer7
    rcramer7 Posts: 138 Member
    If I can't do a push-up I can't very well take my head off to lighten the load.
    Well, no. But doing pushups on an incline effectively "lightens the load" while still correctly engaging the same core, shoulder, chest, and leg muscles. You don't get the right muscle engagement with girl pushups.

    A girl push-up IS the same concept as doing incline.
    Wich I alread agreed was a good idea.
    Maybe you shouldn't quote using just a small portion of my post.
    You still work all the same muscles. Short of your toes!
    I have psoriatic arthritis and can't do regular push-ups on my toes.
    You make it sound like when you do a girl push-up you use your tongue or something. If I added the weight/incline back it would be exactly the same.
    Okay, do girl pushups then. I'm not the boss of you. :smile: But it's not the same movement. You're taking out half of your leg muscle, engaging your core differently, and changing the angle of your arms relative to your chest.

    I could do girl pushups until the cows came home. I started doing real, incline pushups, and now I can do real, standard pushups because I trained the correct muscles in the correct way.

    That's wonderful! For you.
    If I weighed 100lbs and didn;t have arthritis I'd do some with you.
    And just to argue some more...when you do inclines you take out the same obstacles.
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Bumpity bump....
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    I can't do regular push ups either....i do incline pushups and weights to gain strength...then maybe i will get to the point where i can do regular pushups
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have found this very helpful


    started with the wall push ups and moved this week to inclined ones
    before I did girl push ups but my elbows were way to wide, so I wasn't doing it the right way...
  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    Do as many pushups as you can, even if thats only 1 & then immediately start doimg modified oushups until failure. Doimg modified will get you stronger & you will be able to complete more pushups every week... Good luck! :)
    I only started push ups last week, and can only do them on my knees, but every day I attempt to do one, and everyday I am getting closer to being able to do that ONE regular push up. Until then, I make my knee push ups slow and controlled.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Go to


    It's a fun easy way to work up to being a pushup badass.

    Thank you for this!!