Male vs. Female Transformations



  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    After losing all the weight I liked my body, but it needed more definition.
    I had to pump weights among other things to get my body to look the way it does today :flowerforyou:
    I still want more definition (that means I need to continue to lean out my body) but I just started to lose fat from my breasts and I don't like that. I have to make a desission to allow my breast to get smaller to get muscle definition or allow my body to keep the amount of fat it currently has (22% to 24%) and work on muscle tone. I am not sure, I have a lot to consider. I just went down from a full D to a full C and I am ok with it, but I don't want them to get any smaller at all!!
  • I must say, that I am biased towards the Female side of the Gender spectrum... But to me, when I see before/after pictures of anyone who has lost significant weight, Females seem to look far better than their Male conterparts.

    I wonder if it has anything to do with all the bra & undies shots? :blushing:
  • tawalsh01
    tawalsh01 Posts: 9 Member
    I must say from experience LOL, It depends on the women. For so many years, women have been scared to lift weights due to the belief that they are going to bulk up like a man. Unless a women takes testosterone or steroids, it's not going to happen. That is what "bulks" a man up! I personally think lifting weights enhances the female physique. Gives us curves where we never had them or enhances what we have. I think a women with a little muscle tone is healthy and vibrant looking. Cardio is not everything. what really matters is the food we eat. Yes women are going to look different than men but we all need to strive to be a healthy version of ourselves. Too much cardio in a man or a women can actually make us loose muscle mass which can make us to weak even to do daily activities. That is just my opinion :-)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I know what you mean.