Encouraging words you tell yourself to stop overeating



  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    When I'm really craving something and I start eating and I don't want to over indulge, this sounds kind of gross, but I eat little bits, and then I just take about an extra 5 seconds to hold it in my mouth and I really savor it. After a few bites, I stop and I say to myself.....are you done now, you've had the satisfaction of tasting it, anymore and it'll ruin everything you've worked toward so far. I don't deny myself things, I just go to the gym a little longer, or I only nibble just enough to get the taste of it to satisfy my craving.

    I hope that helps a little! Good Luck!! :)
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    "I know I will feel like a slug if I eat this" and that's usually enough.
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Being fit feels better than ANYTHING tastes

  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I don't talk to myself. I only talked to the cat. he says, " Don't eat that"
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    "Thank God I don't keep chips in my house, otherwise I'd totally destroy a bag right now"
    "I'm glad I buy Quakes instead of chips, they come in snack packs."

    Honestly, I just don't keep food around unless I can reasonably control it.
  • majik0516
    majik0516 Posts: 52 Member
    If I'm feeling tempted I will look at the label and see how many calories in a serving and the serving size, more often then not your not getting a very big serving for the amount of calories you'd be wasting. And really how long would that bag of chips keep you happy? Not long I'm willing to bet. So its better to not even go there, the guilt of eating them will last a lot longer then you will even be able to taste them.
  • Kiris2
    Kiris2 Posts: 87 Member
    "Oh my gosh.... do I really want to have to list that on my diary for everyone to see??!!" And, to tell y'all, I have been amazingly honest about what I eat in the 15 days I've logged. I made nice, crispy, brown biscuits this morning, I REALLY wanted one---or five---my husband said "why not have one?", my reply to him was "I can't list that for everyone to see and I'd have to tell them" :) Good luck, those feelings WILL pass.
  • o_delaisse
    o_delaisse Posts: 193 Member
    I ask myself, "Do I REALLY want these?" When I think about it, I don't, so I think, "Problem solved" and I do my best to forget about them.

    Lord knows, I know it's a lot harder than that. But I have learned I really am in control, and I don't have to do anything I don't want to do. If I don't want them, then I walk away. If I can say with my hand on my heart I do want them, and I feel fine about having them and it won't put me off my goals, then I eat them and distract myself from guilty thoughts.

    All that comes with practice, I think :)
  • vivifsu
    vivifsu Posts: 16
    i can either eat what I want or be the size that I want NOT BOTH!
  • tonihayden
    sad but true....i try to think of how my guy can't take his eyes off the skinny girls and i think of that. It's disgusting i know..........i shud get rid of him and keep the chips...LOL.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I like "Swimsuit!" :bigsmile:
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    From another MFPer:

    "Don't give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment"
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    I am not too bad with the comfort eating, but I find it hard to get off the couch and get to the gym. Then I remember something I saw on Pintrest "Sweat is just the fat crying". That always makes me feel at little badass and excited to sweat.
  • EoinMag
    EoinMag Posts: 25 Member
    If I want to eat them I do, then I hop on the crosstrainer for a while longer.
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    I've got a couple of things that I try:

    1) If I catch myself before I've eaten way too many servings of fave foods - I get up, get a water bottle, and take a walk around the block. I clears my head, and I usually come up with other things I could be doing besides eating.
    2) I'll call my sister or a friend and ask her to tell me something happy about her day
    3) If I don't catch myself and I'm feeling like crap cuz I just ate away all of the hard work I put into exercise that day (or worse yet my overeating is on top of NOT exercising), I'll toss whatever's left in the bag and set my alarm a half an hour earlier so that I have time to get in a little extra walk in the morning.

    Best option I've heard - put a before picture of yourself next to your favorite snack spot as a deterrent. And, you can always look to the people on MFP for support :smile:
  • FunandFitMom
    FunandFitMom Posts: 146 Member
    LOVE that! I think I may have to steal it (I don't plan on giving it back) :wink:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    gosh i need to read these. i've been emotional eating for a while now and i need to get a grip! i had gotten over that when i lost when a year or so back and for the past few months its been nothing but...i'm bored lets eat. i'm happy lets eat. let's celerbate and go out and eat. UGH! need to stop that!
  • MandyMcAwesome
    MandyMcAwesome Posts: 109 Member
    Also, I have a list of things I need to do around the house. Anytime I think I am hungry when I know it's just being board, I look at the list and do something. It's hard to think about chips when you are cleaning out a closet.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I really don't have words of encouragement but I know this has worked for me so far. I have been battling food addiction pretty much most of my adult life. If I wanted something, I would eat it. That is what has lead to me being overweight. Ever since February 9, 2012 I came to the conclusion I was addicted to food/overeating. Ever since then I have had an easier time dealing with cravings. They still happen to me and I would love to tear into a lot of my old foods but that is what is working for me. It doesn't make it easier for me I think I just recognize what is happening. Whenever I get the impulse for something I know it is my addiction talking and not my body for nourishment.
    TIDDYBEAR Posts: 63 Member
    Go grab some of your "fat" clothes that don't fit anymore. Put them on to show you your progress! That will remind you that you DO NOT want to gain that weight back, and should stop you from eating something you shouldn't.