Right now...something you love about you or your body!!!!



  • kaiser90
    kaiser90 Posts: 29
    i like your eyes too
  • My legs and butt. I also have great muscule under this weight and am really excited about developing it.
  • kaiser90
    kaiser90 Posts: 29
    willing to help strangers
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,012 Member
    I love that I can finally see my abs again!!! And the fact that they are just going to get better and better!!
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I love my legs. When I first joined the gym a few years back hitting the scales at 200 lbs. I hated how I looked and was comparing myself to other people in the class which was discouraging. After about a month another member came up to me after class and said she wished she had legs like mine. I looked at myself differently then- I realized that even though I was heavier then most people there, my legs did look darn good! I stuck around, ended up becoming a fitness instructor and still love my legs even though I need to lose weight elsewhere. But I remember how great I felt after that person complimented me and I ALWAYS look for my class participants best feature and tell them how great it looks. Pay it forward!!
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    I love my calves! And I appreciate that you brought some positivity and self-love to MFP! Thank you!!!

    That's what it's all about! Thank you!!!!
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    I love ME for just being me !

    This..and i love my smile
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    I love the fact that there's a lot less of it than there was in September. :)

    When I look down, instead of seeing a large, round ball of belly, I'm seeing those indentations off to the sides.

    For the longest time, I didn't even wanna walk around shirtless in my own house. I was truly sickened by what I let myself become. Now, I walk around the house shirtless all the time and don't mind what I see at all. Woo-hoo!
  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Loving my upper back right now. Lifting has given me some awesome muscles. I never even thought of seeing the change there--but at my last progress pictures it was staring me in the face. Crazy.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    If I flex my calves well enough, I get that little split in the back of the legs that runs up from I believe the Achilles tendon.
  • marinemomx2
    marinemomx2 Posts: 143 Member
    Love my smile, my body that is 30 lbs lighter and I have pretty nice boobs for a 47 year old!!! :wink:
  • blittle2
    blittle2 Posts: 94 Member
    Don't really like my body that's why I'm trying to get in shape but if I had to choose something today it would be my legs
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Love my chest and legs!
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    My behind! It's looking more plump and round! Instead of flabby and massive! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I love my strong muscular legs.........
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I quite like my philtrum... and my eyes are ok... I kind of like the sticky-out bone on my wrists too...
    When I'm thinner I really like my collar and hip bones :)
  • RachelVon
    RachelVon Posts: 66 Member
    I love my legs! I have been biking almost every day since the weather has been nice and I can just feel my leg muscles getting stronger!
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I love that it is 30 lbs lighter. :bigsmile:

    Seriously, I love that my face is not so round and my shoulders are getting some definition, my gut is smaller, and I feel better all around.
  • My eyes. And my life! I'm HAPPY!!!
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,227 Member
    I love that at 57, I haven't given up on being fit and healthy, unlike my sisters. I love that I've gotten to the weight I want to be. I love that I am actually excited about starting heavy lifting. Right now, I love pretty much everything about me and my life...