Internet dating stories :)



  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I met my boyfriend on eHarmony and we now live together. We've been together for over 2 years and it's it's still going strong!!!

    But before him I met this one weirdo at a restaruant and within 5 minutes I wanted to leave so bad because this guy was so obsessed with getting into a relationship he came across as desperate. So I told him before the drinks even arrived "You seem like a nice guy, but I don't think this is gonna work out. Because I feel we don't have any chemistry between us."

    I got up to go and started to walk away and he says "Can I call ya". I said "that would be a no...goodbye!" He tried to follow me out to my car, but when he saw a bunch of people out in the parking lot he changed his mind.......scary!!!!!!
  • JGT2004
    JGT2004 Posts: 231 Member
    Wow to some of these. I have tried before and have recently been reconsidering it but now... I'm not so sure. When I tried before I wasn't too picky but there are a couple things that I won't budge on: the guy has NO kids and lives in or close to Texas (sorry but I refuse to move for a man). I know this may be judgemental because I have a son but I also come from a divorced family and know how hard it can be. I don't have to deal with that now with my son (his "dad" has not and likely will never be in the picture) so I don't want to have to deal with it with someone elses kid. Anyways, came up with 5 matches pretty quick and most of them lived in California or Virginia or Florida AND had 2-3 kids. Not very helpful. Good luck and congrats to those of you who have had better luck though!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Some of these are pretty interesting! I'd already posted these 2 in an earlier forum... but I once had a 65 year old man message me and ask if I would be interested in a 3 some with him and his wife... another guy asked if he could buy a pair of my used underwear.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    There was no such thing as the World Wide Web when I was dating. No texting, sexting, sharing, FB or Myspace. Had to make human contact.
  • jlr_12
    jlr_12 Posts: 170 Member
    I was all about the internet dating for a while! I met a lot of really great guys...relationships didn't work out, but I am happier for knowing them. Nothing too creepy or heartbreaking ever happened. I'm pretty shy, so internet dating was really the only way I thought I could meet men. Actually...every relationship I have ever had has been helped by the internet! Even if it was someone I met in real life...the getting to know one another/getting my foot in the door all came through online conversations.

    Oddly enough, the guy I've been with for the past 3.5 years (aka "the one") is the only guy I have ever had a relationship with, with absolutely no aid from the internet haha. I met him when I moved into the same house (moved to a new town for school, couldn't afford residence..randomly found a placed to live with 4 guys that were a few years older than me). I swore it wouldn't happen, but lo and behold after a month or 2 it was love. Lived together ever since.
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I met my husband online...had a great experience!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Ive done my fair share of online dating... One guy I met was a little special in the head... I'm not being mean either.. The second was like 4 inches shorter than me... and the last guy I met in person is still my friend- we never dated bc of distance issues... yes its weird, he was online after all, haha anyways, he is in engaged and I found my loving bf through a blind date.. thats almost like online dating, right? lol
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    met my boyfriend on plentyoffish. we've been together for almost a year now. :D
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    My 2 favorite most recent:

    Guy #1: Exchanges emails, texts, phone number. Calls asks me out for lunch. We met for lunch at Friendly's. Nice guy...great conversation. Waitress comes over...asks if we are ready for our bill. He says to her," Yes...2 checks please." My lunch was $8.62 :noway:

    Guy #2: Exchanges witty texts, emails and phone calls. Great personality. We to the restaurant. Sitting in the car before we walk in...

    Him: Wanna do a bump before we eat?
    Me: Say what?!?!?!!?
    Him: Before we go in??
    Me: thanks
    Him: Do you mind if I do one? :noway:

  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
  • Kellster30
    Kellster30 Posts: 63 Member
    I met my fiancé online 5 1/2 years ago. We talked online for about 3 months before we actually met in person, which is probably a good thing because I was having a TERRIBLE day and was in a bad mood the day of our first date. My boss was being a jerk and someone had hit my truck in the parking lot. Luckily, we clicked so well online that my foul mood didn't affect our date.

    5 1/2 years later we have a house and a dog...and we'll be getting married next year! :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I have a LOT of stories.... but the summary would be "you have to kiss a lot of frogs...."
    I've been married to my "prince" for 3 years now.
  • jessdb19
    jessdb19 Posts: 31
    OMG! I have some amazing internet dating stories!!!!

    Date 1-Meet up with guy, we go out to play pool and hang out....afterwards we go get something to eat. He starts hitting on the waitress, RIGHT in front of me. Then proceeds to ask for her number. We finish the meal, I feign "Oooo, forgot my wallet" and he says "No problem." As I'm walking out to my car he asks "Hey baby, no good night kiss?? Thought we had a nice time." Ouch, no.

    Date 2-Meet up at library, hang out. Head off to get something to eat and he says "Oh, go to this place right here, they have the best _____." So I pull in and park and he leans over and says "Oh, can you go in and pay, my ex works here but I'm not allowed within ____ yards of her."

    Date 3-(This was a blind date, not so much internet, but the story is great!) So, we meet up (double date) at a pizza place. First off, it's incredibly awkward since it's painfully obvious how different we are. (I'm in something sort of hippy-esque, he's in a lumberjack shirt and stone washed tight rolled jeans...year 2000 btw) He's talking about dropping out of school to farm, and I'm graduating in the top right off the bat, it's not going well. So, we're sitting there and all of a sudden my friend's (the other double dater) eyes light up..."Hey, jess isn't that your mom?!" So I turn around and my WHOLE family just walked through the door..(random coincidence). The waiter sees them wave at us and escorts them over saying "Oh, you guys know each other, well I'll sit you here so you can talk if you'd like!" So we finish out the painful date with my family sitting by watching the whole thing
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    Some of these stories were seriously great, not like great for you guys, but great for me to read :laugh:

    I have been on too many sites. I don't get out much between full time work and my baby boy. I tried Christian Mingle and met 2 guys from that site. The first one was amazing, like seriously amazing. We clicked and had so much in common. Unfortunately his ex was pregnant, which I was fine with because his story was my story but backwards (I have a dead beat dad, she was a dead beat mom), BUT she lost the baby. I think it was too much for him that I had a son and he literally just disappeared without so much as a goodbye :brokenheart:
    I tried Plenty of Fish, most guys just want sex. I had one talking to me for a bit and I gave him my cell number. He asks for a regular pic so he can put it on his phone for when I call, whatever. I said return the favor.. he sends me a pic of his ****. SERIOUSLY!!?!?
    I'm sort of trying to get to know this guy I met on there. He says he's interested, but doesn't really seem to have the time. UGH... dating sucks. Internet dating, meeting people in public, it doesn't matter anymore... it all sucks.
    Congrats to those of you who have found someone. I'm praying my man is out there somewhere!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Growing up fat and still being it lol I never had the courage to message people on Plenty of fish or even eHarmony(yes I paid and wasted it lol FML). If I did message a woman on those sites it feels like I would have to make it like this!

    "Hey Baby Gurl, yous bangin I would tottaly friend the s*** out of you. I would give you my pimp hand in respect and understanding! Calls me yo!

    Ps. Here's a picture of my ****! I named him Richard because he reminds me of Keith Richards, he is a husky mix!"
  • SmexAppeal
    SmexAppeal Posts: 858 Member
    Growing up fat and still being it lol I never had the courage to message people on Plenty of fish or even eHarmony(yes I paid and wasted it lol FML). If I did message a woman on those sites it feels like I would have to make it like this!

    "Hey Baby Gurl, yous bangin I would tottaly friend the s*** out of you. I would give you my pimp hand in respect and understanding! Calls me yo!

    Ps. Here's a picture of my ****! I named him Richard because he reminds me of Keith Richards, he is a husky mix!"
  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    I met the most amazing man one night in a random chat room and after that first encounter we logged on every night to say, "Hello". Chatting led to e-mail, then phone calls and writing each other letters and sending cards through the postal mail.... we were 600 miles apart. This went on for a year and then one day I hopped on a train and traveled up North to meet him face to face. Six months later I moved to his state and four months after that we took our wedding vows. We've been happily married for 12 years now and we have an awesome little 7 year old son together! The internet was a wonderful facilitator for our love connection. :D
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I met my husband on WoW. We were in the same guild and after months of playing together we found out we lived in the same city so we decided to meet and kicked it off. Fast forward 5 years, we are married and very happy :D

    There is your dose of nerds.
  • amfeierabend74
    Met my boyfriend off of craigslist! Only because my friend got tired of me hanging around the house all the time. "you need to get out and meet somebody new" she told me. I had just gotten out of a bad 13 relationship.

    Mark answered my add and we emailed back and forth for 2 months, then exchanged #'s. Met in person after 4 months of talking. We live together now. Its been just over 2 years!

    The best part is that my mother and stepfather love him to death! I was able to find one of the good ones! Thanks to craigslist and my friend for pushing me to do it.
  • tarak83
    tarak83 Posts: 40
    I've completely sworn off online dating.

    I met my ex-husband playing an mmo (online game like World of Warcraft) when I was 19 (10 years ago)... we were good friends for a long time.. he liked me when I was a big girl.. liked me when I'd lost the weight. Anyway, he came over to visit me in St. Louis in 2005... we were married 2 weeks later. I was young and infatuated with his accent... blah blah blah. Anyway, I moved to England about a month later with two suitcases full of clothes and shipped my PC over. That was it. Chasing rainbows... living the dream!!

    I didn't know he was an alcoholic... he pretty much just sat in front of his computer playing games every single night and did little to help acclimatize me to this country. I was ready to go back home until I found out my bc failed.. I was pregnant! Fast forward three years and two babies later. I wasn't happy.. things never changed. I was so lonely. He did me a favor and cheated on me with my then 2 year olds nursery/day care worker. It was incredibly difficult at the time... my girls were only 6 months and 2 years old at the time.. raising them on my own.. living for the first time on my own without any family and friends here.. phew. I look back and don't really know how I coped, but I did and I'm so much better for it.

    Anyway, despite all of that... It's helped me realize that I am a strong, independent, and beautiful woman. I'm working part-time, working on a degree part-time, and have 4 & 5 year old little girls (15 months apart!) who often drive me crazy but more often make me so proud and happy! I've made an amazing circle of friends and feel that I am 'home' now.

    No regrets :-)