How skinny is too skinny?



  • msbellzee
    msbellzee Posts: 69
    I used to think you could never be too skinny, but now I'm in my 40's I really feel women over a certain age just don't look good really skinny.

    In general, I think as long as one is healthy and happy with how they look and feel other people have no right to comment.
  • ErnestinesMom
    Bethanny Frankel is an example of too skinny. Shoot for a healthy fit body...Jillian comes to mind.
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    People are starting to tell me that all the time now...SO ANNOYING. I do look pretty skinny in my clothes because most of my tops are flowy/baggy or because I was hiding my gut before I lost my weight and now they swallow me a little, but in fitted clothes or naked I don't think I look too skinny.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Hard to say, of course can't put a weight limit or BMI on it due to different builds, muscle mass, height etc. But yeah I think when its actually causing health problems is when its an issue.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    A lady asked me at work last week how much i've lost, i said 13 lbs. She asked how much more I wanted to lose and I said 22. She was like "Oh no! Where is it going to come from, that's far too much" I felt like yelling "LOOK LADY, I've been 150 lbs before, and it's fine, it's healthy, it's in the midrange of where i should be for my height!!!" I'm still in the overweight category right now.

    But I couldn't yell at her, because she's the manager :)
  • juliesummers
    juliesummers Posts: 738 Member
    When you are having health problems from being underweight. Otherwise I think it is no ones business


    I agree that severe health issues are the marker of too "skinny" -- although really, health problems are just a marker of not eating properly and that's not necessarily related to her weight at all. You can be super skinny and be perfectly healthy, active, and nourished, and I don't think that's a problem at all.

    Also, in my opinion, unless you're the person's loved one/family member, it's not your business at all even if they are unhealthy.
  • jennapony
    jennapony Posts: 73 Member
    There's a woman in my gym who is probably about 5'10" and weighs (maybe) 100 pounds
    I thought at first she might be seriously ill because that's how thin she is; after looking at her though she obviously tans and runs for over an hour everytime I see her
    I think that is too thin; my first thought when I saw her was that she was deathly ill.
    I want to ask her if she is trying to lose weight because it looks like she is, but it's not my place to judge I guess
  • LovesGG
    LovesGG Posts: 241 Member
    I feel like I'm too skinny. I'm borderline underweight on the BMI chart and just feel unhealthy in general (trust me you'll know it doesn't feel right). I think my health will improve when I'm closer to the middle of my "acceptable" range. Ribs are also not a good sign. You need some fat on you to help protect your organs and all that scientific stuff.
  • Fourmenandalady28
    This very topic crossed my mind recently and I would say too skinny is when it becomes a health issue other than that, people should, in my opinion, mind their own business. It's kind of weird to me that ppl will tell you when you are "too small" but no one tells you when you are too big smh ppl! Thx for posting this topic It's nice to know I wasn't alone on this one :)
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    People say this because they r used to seeing u bigger they can't fathom that u would be anything but so when u r its like OMG now don't get too small...but ironically no one was telling me don't get too I am 5'7.5 my goal is to get to 150 which is in my healthy BMI range and toned and if I am comfortable with how my body looks I will stop and maintain if not ill keep going but ain't go below my lowest BMI #;)
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    When you are having health problems from being underweight. Otherwise I think it is no ones business
    I agree with this!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Differs for everyone. I personally like to stay more on the curvy side, so too skinny for me (at my height, not quite 5'4) is a higher weight than it would be for someone my height who wanted to be very slim.

    My goal weight is 140. I was 135 through high school/college. My low weight (after having mono) was 120-125 and I was told all the time I was 'too skinny' at that weight.
  • patriot201
    patriot201 Posts: 117 Member
    I have seen some women who look downright anorexic, in my opinion. So my question is, how skinny is too skinny?

    *Shudder* There is no such thing as "looking anorexic."

    People with anorexia nervosa come in all shapes and sizes. You CANNOT tell by looking at someone if he/she has anorexia or not. You also cannot tell by looking at that person how healthy or unhealthy he/she is. Many of the many, many deaths due to anorexia are people of normal or above-normal weight.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    I know I have been too skinny (about a year ago) even though I was in my healthy weight range. I couldn't eat regular meals and had to work out like crazy to maintain it, and eventually I swung the other way and have gained back all but 10lbs of my original weight loss. As much as I liked the numbers 130 and size 4, they didn't work for me. This time I'll stick to 135/140 and size 6. "too skinny" is relative because I don't think someone would hear 5'4" and 130 and say that's too skinny but for me it took eating less than 1,000 calories and running and spinning, both, everyday. Too skinny is a weight you cannot maintain in a healthy way.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Too skinny is when you're not longer healthy.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    If you need to eat in an unhealthy manner to get and stay that way.

    Someone can be technically a normal weight, but if they need to eat at near starvation levels to stay at that weight, it's not a healthy weight for them as an individual.

    Do you think this also applies the other way? If I am eating 2300+ calories per day with 1-1.5hours of exercise (mixture of strength and cardio) and maintaining that my weight is probably not too low?

    Absolutely. See my post right above lol. And if that's you in your profile I think you look very fit!
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    I agree when people say "when it's a health issue" but it's really not that simple. What consitutes a health issue? I was underweight for many years. I look back at pictures and cringe because I looked so bad. Yet I never had any health issues.

    My dad said he used to be afraid to hug me, because I was so fragile. Now he uses a hug as an excuse to make sure he can't feel my ribs through my back. So I guess my answer is: you're too skinny when people are afraid to hug you.
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    when you reach the point of being unhealthy.

    if your a woman, and you've lost your period and your skin/hair is drying out. you have an issue. xP

    i think different weights and body types are healthy on different ppl. so i think that as long as your healthy and feel good it shouldnt matter. but the things i mentioned above are signs your body fat is too low. >~<


    and your hair is thinning/falling out
  • captndalton
    captndalton Posts: 53 Member
    confidence trumps shape any day... look like you want to
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    Just my 2 cents but they probably are just used to seeing you with more meat on your bones than usual when i had lost alot of weight years ago my mom actually sat me down and asked if she had something to be worried about LOL (which is nice she was concerned but just wasnt the case) but i told her at m height and my frame this weight was perfectbly acceptable lol