
  • Jostring73
    Jostring73 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree with above, more protein and more water!?
    And maybe do something to take your mind off feeling hungry when you do.
    I find sitting in front of the tv makes me hungry.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? If not, this is a good place to start. MFP already calculates a deficit (assuming your goal is to lose each week), so exercise gives you a bigger deficit. While this can be good, it can also backfire and rob you of needed nutrients and calories to keep your body running efficiently with the higher demands you're putting on it. If you don't eat back any exercise calories, maybe start with eating back half of them and see how things go.

    (And you can work in increase protein like a lot of people said)
  • tiffastar
    tiffastar Posts: 46 Member
    I agree with protein, water and fiber. Also, stick with it because it does get easier. When I first started, I was hungry all the time. But that's what got me to 240lbs in the first place. It's about taking control and re-programing your body to eat less. I find that when I start getting hungry and I've already had my meal I find something to distract myself with like a walk or shopping or anything else. Don't give up!!
  • I am working with my son after I lost 45 lbs using MFP. He eats about a cup of egg beaters with Ms. Dash seasoning (you can add some cheese to the egg beaters for flavor if you can handle the extra 50-100 calories). This is a pretty large portion and is all protein, no fat, no cholesterol (in the egg beaters). The entire serving of egg beaters and cheese is about 250 calories and pretty filling. Just a thought - I use it when I'm hungry and don't want to think about what to eat but need more than a snack bar. You do have to cook it but you can nuke it if in a hurry (not quite as appetizing). Hope it helps and good luck to you!
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    I don't know how many calories you've planned to eat on this diet, but instead of starting at 1200 kcal you might wanna start out slow with a 1500 kcal daily intake instead if it's really that bad. 1200 kcal could be to great a shock for your body as it is the absolute minimum calorie intake. Ive read about it...people are hungry all the time and they are not loosing any weight...but as they increase their daily calorie intake to 1300-1500 they feel less hungry and they loose the weight in a healthy manner.

    And Yes. You should consider opening your diary in order for the rest of us to better diagnose the problem, otherwise it's hard to tell.

    I just know that you shouldnt feel bad about eating after your training, because it's actually the best time to consume a meal.
  • tdlent
    tdlent Posts: 7
    Thanks everyone! How do I open my diary? I am def. going to increase the protein and water..... Just about everyone agrees on that!
  • :wink: Great comments! Thanks for the detailed insight!
  • tdlent
    tdlent Posts: 7
    Yay!!! I figured it out!!! Again, Thanks everyone for the help, ya'll give some great advice!
  • morningsun3112
    morningsun3112 Posts: 51 Member
    I was having issues where I get hungry in the afternoon. My trainer suggested that I eat cottage cheese in the afternoon or with my lunch because its a protein that breaks down slowly and you feel fuller longer. So far it has helped me. :happy:
  • I agree completely with the protein, fiber, water - they are so important! Your brain works best on carbs - give it some good quality ones!

    For some of us, the type of carbs are critical too. Consider looking into the Glycemic Index. This is especially useful for those of us with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or some amount of Insulin Resistance. Exercise increases your bodies sensitivity to the insulin you make, so your body may be getting better at processing sugary foods leaving you truly hungry! Avoid the insulin spike (that causes the sugar crash!) by picking high-quality moderate GI carbs (rolled oats, sourdough bread, beans, etc) in reasonable quantities, and pairing with copious fiber, and plenty of protein. Wikipedia has a good site to give an overview of Glycemic Index, and some great research has come out of Austrailia about this. You still have to use common sense (for example potatoe chips are moderate GI, but not a great dieting choice). This will probably help you choose carbs that keep you full longer. For instance cooked rolled oats last me about 3 hours as opposed to cereal (even "high fiber") that leaves me hungry in 1-2 hours - even if I match calories of each!

    Also, don't forget to include SOME of the good fats, like from nuts, avocado, fish, olive oil. Its important to your health as well as towards feeling full.

    You can do this!! Just look for the types of foods that work for you and keep at it!! The food diary really helped me look back to see where my extra calories were coming from and cut back in the right places without getting extreme.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    How about start by logging your food and hitting your calorie target?

    Normally the cure for hunger is to eat food.
  • MeMountainMom
    MeMountainMom Posts: 88 Member
    To add to what others have said, more water, protien, and fiber....

    Have you added a daily vitamen yet? Seems you could be missing something.

    If none of this helps you may want to visit dr for testing to see if something else is going on. Diabetes, thyroid, etc.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    1. Eat.

    2. Eat up to your calorie goal.

    3. Eat back your exercise calories when hungry.

    4. Water water water.

    5. Log your food!!
  • lucentabella
    lucentabella Posts: 114 Member
    It would help if you opened up your diary, but for now I'd suggest increasing your protein intake. Protein can really help with satiety.

    protein and fiber!

  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I hear Dr. Oz recommends some really good stuff.
  • kantone999
    kantone999 Posts: 174
    Exercise does tend to make you eat more because your body is trying to stay the same weight it is. You will eventually get used to a new "set point" so just keep doing what you are. Stay away from refined sugar which always turns on my appetite. Go for some really filling foods when you eat. Avoid refined sugar and flour products and opt for whole grains instead. Instead of cereal or protein bars, most of which are pretty high in sugar, eat a bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit. It has tons of fiber, enough sugar to quell your appetite. That keeps me from being hungry for at least 3 or 4 hours.
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    It's usually not a calorie issue as long as you're not extremely under-eating.
    For example if you have a 500 calorie meal comprised of a frozen pre-packaged meal and juice or pop to drink you will be hungry soon after you've finished, versus a 500 calorie meal of grilled chicken, potato, veggies and milk that will keep you full for several hours.

    Have fiber and protein with every meal and drink water between meals, that has been shown to reduce ghrelin levels and hunger.
  • laurenbaglole
    laurenbaglole Posts: 1 Member
    I find that oatmeal is really filling and have really grown to enjoy it. I eat it everyday for breakfast, usually adding plain or Greek yogurt, some ground flax seed to add fiber, and sometimes a banana. It is really filling and satisfying. It would make a great afternoon snack too!
  • tdlent
    tdlent Posts: 7
    I have been kinda lax about logging my food and exercise....I have to say, it's sometimes tedious trying to find the correct item from the list, especially the exercise....still working out the kinks as far as that goes, but I'm def. gonna try harder!
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I have the same exact problem. My nutritionalist told me to eat fruit and protien together. So like a tbsp of organic peanut butter and apple slices or a piece of good cheese and strawberries. I have found my hunger is much more stable now.

    Also, make sure you watch your protein intake when you work out on your MFP. As you workout, your protien requirement will increase.

    One other thing. I eat every three hours and find that helps me with the cravings as well.

    And lots and lots of water.