What changes have you made to your grocery shopping habits?

I have tried to make subtle changes because I know that I will end up quitting if I go too extreme too fast.

So, I decided I would just try to gradually incorporate small changes into my shopping trips. These are more like psychological *tricks* to me, rather than actual dietary changes.

For instance, I have started buying small bananas instead of the biggest ones I could find. Same goes for eggs, or anything that I can pick out the smallest of.

I buy half-gallons of milk now, instead of gallons. I figure having less to begin with will make me ration it more, thereby drinking less automatically.

I'll buy the grapefruit sections in a jar, or the apples already sliced, etc.. I used to buy the whole fruit but then I wouldn't eat it and it would get thrown out. It's more expensive this way, but not as expensive as having the whole grapefruit rot in the fridge, right! :)

I'll buy the bagged salad mixes and the already-chopped onion/pepper/whatever....anything I can get where the work has already been done for me, so that I'm less likely to put off using it til it rots.

I can't "do" fat-free. I know if I buy a container of fat-free ANYTHING it will sit there until I throw it away. So, I buy "Lite" now, and just try to be careful about how much I use.

I bought some "Butter Buds" (I think that's the name...?)... haven't tried them yet, but hopefully it will make a decent substitution for butter/margarine.

I broke down and started drinking Crystal Light. I don't like the chemicals in it but I figure it's no worse than having been 100 pounds overweight for the last 20 years, and possibly the next 20!

OK, so those last 3 were actually *dietary* changes, but whatever :)

Also, I try to go shopping late at night, after the deli is closed!

These are just some things off the top of my head. I'm hoping the little changes will add up to big changes (in me!) Of course, I've also started an exercise routine but that's another thread :)

So what other little changes did you guys find yourself making in your food choices when you shop?


  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    try to stick to the outside walls of the store! Fresh everything! only minimum in the middle where the packaged products are!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I do most of my shopping from the outer perimeter of the grocery store: veggies, some fruit, meat, dairy. There are some exceptions to this: frozen veggies and raspberries, canned coconut milk, oils (olive and coconut) and vinegars and a few condiments when I need them. Occasionally I'll get my husband some cereal too :)
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    My big change was I read the labels for calories and nutrition. The cell phone app lets me get data on things like meats that aren't labeled. As I do this more, I hope I'll learn enough so I don't have to read every time.
  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 160 Member
    one of my changes is that I take my time in the grocery store and read labels. I also buy one new item a week to try. This week it was Kale.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I mostly shop the perimater of the store as well. I only go "inside" for canned tomatoes, tuna etc. I really read labels. I avoid anything labelled "healthy" "low fat" etc... I also now do most of my shopping at the farmers market when it's in season and/or the produce store, and I have an amazing butcher with grass fed meat. I buy fruit and veggie in season and freeze it. I eat blueberries everyday and am lucky to live near some amazing "no spray" farms so when season comes I buy up about 100lbs and freeze them.
  • KLavallee322
    KLavallee322 Posts: 86 Member
    More Veggies that I have ever purchased in my life, no sodas, and no going down the cookie isle anymore and grabbing a package. I also stopped buying cakes & brownies to bake at home. If they are sitting on my counter, I will take a piece each time I walk by it.
  • oma5
    oma5 Posts: 37 Member
    I usually go with a shopping list, and mainly shop the perimeter or the stores as well. I have 5 days worth of meal plans, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The other two days are left overs or other plans. I have more veggies and protein and cutting back on starches and processed food.
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    try to stick to the outside walls of the store! Fresh everything! only minimum in the middle where the packaged products are!

    I came in here to say this exact same thing.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I've changed EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! I mostly buy fruit and veggies now, I buy protein bars for snacks instead of cookies. Any canned goods are veggies and beans, whole grains are always a staple (instead of something I heard of once) I limit the amount of boxed snacks we buy (but the kids do like to have some treats for school) tofu is something I now buy and look forward to instead of sneering at and almond milk is loaded into my cart by the gallons!!!!

    I shop with a list and a meal plan and buy according to what I plan on making for the week and if there is left over money then we can buy special items.

    I made a 100% turn around in how I eat.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    try to stick to the outside walls of the store! Fresh everything! only minimum in the middle where the packaged products are!

    That is what we have learned to do. I sometimes will wander down the center aisles but am careful on what we buy. Trying to not deny myself everything - it has not worked in the past!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    These are all great!

    I can totally relate to shopping the perimeter. I swear, I have to literally hide my eyes as I walk past certain aisles (like cereal or rice or bread....carbs get me every time). I'm not doing "low-carb", per se, but I did have to cut out bread products. No more bread, bagels, rolls, etc. Which, coincidentally, means no more peanut butter, cream cheese or butter, LOL. And that's a good thing.

    A shopping list is good, too. If I go in without any real plan, I am screwed, LOL. Make a list and stick to it!

    Plus, I'd always heard "Don't go shopping when you're hungry" and I'd never really paid any attention to it. Well, I can now say, it definitely helps. When I go shopping when I'm starving, I think I go temporarily insane. I buy crap that I'd never ordinarily buy. And then I eat it because I don't want to waste it.
  • bluecal822
    bluecal822 Posts: 21 Member
    I make a grocery list and STICK TO IT
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Leave my husband home while I grocery shop.... the poor guy cant figure out half the stuff I put on a grocery list... lol!!!!
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    My shopping cart has gone from something I was embarrassed about to something I'm proud of...is that weird?! :laugh: I have a very small grocery budget, between $50-75 a week for a family of 4, so I have to be frugal and plan. I use to think that meant "unhealthy" but it doesn't! I've made a commitment to having more fruits and veggies than anything else in the house. I read labels. I try to try a new food every week, or at least research something new I see in the store. My shopping trips are quick and easy now, not so daunting and time-consuming.
  • tannerk8
    tannerk8 Posts: 2 Member
    I too am doing small changes at a time. I changed out flavored coffee creamer for no-sugar vanilla almond milk.
    I also changed to greek yogurt. I buy the frozen bags of fuit- mixed berry, strawberry and peaches- and will thaw and blend what I need and add them to the yogurt. That way I can change the yogurt flavor by day, so i don't get bored-- OR I add a little granola to it.
    SO these are more diet changes, then grocery changes, nut-- it's working for me!
  • My major change has been spending more time in the produce section than the frozen ;)

    All of my previous favorites were in the frozen - waffles, frozen meals, ice cream, pies, etc.

    Now I spend most of my time (and money!) on the fresh veggies and fruit!
  • divamimi09
    divamimi09 Posts: 38 Member
    Me too...try to stick with fresh fruits and veggies and healthy meat selections (I dont like fish). I buy vitamin water (gave up soda 1 year ago)....and things like pomegranate juice or diet cranberry juice. I also like cheese, so despite it's fat content, I try to "treat" myself with a good wedge of blue cheese or hard cheese from the specialty cheese section. Anything in a box or "white" i clearly stay away from. Even my husband is joining in this journey.

    Good Luck!!! :)

    PS: I also try to go to the supermarket at nite or early sunday morning (after breakfast)!
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    My cart is usually full of veggies and fruits before i ever leave the produce department :) I avoid the chip/cookie/soda isle like the plague :)
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Stay on the outside isles,..fruit, veggies, meat, fish , dairy & Im done.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :smile: Not much just smaller amouts ....:flowerforyou:
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    First of all I love the question you posted and I like that you are making small but significant changes that fits your lifestyle as it should be a lifestyle change. Like the second poster said, I tend to buy foods on the outer "ailes". Foods that came from the ground or meats. I've moved to mainly clean eating so I try to stay away from anything that comes from a can. I've learned to look at the nutritional information and reading the ingredients. Since I buy so many veggies I find myself going 2-3 times to the store to get more because I like to eat it as fresh as possible.

    These changes werent done overnight and I still eat processed food (Chef Boyardee are one of my faves!) but I've slowly modified my purchases and lifestyle and will eventually eat 100% clean (hopefully).
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I have almost totally cut out boxed meals. The only exception is that I buy my daughters the Fit & Active meals for their school lunches because they get bored with PBJ on whole wheat. I haven't bought white bread in years--that was one of the first changes I made way back when. I don't buy white rice anymore, I only use whole wheat flour and whole wheat pasta. I buy WAY more fresh and frozen fruits/veggies--I stopped buying all canned veggies unless I get them free (I'm a frugal shopper). I don't buy fruit packed in syrup for the kids--it has to be in juice or they can't have it. I only buy organic sugar and other natural sweeteners (agave, stevia, raw honey). I buy unsweetened almond milk instead of the regular almond milk, and I don't buy anything but 1% or fat free cow's milk (rarely). The only (rare) potato chips I buy for the kids are the baked, and I keep the organic blue corn tortilla chips on had pretty often for them to use to dip in salsa or cashew cheese (which I make them pretty often).
  • rbaumch
    rbaumch Posts: 6
    I can't have any typical diet foods, anything with aspartame in it is totally off limits as I'm allergic to it. so I won't buy it for anyone in my family either for health reasons.

    I spend more time reading labels. I have two grocery stores in my town, and it at first it took time to see what to buy at each store, now I have a list for what is carried at each store.

    For the absolutely crazy run out the door days, I do keep a few Lean Cusine meals in the freezer.

    I have found a few favorite items in a lower calorie option without sacraficing taste.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I make a grocery list and STICK TO IT

    so simple, but it saves so much time !
  • clouxles
    clouxles Posts: 71 Member
    I go to a smaller produce mart rather than the BIG grocery store.... buy more veggies and different types... I have not had a potato in months I go more often and my food is always fresh....
  • i only shop on the outside of the store. i venture into the aisles only for something specific. and if im craving a little treat.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    I cut way back on my coupon use. I used to save hundreds a week with coupons, but the more coupons I used the bigger I got. Sadly most coupons are for junk. Now my money saving shopping consists mainly of buying produce and meats on sale, coupons when I find them for healthier food options.
  • rrhennen
    rrhennen Posts: 60 Member
    Most basic change with the biggest impact is to shop on the outside. If it's pre-packaged, even fresh (deli meat is a huge offender), look at the ingrediant list. Anything that has a nutrition label is at minimum scanned for ingredients. After that, I look at calories to servings. Ex - tonight I was at Costco and planned to get "Ancient Grains" granola. it's so good and has a really clean ingrediant list. But for 240 calories a serving, I decided to pass for now.
  • mcorange01
    mcorange01 Posts: 33 Member
    Best thing I ever did was stick to the outside, just started that about 2 months ago and I am down 10 pounds and sugar cravings are almost all gone!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I check, Sugar, Fat , Protein and Fiber content.....that cancels out most of the store's grocery items!! lol
    Frozen fruit, veggies, and protein is what i aim to buy most of the time.