1200 Calories hmm



  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    I have been told that your are not suppose to eat your excersize calories back.

    Told by who? Every single reference on this website and in these threads says to eat your exercise calories back. The MFP calorie calculator even ups your "Remaining calories" when you add your exercise to it.

    Regardless, whoever told you this.. they are not to be trusted about anything fitness related.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    You are definitely supposed to eat back your exercise calories. I'm on 1200/day and I'm only 5'0". You should definitely be eating more. Check your height, weight and goal settings. Cheers
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    I agree with everyone here who says eat your exercise calories. If you had MFP help you set up your profile, then the program has already given you a deficit to lose weight at a healthy rate. I have been on a diet targeting 1230 for since January and have lost 11 lbs. I am working out hard and trying to build muscle as well as lose weight so today I just increased my baseline calories to 1320; and I may go up again in a while if I am still losing with these amount of calories. Search the boards- there are some good posts about staying between your BMR and TDEE and you will still lose weight.
  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 39 Member
    Thank Gawd for this topic, I was wondering the same thing. I have been hungry sometimes and have a extra 500 cals after exercise and afraid to eat them, jeez.
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    Here is a good post for those of you looking to eat more calories and still lose weight:

  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member
    And a life without potatoes and bacon--- not worth living. Seriously, don't deprive yourself, fit the foods you love into your lifestyle. Nothing should be off limits, if you plan it in.

  • anamita3
    anamita3 Posts: 11
    I am 5'9 and 135 lbs. I eat 1300 calories a day.

    You most definitely are supposed to eat those calories. If there is a green number, eat something. MFP calculates your exercise for a reason, and it's not just to look at the pretty numbers.

    Oh, and you don't have to give up all of the wonderful bacon and butter, just decrease your portions!
  • KimBernz
    KimBernz Posts: 6
    Since you are working out and exercising regularly, I think you should be able to bump up that calorie limit a couple hundred calories!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    1st of all you are well within the health weight range....
    Nothing wrong with wanting to lose a few vanity pound BUT NEVER JEOPARDIZE YOUR HEALTH FOR IT.

    Since you are already in the healthy range probably best to set your goal to lose 1/2 pound a week.
    The closer you are to your goal the slower you lose. No need to punish yourself with something completely unlivable.

    I am not going for super skinny I am really just wanting to lose the belly fat and love handles I have aquired over the last year and fit back into my summer clothes
    Sounds like you really just want to firm up a little..
    If you are not eating enough you'll lose muscle mass. Make sure you NET 1200

    Make it livable...
    If you lose, but it's torture so you give up odds are you put it all back on PLUS MORE.

    If I had to eat only 1200 I'd have given up (and I almost did)
    Then I gave myself a range
    ROCK BOTTOM: 1200 NET calories
    TARGET LOSE: 1/2 pound a week
    HIGH END: Maintain GOAL weight.
    SAFETY VALVE: Maintain current weight (remember this changes as you lose so recalculate often)

    When I was within 5 lbs of my goal every time I lost a pound instead of letting MFP take away calories I add 100 calories so that I'd be eating very near my goal weight by the time I got to my goal

    Your body is here to serve you. To be strong so you can live the life you want... go have some FUN.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    In my opinion, take EVERYONE's opinion with a grain of salt! LOL.....nothing on here is written in stone or is "expert advice"...everyone is different, goals, needs, ability to burn calories, how you gain muscle.....
    Calories (the number) is not as important as WHAT calories you are consuming...(in my personal opinion)...I have done both, eaten workout calories back, not eaten them back...and lost FAT on both approaches..it is true that 1200 calories is the minimum you should consume, not necessarily "net"......take your time, try different approaches to "caloric intake" and find what works for you...ideally if you are consuming healthy clean foods your body can use effectively, taking in adequate amounts of water, and doing a combination of cardio and resistance training in your daily workouts you will gain muscle mass, you will lose fat, and at the end of the day you will be a happier healthier, leaner you...good luck in this adventure!
  • jnamcelwain
    jnamcelwain Posts: 42 Member
    EAT your exercise calories if your hungry!!!! 1500 calories sounds more like it anyway!!!
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    What do you have your activity level set at? It might be to low for what your life is? Also eat the exercise calories back its important. 1200 calories is the very rock bottom amount for some on who sits around all day. If your doing as much exercise as you say I doubt that you should be at 1200.
  • Jgen62
    Jgen62 Posts: 66
    I am motivated to exercise by the extra calories I can eat. Always eat them back!!
  • butttrffly
    You guys are Awesome!! Thank you so much. I read it on a few forums that people had said do not eat those calories back that you lose in excersize. I am not saying that I dont eat them I was just wondering your take on the issue.And tomorrow I have decided to make my favorite meal that is brussle sprouts with bacon, baked red potatoes and Tri Tip. I think my body is just telling me that I need a potato. I cut them completly from my diet when they used to be an everyday staple in my house. I know 500 ways to make potatoes. I was feeling unmotivated earlier when I wrote this post because I had already ate most of my calories in healthy food and was starving. Rice for dinner cured that. My sister is on weight watchers and she says that with weight watchers fruit is free. I think I may stop logging my fruit and see where that gets me. I do drink a lot of water I always have, it basically is the only thing I drink and it is always next to me. Like I said I am not looking to lose a lot just get more tone and healthy. Thank you so much guys You are a huge support system. I may go by some frozen yogurt now just because!!