how bad would it be if I drink coke zero???



  • lady_in_weighting
    lady_in_weighting Posts: 196 Member
    im so glad that people are saying that they drink diet soda and not finding any bad effects from it...seen so many threads recently from people naming diet soda as the demon drink. apparenly reduces your kidney function by 30%?!

    i drink at least 2 glasses of diet soda a day and it has never hampered weight loss, if anything it helped me satisfy my sugar cravings! (:
  • Judanjos
    Judanjos Posts: 87
    It gives me cravings...any diet soda that is. I get cravings for sweets and bread. For me diet soda is a saboteur extraordinaire.
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    Its a better choice than most of the diet drinks, I drink it, burp,, perhaps too much,,,
  • jades492
    jades492 Posts: 6 Member
    It makes me feel full too, I don't understand how adding 2 cups of liquid to your stomach could make you feel more hungry and eat more. I drink 1 diet pepsi per day (sometimes 2). I work nights and don't drink coffee, it fills me up!
  • magenbrittni
    I went several months without touching any form of soda at all. Then my in-laws requested that I make my pork roast recipe for dinner one night, which uses Coke. I used Coke Zero instead and had some of it left which I ended up drinking. It was much better than I remember Coke Zero being before I gave up on regular! Since then I have one a couple of times a week and it hasn't hindered me one bit. I still drink mostly water. (Also no one noticed a difference when I cooked with it!)
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    Nothing wrong with having one now and then. The only thing I'd say is have it with a meal if possible and not by itself as it's less damaging to the teeth that way. Otherwise, enjoy!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I drink diet soda daily.

    If you're someone who had adverse effects to artificial sweeteners, whether it's cravings, bloat or migraines, don't drink it. If you don't experience any negative side effects... enjoy.
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    I drink diet soda daily.

    If you're someone who had adverse effects to artificial sweeteners, whether it's cravings, bloat or migraines, don't drink it. If you don't experience any negative side effects... enjoy.

    ^This! I pay attention to drink water when I'm thirsty, but Diet Coke with Splenda for a treat & pick-me-up. Aspartame aggravates my joints so I avoid diet sodas sweetened with that, but there are more options with Splenda now than there used to be
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    Nah I don't touch the stuff anymore. I used to have diet coke everyday. And now that I've quit? I feel so, so much more better! :)

    How do you feel better--what specific differences can you tell? (I'm totally NOT questioning your experience, I'm just always looking for positive changes from others' experiences that might help me out in some way.)
  • stamina4life
    I agree, our diets have become filled with artificial and processed foods. You love body just doesn't need the coke zero. Drink the water. Sounds like you are doing great!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I would just drink water instead... That being said, the occasional treat is fine! I would just go with regular coke with lots of ice for my treat....go big or go home! We are all going to die, might as well die having lived a little and indulged in some of the things we enjoy and love to eat/drink.

    Everything in moderation!
  • witchywillow
    witchywillow Posts: 143 Member

    i drink one 500ml bottle of diet pepsi a day with my lunch or save it for wen im visiting family, friends etc, since i started mfp in jan '12' i have given up all tea and coffee as i cant drink them without sugar, i drink mainly water but have the occasional very weak juice for a change of taste and on a good cal day i will have hot chocolate light as i can also drink that with no sugar and no milk.

    its all about moderation, i certainly wouldnt drink soda all day but a little amount wont hurt, we have given up so much already :happy:
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Coke zero is not "fine" Try water or a regular won't kill you.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    Having one or so a day wont do any harm.

    If you were combining the diet soda with other sugar free items it might be cause for concern, but you're not.

    Go for it!
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    The bad parts of any kind of soda:
    Phosphoric acid in soda will leach calcium from your bones and make your bones weaker.
    The acid in soda destroys the enamel on your teeth.
    Recent studies indicate that the "caramel coloring" in soda is carcinogenic, and the US gov't will soon be requiring Pepsi/Coke to label their products as such, or change the formula for caramel coloring.

    The good parts of soda:
    Caffeine can increase one's alertness and energy,short-term.
    (Caffeine can also be found in coffee, tea, some iced teas, and many "energy" drink mixes.)

    Personally, I wish I'd never started drinking diet soda. For me, the fake sugar makes me crave more food, and more sweets. Since I love the caffeine and don't enjoy either coffee or tea, my drug of choice is Crystal Light Energy drinks. No doubt there's plenty of bad stuff in those too, but at least I'm avoiding the phosphoric acid and the caramel coloring, and the Crystal Light drinks aren't *as* sweet.

    I'd say if you are happy drinking water, why would you want to add something that could potentially pull you down? Of course if you are careful about your diet you should be fine with the occasional Coke Zero or whatnot, but why risk the addiction? *Why* spend the money on something that isn't really great for your body?
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    A moderate amount won't really foul you up. By moderate, a couple of cans or a 20-oz, or something similar, once in a while. Not every day, but maybe a couple of times a week or less. But too much can be bad.

    My husband recently went to the doctor because he was not losing any weight, not gaining any endurance, was always tired, etc, etc. We thought it was either low testosterone or a thyroid issue. Well, blood work came back, and both of those are fine, but CO2 levels were elevated. My husband was a 1-2 soda a day guy, always diet. The doctor said that the CO2 from soda is actually displacing oxygen in his blood and that is why he had no endurance - his metabolism was in the basement!! It's only been a couple of weeks since he stopped drinking soda (he has a hard time with just a little once in a while, maybe after he gets it all out of his system he can, but one soda tends to lead to more) and he is already feeling so much better! I would never have believed it!

    Wow Doctors will say anything to get folks to stop drinking soda. He was probably cheating his diet at work. And then you drug him into the Dr., NOW He feels better because he has been caught and has to diet. LOL
  • antlergirl
    antlergirl Posts: 55 Member
    personally ... ick

    im not sure what kind of sweetener they use in it - is it like diet pop?
    My mother is diabetic. her dietician told her she is better off to drink full out pop than any diet type beverage with artificial sweeteners. The artificial stuff tricks your body into thinking tis getting sweets and gets your insulin levels up to combat the sweet. I suppose if you are having it with other food its not so bad... but studies have shown that diet pop and hinder weightloss

    I think your mother needs a new dietician. My partner and his mother are both diabetic, he is type 1 and his mum type 2. They can only drink coke zero or other diet drinks as the 12 or so tsp of sugar in one can of full fat soda would be awful for them! Also my partner does not make insulin- so I really dont understand where your dietician is getting these facts.

    Personally I think you have to treat yourself and I love a coke zero. But I recently stopped buying 24 pack crates and am only drinking coke zero every now and again. And also making sure I have to walk to the shop to get one!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I try and drink mostly water...but I'll say me some Coke Zero. Takes so much better than Diet Coke to me. Is it good for you...NO IT ISN'T SODA POLICE. ;-) But one every few days I enjoy when I'm dragging.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    personally ... ick

    im not sure what kind of sweetener they use in it - is it like diet pop?
    My mother is diabetic. her dietician told her she is better off to drink full out pop than any diet type beverage with artificial sweeteners. The artificial stuff tricks your body into thinking tis getting sweets and gets your insulin levels up to combat the sweet. I suppose if you are having it with other food its not so bad... but studies have shown that diet pop and hinder weightloss

    I think your mother needs a new dietician. My partner and his mother are both diabetic, he is type 1 and his mum type 2. They can only drink coke zero or other diet drinks as the 12 or so tsp of sugar in one can of full fat soda would be awful for them! Also my partner does not make insulin- so I really dont understand where your dietician is getting these facts.

    Personally I think you have to treat yourself and I love a coke zero. But I recently stopped buying 24 pack crates and am only drinking coke zero every now and again. And also making sure I have to walk to the shop to get one!
    I actually think this is for a diabetic....neither is really an option. But the body doesn't understand it's a no-calorie sweetener. In fact it's 4 times sweeter than sugar....that's all the body reads...and it really spikes the blood sugar. I'm no doctor, but this is what I've heard many times.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    The Cherry Coke Zero is my favorite! And, just so you know, my family doctor lost a TON of weight. He is the one who referred me to this site and credited this site for his weight loss. I asked him about Coke Zero. He said he drinks about 3 a day and he sees nothing wrong with it.