Do You Eat the Same Breakfast Every Day?



  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I rotate between 3 different bf`s

    1 cup special K redberry with 1/2 cup almond breeze & coffee

    nutra grain bar (normaly strawberry) & coffee

    Yoplait light yogurt & coffee

    I have a hard time eatting in the morning but I do make sure to eat one of those 3 items
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    I eat the same thing every day for about a week. Then I get bored and switch it up. I do usually rotate through the same cycle of meals, which include...

    -fruit smoothies (with protein powder)
    -greek or aussie yogurt with dry cereal (current fave: raisin bran crunch)
    -fiber one muffins & a protein shake
    -yogurt & english muffin with cream cheese

    I am not a fan of cooking in the morning. I eat a lot of eggs, but I eat them for dinner. Breakfast needs to be quick and/or something I can eat/drink in the car on the way to work.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I fast two days a week, but the other 5 days, I eat the same thing for breakfast: 1 serving of Total whole grain wheat flakes with skim milk and blueberries, 3 hard-boiled egg whites, and 4 oz. of Dannon Light & Fit carb/sugar control yogurt.

    During the week, I also eat the same things for snacks and lunch every day. It's just easier.
  • ScotinSeattle
    ScotinSeattle Posts: 62 Member
    I go through stages of changing it. Usually week to week. I was on an egg binge last month, this month it seems to be strawberry oatmeal with protein powder thrown in. The thing that never changes though is my coffee. I'm addicted. :/
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I don't eat the same thing every day. I need change, if I had to eat the same thing every day I probably just wouldn't eat lol. I sometimes eat an omelet with spinach, tomatoes and feta (like today). If I'm in a hurry I eat peanut butter on whole wheat toast and a fruit. Or sometimes I'll eat some kind of bran cereal topped with sliced banana. I eat a lot of oatmeal in the winter, but for some reason it doesn't sound good in the warmer months.

    ETA: Plus coffee of course!
  • Dovely2
    Dovely2 Posts: 6
    While I'm at work, I eat the same thing for breakfast, a Subway 6" on flat bread, egg white omelet, provolone cheese, turkey and the rest of the veggies. I found that when I eat eggs for breakfast, I stay full longer than if I ate other food, my stamina and attention span is also longer. I defnitely feel the difference on the weekends, where I sleep in (a little), grab cereal or a bagel - then I'm hungry within two hours. :glasses:
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    ...and a slice of cheese fried in butter every morning...

    A slice of cheese fried in butter?! You have just solved my "what's the most delicious thing I could eat for breakfast" dilemma.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Nope. Though I usually cycle through a few things. Eggs and whole wheat toast. Omelet (eggs or egg whites) and whole wheat toast. Oats with whey mixed in. Cottage cheese on toast. Greek yogurt /w honey. Usually have all of them with some fruit and coffee.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I usually eat special k cereal, I need the Iron. Sometimes I have a banana with it, as well.
  • turbophoenix
    I don't eat the same thing for breakfast every day, however I do have about 3 breakfasts that I cycle through:

    1. Cereal (usually either cinnamon burst or peanut butter Cheerios) with almond/coconut milk and a piece of fruit (usually a banana).

    2. A breakfast burrito. I use La Tortilla Factory Smart & Delicious Low Carb tortillas and then add scrambled eggs (usually 2 whites and 1 whole egg), then I sprinkle it with low-fat cheese and salsa. Sometimes I add turkey bacon or sausage but more often than not, I just roll with out it.

    3. Eggs (usually poached, sometimes scrambled), whole wheat toast, and turkey bacon.

    I also have coffee most mornings because it helps me to wake up - great when you have a commute! :drinker:
  • maruby95
    maruby95 Posts: 204 Member
    Same thing every day: 5-6 egg whites with a cup of chopped vegges (onion, peppers, mushrooms) and 1 slice of pepper jack cheese. And sometimes a serving a fruit. Oh, and always coffee with skim milk....absolutely necessary :).

    High protein, plus a full serving of veggies (and sometimes a fruit serving, too!)
  • americaistoxic
    I think the main thing to notice is that you're feeling a difference between the two. Since this is the case, it seems like your body responds well to having protein in the morning. Maybe having a serving of oatmeal and 1/2 cup whites or beaters would be a good compromise. I love hearing that you're in tune with your body though. That's really great!
  • mollyjackson82
    i eat oatmeal every day at work for breakfast, plain with one packet of splenda. I am working on cutting out that one packet and just eating plan. for weekends though I like to try new things and do fun recipes like doughnuts from or these triple chocolate chunk muffines from the recipe area on here
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i do. 2 eggs, english muffin, half a slice of cheese, serrano peppers. w/o the peppers there is no chance i could do it. it would be too bland.
  • sweetaj
    sweetaj Posts: 30 Member
    I pretty much have plain oatmeal w/a splenda and ground cinnamon every morning for the last month. Haven't tired of it, actually look forward to it!

    If i'm in a rush on the weekends, I will have an Atkins vanilla pre made protein shake. I always keep those on hand.
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    I eat an egg sandwich that I make everyday- 1 egg scrambled w/ fat free milk, 1 slice of cheese on toasted white bread, 1/2 c chocolate lowfat and 1/2 c fat free milk & you if I change it up I'm hungry too soon so I'm sticking to this it seems to be working!!
  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    I usually eat oatmeal 5 days a week with 5 chopped walnut halves and a few blueberries in it. I change it up once in awhile with spices like nutmeg and cinnamon and different kinds of fruit. On weekends I like eggs but it's not as satisfying for me as the oatmeal and when I am working I have a very long time between breakfast at 6 and lunch at 12:30.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I eat a Special K bar on weekdays at work because I'm not that hungry in the mornings but need a little something to put in my stomach. On weekends I don't eat breakfast because I sleep through it.
  • KateB1982
    KateB1982 Posts: 107 Member
    Yep, I eat Kashi Go Lean cereal with 1% milk probably 5-6 mornings per week. I might make myself an egg white omelette on a weekend morning and have some weight watchers cinnamon raisin toast as well. Yum!
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Weekdays I have a bagel. Either cinnamon/raisin or onion with a sliced tomato. At work lunch is always a cup of hot marmite and a banana.
    Weekends I treat myself to a lie in, so eat later and combine it with lunch calories so have a yummy bowl of porridge which lasts till my evening meal.
    Works for me!