PCOS and Losing weight



  • savster5
    savster5 Posts: 1
    I have PCOS as well and losing weight is rough. I have better results with lowing carbs and sugar, but its still rough. I'd love to hear what helps, heh.
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    I have just been diagnosed with PCOS so I am new to it lol I have always wondered why it is hard for me to lose weight, and now I know why... Feel free to add me! I do delete for not logging in though... it would be great to have people to go through this with though
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Me too... add me if you wish... please add a short message if you would
  • divinesoul
    divinesoul Posts: 48 Member
    Losing weight with PCOS is hard, not impossible. I am not losing much weight, but have lost inches. My condition is pretty much same like jhann16, I suffer from IR and neuropathy, that's the biggest struggle for me. The day my carbs are high, I can't sleep because of the uneasy feeling in my muscles. Being a vegetarian makes it hard for me to stay away from carbs. So, small portions and moderation is the way to go. Feel free to add me!
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    Bump.... One neat trick I have learned is to take a cinnamon supplement or sprinkle it on your food when you eat carbs or sugar... it helps your body use the sugar properly. Research it on google.

    mmmm so I could use butter and cinnamon on my sweet potato :D tastes extremely good at the restaurants, and now I can 'justify' it lol
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    I was diagnosed at 16 with PCOS and find it difficult to lose weight, but like others have said not impossible. The Zone Diet style of eating has worked really well for me. I eat about 1500-1600 calories a day, exercise at least 20 minutes a day 6 days a week, and eat a 40% carb, 30% fat, 30% protein ratio. You can manually set it on here. The processed carbs are killer for people with PCOS since it spikes insulin levels, so stay away from white bread, white rice, soda (even diet), cake, cookies, etc. I find this very helpful. It is doable, it just sucks to have to so on point to lose even a pound or two with PCOS, but it can be done it just takes extra effort :-/. You can do it though, forge on!
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    oops.. meant to quote a previous post.. let me try again
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    Here's another PCOS group on MFP. Please join us!

    it won't let me 'jump' there... keeps taking me to the main page :( I did a PCOS search, but there are pages and pages of actual posts, not just Forum names.
  • megmo_7
    megmo_7 Posts: 98 Member
    PCOS is a *kitten*! I have it as well and I lose weight and then level out for a few weeks then start losing again. Anyone can feel free to add me. There is also a PCOS group if anyone would like to be added let me know!
  • SashaJaneJ
    SashaJaneJ Posts: 92 Member
    I have PCOS. I joined MFP in May of 2011 and have lost 124 pounds. I have a lot more weight to lose. Please feel free to add me.
  • I have PCOS
  • Pifflesmom
    Pifflesmom Posts: 134 Member
    Yup, PCOS here and fibromyalgia...have lost 23 lbs in 75 days, which is okay...it's definitely more difficult (why, oh WHY do our bodies revolt against us?) - but as a previous poster said, not impossible. I have a hard time with exercise because some days my body just won't LET me...but I still try to get a good walk in every day as well.

    Feel free to add me - and to everyone here - good luck on your journies!
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Here's another PCOS group on MFP. Please join us!

    it won't let me 'jump' there... keeps taking me to the main page :( I did a PCOS search, but there are pages and pages of actual posts, not just Forum names.

    hmmm, try this link.
  • My doctors all told me I had PCOS and I was put on Metformin in 2010.

    Since then, I've had a baby and I'm struggling again to lose weight, so I'm back on it again. Back in 2010, it was definitely helping me lose weight, but exercise was the bigger part of the picture. Metformin also helped me ovulate and POW - preggers! :laugh:

    Now I'm back at square one...starting all over again!
  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    bump, seems like a lot of people have PCOS, do you girls think it has something to do with the food, i mean before generations used to eat food too, maybe worse then we are eating now, but the women back then were not obese, and most didnt have any reporductive problems, and 50-60 years later , girls now a days have more PCOS...it makes me think its the stuff they put in our food, and also makes me think there is stuff in the food that is "addictive' that we dont know about.....i think of the weirdest things ;) ...but i know i can loose weight quick if i follow low carb-and watch what i eat, i did loose 40 lbs almost last year, but i also know that its so easy to gain it back if u slip up i am living proof i gained it all back almost, but i loose fast.........its a struggle everyday, for me even more because i cant get pregnant :(
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    For everyone here, I would like to say that it is important to treat your PCOS regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight or get pregnant. Over the long term, PCOS puts you at higher risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

    "Treating" it does not necessarily mean you have to take medicine. It can also mean exercise and/or diet changes.

    If a doctor (usually an OB/GYN) just wants to put you on the pill, please go to an endocrinologist. Going on the pill and doing nothing else just treats the symptoms, not the underlying causes.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    bump, seems like a lot of people have PCOS, do you girls think it has something to do with the food, i mean before generations used to eat food too, maybe worse then we are eating now, but the women back then were not obese, and most didnt have any reporductive problems, and 50-60 years later , girls now a days have more PCOS...it makes me think its the stuff they put in our food, and also makes me think there is stuff in the food that is "addictive' that we dont know about.....i think of the weirdest things ;) ...but i know i can loose weight quick if i follow low carb-and watch what i eat, i did loose 40 lbs almost last year, but i also know that its so easy to gain it back if u slip up i am living proof i gained it all back almost, but i loose fast.........its a struggle everyday, for me even more because i cant get pregnant :(

    I do think we eat a LOT more sugar than we used to.

    but in the "olden days" I suspect a lot of PCOS was just undiagnosed.
  • twoisplenty
    twoisplenty Posts: 56 Member
    I also have PCOS. Been dealing with it for 15 yrs now. I also had my thyroid removed 2 mths ago due to thyroid cancer so it isnt helping with my weight loss journey but I am still trucking along, lol. Any bit of weight loss is a celebration, it just might take me a bit longer than most :)
  • chayes37303
    chayes37303 Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS, stopped the metformin on my own for my own reasons. Im trying to lose the weight on my own and see where that takes me. My DH and I are talking about trying to have a kid but he is giving me this year to see what I can do on my own since I go back to my GYN again in January. Then we are going to talk to her about coming off the nuvaring
  • Another cyster here!!

    First, I want to say congratulations to all of you ladies! The weight loss numbers shown on your tickers is amazing and is proof that it is POSSIBLE for women with PCOS to lose weight. Keep up the great work! :happy:

    I haven't been as successful as I'd like to be. I've been at this since January and have only lost 12lbs. But when I look back at my food diary, I can see my carbs are just too high. I'm working on lowering my carbs and adding more protein but it's a process. For me, it's easier said than done. I'm trying to figure out what works for me while finding something that I can maintain indefinitely. I think that is key. I went on the South Beach Diet- lost 30lbs in 3 months- then became pregnant only to gain 90lbs. I know I cannot maintain a South Beach Lifestyle forever so starting it would only sabotage my efforts in the end. You want to figure out what works for YOU and make sure it's something you can maintain so that the weight doesn't creep back up on you. But no matter what, know you are NOT alone and you CAN do this!