I am sooo tired of this plateau!



  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member

    Yea I'm a kid when it comes to cereal! Lol I love Special K too! I will def. try a healthier cereal and almond milk sounds delcious!!!

    I love kid cereal too, Fruity Pebbles is my favorite, but I try to make it a treat instead of my daily cereal. I wouldn't worry about it if it fits into your macros and fills you up.
    I agree with everyone else who said drink more water. I've been drinking about 8-10 glasses a day (64-80 oz) and a trainer just told me to up it to a gallon (128oz!)!!!! It's my new goal, but it's hard to do!
  • CourtneyB610
    Thanks everyone for all of your input! I'm just going to try to cut out cereal all together.. and tomorrow is pay day, so I'll be going to the store to get some fresh fruit and veggies. :) I'm also going to change my weight loss per week on here, and take into consideration everything you all said! Thanks for all of the feedback, I really appreciate the honesty, since that's what I'm looking for! :)
  • CourtneyB610
    Why is it that when I changed my weight loss from 1.5 lbs a week to .5 lbs. a week did my calorie intake go up so much?
  • LucyBWL57
    LucyBWL57 Posts: 17
    One lb is 3500 calories. That would be 500 calories more per day. Is that how much it went up?
  • lisaidem
    lisaidem Posts: 194 Member
    Why is it that when I changed my weight loss from 1.5 lbs a week to .5 lbs. a week did my calorie intake go up so much?

    Courtney--to lose 1.5 pounds a week you have to burn 5,250 calories more than you consume. To lose .5 pounds a week, you only have to burn 1,750 more calories than you consume. By decreasing the amount you lose each week (good choice I think since you are only 6 pounds away), you can eat more, and that will hopefully give you more energy to do some more weight lifting or sprint intervals.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Upping my calories helped me break through my plateau. I took a week of maintenance and basically ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I lost 1.5 pounds during that time too. I'm now at 136 as well and it seems to be going down again. My situation may be a little different, however. I normally eat at least 1500 calories a day and eat whatever I want on the weekends. I also do very intense exercise, but only 5 times a week.
  • hkatrobos
    hkatrobos Posts: 49
    Where are those fruits and veggies girlie?! This is what I would do if I were you.. (assuming you are not a vegetarian/vegan)

    Up your calorie intake to 1400-1500 a day
    Stop eating coco pebbles for breakfast! If you are a chocolate monster try Silk Almond Milk Dark Chocolate.. full of calcium, filling, and yummy!!
    Eat more lean protein like chicken, any sort of fish, lean pork... etc
    Keep your carbs to 30 g a day and reallllllyyyy try to reach your goal with the protein
    Work out that extra 5 minutes for a full 30 min workout and EAT BACK your workout calories!!
    Also, eat small portions frequently!!
    Good luck :)
  • CourtneyB610
    I'm going to the grocery store tonight once I get paid to get some fresh fruit and veggies!!! And getting some higher protein foods and healthier stuff!! I always thought I was doing good because my calories would be low, and that's all I focused on. Didn't realize how bad the foods are I am eating!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Check your sodium and potassium. You don't want to have too much or too little of either as they regulate your body's water. Increase your protein. Stop doing the cardio OR eat more calories. And strength train at least twice a week.
  • MinimizingMichelle
    MinimizingMichelle Posts: 96 Member
    Sometimes your diet and exercise routine could use a shake-up. Increase your calories by 100-200 per day, eat lots of protein in the morning, and when you're at the gym do your routine backwards. Sounds silly, but it works!
  • ArmandoG28
    ArmandoG28 Posts: 283 Member
    ELIPTICAL is the biggest liar on burned calories ! jog and if you can t walk fast at an incline . eat youre burned clories also .. hope it help[s
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Are you doing any weight lifting? Increasing muscle mass may actually help you reach your goal. Have you changed the TYPE of cardio you're doing? After a while your body builds up muscle memory and begins to get a lot more efficient at what you're doing. A new workout DVD may be what you need to break the awful plateau!

    I am doing some weight lifting!! And I stick to the elliptical usually because I seem to burn the most calories on that! I go to the Gym 6 days a week too. Thank you for the tips!!

    Weight lifting is not about burning cals (though it certainly does).

    You need to be thinking about BODY RECOMPOSITION! When you only have a few pounds to lose it's very difficult. Don't think so much about weight as body fat. Two women with the same weight and different body fat percentages look very differently. See here: http://www.leighpeele.com/body-fat-pictures-and-percentages

    My advice to lift heavy, eat clean (and more!) and understand that changing your body at this point isn't about cutting calories or doing more time on the elliptical. Quite the opposite in fact.
  • down_ell_beez
    down_ell_beez Posts: 23 Member
    You should switch up your exercise routine. The body, atleast mine, once it gets comfortable doing an exercise doesn't seem to burn lbs from it. Just switch the cardio. If you always to elliptical, try going for a run outside, or swimming laps in the pool. Mix in sprint/jogs, try a set of tabata's with pushups, situps, and air squats. Just get creative to keep the body guessing. Just my 2 cents.
  • mcrim5
    mcrim5 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey girl, not only is eating enough very important... but eating the right things. Try to shop on the outsides of the grocery store so that you are buying less processed items. Also, alot of people think that calorie counting is what is going to make you lose weight, which is right to an extent.... you should also look at sugars, fats, carbs ect. ALWAYS look at the nutritional content before you buy. Do you have a heart rate monitor? I have found by personal experience that the training machines tell me that I am burning more calories then I am actually burning. Might be something to look into. I hope this helps a little, and I wish you luck in pushing through this plateau :)
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    It has been a couple months now that I have been stuck at 136, and I can not seem to get the scale to budge! I want to get down to 130 in the worst way. I have changed my eating. I upped my cardio from 10 minutes to 25 6 days a week. And I'm taking CLA. I don't know what I am doing wrong that I can't shed a pound! My diary if open if anyone would like to view it to tell me if I'm eating anything horribly bad for me. I'd love some tips, pointers, or advice. I came across SparkPeople.com and saw that they can make you a personalized nutrition chart and training chart to get you to where you want to be but I'm skeptical. Thanks!!

    I recommend trying the 1st cycle of the 17 Day diet. That really help the scale move for me.. Since you only have 6lbs to lose this will surely help. :)

    ^^ This. Since the principle of the 17 day diet is eating clean and cutting out processed food, eating lean protein, veggies, fruit, yogurt, healty fats and drinking green tea (and going low-carb) for the first cycle (which is the first 17 days), I have not seen ANYONE who has not lost weight on the first cycle.

    Good luck! Also teaches you what other people are talking about when they say "eating clean" :)
  • CourtneyB610
    Check your sodium and potassium. You don't want to have too much or too little of either as they regulate your body's water. Increase your protein. Stop doing the cardio OR eat more calories. And strength train at least twice a week.

    I'm addicted to cardio.. so I'll up my calories!! :)) And I'm strength training now!
  • CourtneyB610
    Sometimes your diet and exercise routine could use a shake-up. Increase your calories by 100-200 per day, eat lots of protein in the morning, and when you're at the gym do your routine backwards. Sounds silly, but it works!

    I'm def. uping my calories, and the backwards idea is really good!!! Lol I'll do that today!!!
  • CourtneyB610
    ELIPTICAL is the biggest liar on burned calories ! jog and if you can t walk fast at an incline . eat youre burned clories also .. hope it help[s

    How is it a liar. :( I love it! Lol..
  • CourtneyB610
    Are you doing any weight lifting? Increasing muscle mass may actually help you reach your goal. Have you changed the TYPE of cardio you're doing? After a while your body builds up muscle memory and begins to get a lot more efficient at what you're doing. A new workout DVD may be what you need to break the awful plateau!

    I am doing some weight lifting!! And I stick to the elliptical usually because I seem to burn the most calories on that! I go to the Gym 6 days a week too. Thank you for the tips!!

    Weight lifting is not about burning cals (though it certainly does).

    You need to be thinking about BODY RECOMPOSITION! When you only have a few pounds to lose it's very difficult. Don't think so much about weight as body fat. Two women with the same weight and different body fat percentages look very differently. See here: http://www.leighpeele.com/body-fat-pictures-and-percentages

    My advice to lift heavy, eat clean (and more!) and understand that changing your body at this point isn't about cutting calories or doing more time on the elliptical. Quite the opposite in fact.

    I'm going grocery shopping this evening to get clean foods!!! :)))