Does anyone feel the same? (Lost weight but still feel fat?)



  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I feel that way often when I get overly bloated and when I plateau. I'll stop losing weight for 7-10 days and feel like I'm a total screw up instead of feeling like I've accomplished so much. Seems that the negative feelings concerning my weight are 10 times stronger than the positive ones. I've really been in a funk lately since I'm between sizes. I'm between 18 & 16 and I got totally obsessed with the scale and with underfeeding myself to try to lose more. I've taken 2 weeks off to get myself straightened out and feel like a person again instead of that constant obsession with what to eat, when to eat, how to eat... eat, eat, eat, eat. Bah! I'm real... I'm doing more real stuff for myself. If I have a snack, then so be it. I don't have to beat myself up over it as much as I have been. I've lost nearly 100 lbs. and still feel like a fat girl. :(
  • Vivalabosie
    I feel the same way EVERYTIME!! =/ IDK why either though!
  • tarak83
    tarak83 Posts: 40
    Absolutely. When people compliment me I'm thinking in my head... you haven't seen me naked!! I lost the majority of my weight 6 years ago and I'm technically at a healthy weight now, but I'm disgusted with what I'm seeing standing naked in the mirror. Cellulite on my legs and butt.. the bane of my existence! Loose skin.. ugh.

    I just keep telling myself that if I don't like what I see then to change it. I've decided to start lifting weights because apparently that's the only way to tighten things up a bit and get rid of the cottage cheese thighs! My dumbbells arrived this morning. Time to get my butt in gear!
  • brittdaw32
    I have found that it's about loving yourself no matter what the numbers or sizes say. I have never been super overweight, just chubby, and I didn't like myself then and I didn't like myself when I was really slim right before my wedding. So when I was skinny I was unhappy, when I was chubby I was unhappy and it made me realize that happiness comes from within. And it doesn't matter if a girl is a size 0 or a size 20, when they are truly happy with themselves you can tell.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Absolutely! I was trying to explain it to someone who was calling me "skinny girl" the other night and when I was stumbling through an explanation of how I still feel like the fat girl she used the word anorexic which made me cringe. I'm afraid to talk about it because I feel like people think I'm fishing for compliments, but it's there...

    Makes me think maybe I should have kept just one pair of the size 26 jeans around to try on when I can't escape the feeling that I haven't really changed.
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    Both my wife and I have lost weight: her 25 and me 40. What we found that worked was not in buying new clothes, but doing activities that we didn't do before. She is training for a marathon. I am riding my bike on centuries and planning a five day bike self contained bike tour this summer. Those are things we would not have done when we weighted more.

    Even so, I know I look in the mirror and still see the same guy that weighed 40 pounds more.
  • mitsia
    mitsia Posts: 3 Member
    Although I've never been "fat" per se, I also have an image of myself that's hard to shake. Even though several inches have come off, and i'm almost 20 lbs lighter than i was at my heaviest, and i pretty much see the difference every time i look in the mirror, I still strive for an EVEN BETTER me. I think it's totally natural, and yes, with time these images of ourselves will readjust. It doesn't help that we may have unrealistic expectations, too, with all the media airbrushed super-beautiful unrealistic images we are so inundated by everywhere. All we can strive to be is the best version of ourselves. And yes, you may lose weight and have more cellulite, or feel like clothes now don't fit right (i used to fit perfectly in one size and now i'm between sizes and it drives me nuts), but we are every day becoming healthier, stronger, and leaner, and that is the most important thing!
    But i look at everyone that's posted here and your tickers, and think, holy cow! I could NEVER lose 80lbs if i had to! (or 100 or 125). It's the "stick-to-it-iveness" that i'm so impressed by when i see that, and I'm so proud of everyone that's been that successful! I'm truly just amazed at the gumption it takes to stick to a goal so steadfastly and successfully! It's just a constant reminder that every small choice we make every day does add up in the long run. If we stick to it, we will all get there!
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I have lost almost 15 pounds of the 35 I want to lose but I dont see any difference. My boyfriend says there a huge difference but I guess we look at ourselves everyday and dont notice. I took my before pictures at the begining of march and will take them the same day in April I am hoping to see the difference. Hang in there.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Yes! I have my days I feel hot and days I feel like I'm freaking "fat" but I'm sure that it's all mental :indifferent:
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    I feel it too. Not all the time but alot if the time. I feel like a smaller version of my fat self. Like my hips have shrunk but there is still fat on them. I would rather be wider still with no chub on the side. Same with my thighs I would rather them be bigger with no celullite the smaller with lots. PlUs I have no boobs either. :( I just hope to keep goin and eventually I will see what I want in the mirror

    OMG!!! I say this ALL THE TIME!!! Those EXACT words.. " a smaller version of my fat self" Very frustrating..
  • Sabresgal63
    Sabresgal63 Posts: 641 Member
    This is called body dismorphia. It's common. And it can cause you to give up. DON'T!

    Do something, put something one, hear someone and realize HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME and REFUSE to GO BACK!

    It's much harder the second time around.

    I agree and also dig deep to find that "Good something" that is how you can walk farther, breathe easier, you don't jiggle so much when you walk........stuff like that
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    I dont see the difference in myself either....but I FEEL the difference. When I started walking I couldn't walk around the block...Today at lunch I walked over 1 mile in just @ 23 min. That may not be to fast but for was!!! I see it in little things
    like that each and every keeping up with my 6yr old granddaughter dancing...before I would sit and watch she will sit after awhile and watch ME!!!

    Dig Deep!!

  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    Absolutely! I was trying to explain it to someone who was calling me "skinny girl" the other night and when I was stumbling through an explanation of how I still feel like the fat girl she used the word anorexic which made me cringe. I'm afraid to talk about it because I feel like people think I'm fishing for compliments, but it's there...

    Makes me think maybe I should have kept just one pair of the size 26 jeans around to try on when I can't escape the feeling that I haven't really changed.

    Same here, lol. I had someone call me skinny minnie last weekend, and I'm like what?? I'm still a size 14 (my biggest was also size 26) I tried explaining to her how I don't see myself as different. Sure I'm more active, blah, blah, blah, but I still see myself as the fat girl. She instantly started looking at me weird, lol. Guess only people that have been there can truly understand.
  • scthomas01
    scthomas01 Posts: 17 Member
    i so feel u on this!! i had somebody call me "skinny minny" the other day and tell me that i don't need to lose anymore weight, i told her that i was trying to lose 17 more pounds and she was like "why, u look good like u are." but of course i don't see it like that. i got in to a size 12 the other day and i haven't been in a size 12 since 1997!!! i know going from a size 18-20 to a 12 is a big accomplishment but sometimes i still see the old me when i look in the mirror. i think as women we will never be satisfied with how we look no matter how small we get!!
  • ocylott
    ocylott Posts: 31
    when I was big, I always thought I looked better than I did...until I saw pics and realized I looked like hell.
    This works in reverse, too. Take pictures. We look at ourselves in the mirror every day, so we're used to ignoring the image we see there and replacing it with our mental image. But when you see a photograph, you're much more likely to see yourself as you really are.
  • ChristineNicole81
    Yes, I now feel like instead of fat, I am "skinny fat". I have been working so hard to tone and it just isn't getting anywhere quick. I know toning takes more time, but the fact that my thighs still rub together after losing 30 lbs makes me feel nasty. Not to mention now my butt and thighs REALLY jiggle when I walk now, so no shorts, skirts or bikini for me! Nasty...
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Constantly! I have lost 66lbs and I still hate my body. Some pics I can tell, some I cant. But I felt this way when I was in high school. At 180lbs I felt the same way I felt at 361lbs at my heaviest as I feel now at 295. It's frustrating. I'm wearing smaller everything, but I still see the same fatty in the mirror and hate her for making me miserable....I feel a blog coming on.
  • TheHerbGarden
    I really didn't think many, if any at all, people would feel the same. I've read every single post and agree with everyone of you. You're right this is going to take time to adjust to. Thanks to all that have posted and its good to know we are not alone in our thinking. We will get there :flowerforyou:
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 428 Member
    Yes I feel exactly the same way... I've lost 37lbs and I feel my body still looks the same:frown: Im hoping once i get to 125lbs i wnt feel this way
  • anacapenados
    anacapenados Posts: 13 Member
    Oh! my God I thought I was the only one felt that way, reading your comments made me realize that at least I'm not going crazy, I've lost 25pounds everybody says I look "skinny" I think they are lying, I am using old cloth that didn't fit anymore (4 sizes less) but everybody tells me that they look big and that I have to start buying new outfits. I'm afraid to go shopping, I'm afraid that I'll still be size 16 ... or that I have only lost 1 size and everybody is just lying to encourage me... I have a weird feeling I never had befor or in other times I've lost weight.

    I still have to lose 20 pounds, maybe when I lose them I'll feel ok.