10 day juice fast



  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I haven't tried the 10 day juice fast myself, but a couple of friends of mine did, and they actually liked it. They said the first couple of days they craved some solid food, but after that, it was pretty easy, and the juices were satisfying. They lost quiet a bit of weight and said they both felt great. You do pretty much have to have a juicer of your own...you can't buy as much variety and fresh juices very easily. I'd say, if you're intrigued, give it a try.
  • byronguy74
    Thanks for this post, Brian. I am doing some research into juicing and the information in your post was very helpful. I actually ordered a juicer today. Haven't decided yet whether to actually do an actual fast, but the nutritional benefits make sense to me. Especially, since I tend not to get in all the fruits and veggies that I should. If there are any books you can recommend, or other resources, I'd appreciate it!


    Google searches are your best friend. Between Google and the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead are what provided me most of my inspiration and (limited) knowledge. Another movie that may be helpful is Forks Over Knives, it will help you when you are done with your fast or if you just decide to use juice as a supplement.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member

    Most of my juices consist of some combination of spinach, romaine lettuce, carrots, apples, asparagus, and broccoli. I have tried celery, ginger, garlic, tomatoes, pineapple, honeydew, collard greens, cauliflower, cilantro, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, sweet potatoes, kiwi, beets, and just about everything else I could find. ...

    No flaming, but can I make an observation. You juice all these ingredients on a regular basis, but why don't you just eat them? For one, eating whole foods gives you a significantly higher feeling of satiety, it takes longer for the body to break down, you get the feedback mechanisms to your brain that only come with actually eating food that says you are eating and to surpress hunger, and you are not leaving a s**tload of goodness stuck in the refuse catcher of your blender.

    If you ate the above ingredients as whole foods rather than juice, and added a portion of lean protein with your meals (eg chicken or turkey etc), and some salad dressing or avocado for beneficial fats - you would have one hell of a good eating plan!

    If juicing helped to kick start you and gave you a strict regimen to keep you away from the so-called 'bad' foods, then fine, but please understand that this is NOT a sustainable long term option unless you want to lose all your muscle as well as your fat, and be deviod of energy.
  • byronguy74
    Rayman79, I understand what you are saying. As I indicated in my original post I know a juice fast is not something that I can do for an extended period of time - in fact I only did the fast for 11 days. I am using frequent juices as a tool to achieve the results I want and will then continue to juice on occasion to help me maintain.

    Nearly every meal I eat has some kind of meat in it - usually chicken but occasionally beef or seafood - and I have started drinking a protein shake in the morning after I exercise. That being said, I feel like I am getting plenty of proteins and fats to go with all of the healthy fruits and vegetables I am drinking.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    How many calories are you folks taking in daily on these juice fasts?

    It seems to me that it would be F'ing hard for me to get my 3000 cals a day in vegetables/fruit.
  • Kassieisproud
    If youve been eating healthy for a while its not really called for however for those who are just starting out and used to eat a lot of junk a juice fast is a good way to help break your addiction to unhealthy food and kick start your diet. However i dont recommend people doing it for more than 10 days. And it doesnt really cleanse just give your body a huge boost of vitamins and minerals
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i have done a number of these - i DEFINATLEY think they are worth it - but modify them to suit yourself.


    - the first cleanse i did made you drink 7 juices a day. I got through max 4 until i removed the fruit and began having only vege juice.
    - i stopped excerisisng except for walking - you don't have the strength.
    - you basically have to commit to shutting down your social life for the length of the cleanse - esp the first 4 days - you are foggy, hungry, headachy etc as you withdraw from sugar, alcohol, caffeine, (or whatever your poison is) - i didn't take headache tablets of anything articial either
    - i started adding other liquids such as clear vegetable broth and clear decaffeinate tea with almond milk to supplement

    I will admit - first 3 days are HARD, soooo hard, but after that first 4 you will begin to feel amazing and want to continue - unfortunately for me social life got in the way - i wanted to go out and see people again!

    goodluck, its worth it for SURE.
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    I am investing in a juicer.. not to do a fast but to make sure I get all my veggies in. I'm on a raw food diet until April 1st so I think that my juicer will be my best friend. Hope it worked for you!
  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    Hey all... my husband makes vegetable juice daily for himself and our kids (I don't drink that s*** lol) and sometimes lives on it for however long he feels like torturing himself for. He reports feeling a lot of physical benefits every time he fasts, such as weight loss, increased energy, and I don't know where he gets his info but apparently it raises your human growth hormone level which effects muscle growth and metabolism. Anyway... just wanted to share that. He is a fit guy and just does it before a big audition or if he is feeling tired out, so not primarily for weight loss, but I can always tell when he is doing it because he is in a better mood and looks extra good :)
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member

    I'm on day 2 of a juice fast. Be sure to add chlorophyll or spirulina to your juice to get adequate protein. My hubby & I plan to do it for 40 days. We've eaten lots of junk food and had lots of alcohol in our lives. We want to get healthier--we're going farther than just a fast--also using some techniques you can find in "Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care". We're using Sonne's #7 to remove toxic metals, as well as ABC (aerobic bulk cleanse). I feel good so far! You should definitely read about it before starting. There is some good info in "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" as well.

    Good luck!
  • secondring

    Thanks for this post, Brian. I am doing some research into juicing and the information in your post was very helpful. I actually ordered a juicer today. Haven't decided yet whether to actually do an actual fast, but the nutritional benefits make sense to me. Especially, since I tend not to get in all the fruits and veggies that I should. If there are any books you can recommend, or other resources, I'd appreciate it!


    Im in the same boat as you .. I definitely see the benefits to juicing, since i dont get nearly enough fruits and veggies in my diet. The only think i see lacking from juicing is the fiber. but that can can come from other foods.

    Good luck
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    Check out Juicemaster.com

    My fav is the Powergreens Juice:

    Juice together:
    150g - 200g Spiniach (washed)
    150 - 200g Curly Kale (washed)
    6 - 8 Golden Delicious Apples
    1 - 2 Unwaxed Lemons
    Then add a teaspoon of dried Wheatgrass and a teaspoon of Spiralina and mix well
    This make enough for a week (1 x 250ml glass per day).
    It's got a fresh citrus taste from the lemons & apples, can't really taste anything else!
    Nice served over ice :-)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Why Cleanse?

    Juice Cleansing is a great way to give your digestive system a rest while pumping your body with vital and live vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and enzymes. It also boosts the immune system. Juice cleansing can help with a myriad of symptoms: allergies, toxicity, fertility issues, skin issues, digestive issues, depression, sluggishness, weight loss, insomnia, high blood pressure, memory loss, and thyroid function…just to name a few. We recommend eating lightly: lots of fruits and vegetables, grains and beans before and after your cleanse to ease your body through the transitio

    Nice to see you know how to cut & paste...

    "Juice Cleansing is a great way to give your digestive system a rest while pumping your body with vital and live vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and enzymes. It also boosts the immune system. Juice cleansing can help with a myriad of symptoms: allergies, toxicity, fertility issues, skin issues, digestive issues, depression, sluggishness, weight loss, insomnia, high blood pressure, memory loss, and thyroid function…just to name a few. We recommend eating lightly: lots of fruits and vegetables, grains and beans before and after your cleanse to ease your body through the transition."


    Nice to see plagiarism passed off as original thought.......
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    - i stopped excerisisng except for walking - you don't have the strength.

    That line alone tells me that there's something wrong with the whole concept (kind of contradicts all of the "I had so much more energy" statements)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    LMAO - priceless!
  • miKACKsh
    miKACKsh Posts: 10 Member
    i suffer from a skin condition Psoriasis, which is an auto-immune disease where i get i get dry, itchy, flaky patches of skin all over my body. About 6 months ago i cut red meat out of my diet and noticed a change in my skin. i began to realize that my doctor had been right about "you are what you eat" ... i visited my doctor and got the okay to do a 10 juice "detox" on the condition that i also ate beans to ensure that i got some protein and carbs in my system. the first 3 days i felt kind of in a fog; after that, however, I FELT GREAT !! i had more energy throught the day, i didnt feel hungry at all, my friend even ate McDonalds in front of me and the smell alone turned my stomach. i never weighed myself before starting the detox (it wasnt about losing weight), but i did notice that my face and mid section was thinning out a little ALSO my psoriasis is 90 % gone. doing this juice detox has helped me think more about what i am eating and what it does to my body. i make sure that i have at least 1 juice a day, usually breakfast (i hate breakfast) and that i have a nice big salad for lunch, if not another juice. i actually enjoyed doing the detox sooo much that i plan on doing a 10 day detox once every 3 months and continuing by leading a more "vegetarian-like" lifestyle. i would suggest everyone at least give the 10 days a try (after visiting their doctor)
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    So I rented Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and the movie was so engaging that I completely convinced myself I had to try this juice fast. Granted, the main character did if for 60 days, but I thought I'd give it 10 days to see what would happen.

    Will I suffer greatly through the first few days?
    Will I feel and see the difference throughout my body in 4-6 days?
    How much weight could I potentially lose?

    Keep in mind, I would be consuming raw vegetables and fruits for 10 days. I hear that the body needs a cleansing every now and then and I've never done it. I look forward to it. I got my juicer and am researching online juice recipes now. I plan on starting Monday, January 2, 2012. Anyone that has had experience with this sort of thing, please tell... Oh, and I am not only doing this to lose more weight, I am doing it for the cleanse purpose and to hopefully incorporate more fruits and veggies into my now-lacking diet. Who knows, maybe I can replace 1 meal a day with a juice if all goes well!?

    i did a little research the other week on this as i did a 24hr detox of just drinking detox tea and water, what i found is1 week to 10 days is long enough for a cleanse. the night before you start your supposed to drink 1 cup of detox tea and take a natural laxative, then drink 1 cup of detox tea a day. there was loads of other stuff it told you to do but if you google it im sure you'll find it.....good luck.
  • shand417
    shand417 Posts: 5
    I am on day 14 of my 30 day juice reboot. I call it a reboot because I am not doing it to "cleanse". I am doing it to reboot the way I eat, break my addiction to junk foods, etc. I have lost 19 pounds. When I am done with this 30 days, I hope to have changed the way I think about food for the rest of my life. I feel better then I have in years. I also have confidence in myself that I have the mental stamina to do this. It has been hard at times, but very worth it! I am not sharing with most of the people in my life because I don't want to hear the negative comments. I know I am doing the right thing for my body. I encourage anyone with questions to watch Fat Sick and Nearly Dead.