What changes have you made to your grocery shopping habits?



  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    First of all I love the question you posted and I like that you are making small but significant changes that fits your lifestyle as it should be a lifestyle change. Like the second poster said, I tend to buy foods on the outer "ailes". Foods that came from the ground or meats. I've moved to mainly clean eating so I try to stay away from anything that comes from a can. I've learned to look at the nutritional information and reading the ingredients. Since I buy so many veggies I find myself going 2-3 times to the store to get more because I like to eat it as fresh as possible.

    These changes werent done overnight and I still eat processed food (Chef Boyardee are one of my faves!) but I've slowly modified my purchases and lifestyle and will eventually eat 100% clean (hopefully).
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I have almost totally cut out boxed meals. The only exception is that I buy my daughters the Fit & Active meals for their school lunches because they get bored with PBJ on whole wheat. I haven't bought white bread in years--that was one of the first changes I made way back when. I don't buy white rice anymore, I only use whole wheat flour and whole wheat pasta. I buy WAY more fresh and frozen fruits/veggies--I stopped buying all canned veggies unless I get them free (I'm a frugal shopper). I don't buy fruit packed in syrup for the kids--it has to be in juice or they can't have it. I only buy organic sugar and other natural sweeteners (agave, stevia, raw honey). I buy unsweetened almond milk instead of the regular almond milk, and I don't buy anything but 1% or fat free cow's milk (rarely). The only (rare) potato chips I buy for the kids are the baked, and I keep the organic blue corn tortilla chips on had pretty often for them to use to dip in salsa or cashew cheese (which I make them pretty often).
  • rbaumch
    rbaumch Posts: 6
    I can't have any typical diet foods, anything with aspartame in it is totally off limits as I'm allergic to it. so I won't buy it for anyone in my family either for health reasons.

    I spend more time reading labels. I have two grocery stores in my town, and it at first it took time to see what to buy at each store, now I have a list for what is carried at each store.

    For the absolutely crazy run out the door days, I do keep a few Lean Cusine meals in the freezer.

    I have found a few favorite items in a lower calorie option without sacraficing taste.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I make a grocery list and STICK TO IT

    so simple, but it saves so much time !
  • clouxles
    clouxles Posts: 71 Member
    I go to a smaller produce mart rather than the BIG grocery store.... buy more veggies and different types... I have not had a potato in months I go more often and my food is always fresh....
  • weathergirl320
    i only shop on the outside of the store. i venture into the aisles only for something specific. and if im craving a little treat.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    I cut way back on my coupon use. I used to save hundreds a week with coupons, but the more coupons I used the bigger I got. Sadly most coupons are for junk. Now my money saving shopping consists mainly of buying produce and meats on sale, coupons when I find them for healthier food options.
  • rrhennen
    rrhennen Posts: 60 Member
    Most basic change with the biggest impact is to shop on the outside. If it's pre-packaged, even fresh (deli meat is a huge offender), look at the ingrediant list. Anything that has a nutrition label is at minimum scanned for ingredients. After that, I look at calories to servings. Ex - tonight I was at Costco and planned to get "Ancient Grains" granola. it's so good and has a really clean ingrediant list. But for 240 calories a serving, I decided to pass for now.
  • mcorange01
    mcorange01 Posts: 33 Member
    Best thing I ever did was stick to the outside, just started that about 2 months ago and I am down 10 pounds and sugar cravings are almost all gone!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I check, Sugar, Fat , Protein and Fiber content.....that cancels out most of the store's grocery items!! lol
    Frozen fruit, veggies, and protein is what i aim to buy most of the time.
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    - Planning all meals, snacks and treats (while trying to fulfill the macro goals)
    - Taking a list for the above and STICKING to it
    - Compare/check nutritional info for EVERYTHING

  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    read labels, dont buy frozen dinners, no soda, no chips etc, always get fruits and veggies, deli only for meats not premade foods

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • slimcows
    slimcows Posts: 10 Member
    i only shop the out sides to but what i did was a deit im working on is a 17 day deit and what i know for sure is i can do anthing for 17 days so look it up and give it a try
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    I spend 75% of my time in the produce section, then I pick up my yogurt, pitas, and eggs. I go and check out if any of my choice meats are on sale (student budget haha). I rarely go down any aisles, unless I am out of beans, rice, lentils, olive oil, oats, tomato sauce or bulk items. I'm sure I didn't go down the "cookie/cracker" aisle for years. Now I use chocolate praeventia cookies to bribe myself into completing undesirable tasks haha.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I never go to the supermarket while hungry.
    I always look at the ingredients lists.
    I go to the organic section way more than I used to.
    I go more often and get plenty of fresh veggies and fruits.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    Wow, I didn't expect so much of a response! Thanks for all the input, everybody! :)
  • lklegra
    lklegra Posts: 23
    Beverages: diets, teas and MIO for water
    Dairy: switched to low or nonfat on EVERYTHING
    Canned fruits and canned veggies: No sugar/salt added, 100% juice or low sodium
    Sauces/Broths/Soups: Low sodium
    Dressings: Light or fat free
    Meat: Lean beef, Increased turkey, Chicken (always seeking less fat)
    Produce: I try to stick with organic when I can afford it, I buy mostly fresh sometimes frozen
    Nuts/Seeds: unsalted most of the time
    Coffee: organic decaff
    Creamer: fat free
    Breads: Always whole grain and more fiber, otherwise its a waste

    I started making these changes since September of 2011 I wont go back Im proud of myself. Thanks for posting

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • lklegra
    lklegra Posts: 23
    No, not weird at all! I feel exactly the same way. And I totally feel ya on the budgeting for family of 4, I have to budget for a family of 6 and I am so proud of the healthy eating habits I have instilled unto my family just since Ive started making changes

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • thejackswild79
    Like many have already said, I avoided the diet foods and I started shopping the perimeter of the store: fresh vegetables, fruits, raw nuts, dairy, etc. I seek out minimally processed items and do things like soak my own beans instead of buying canned. I personally love yogurt with fruit, so I swapped out the non-fat fruit flavored Yoplait for blending fresh or frozen fruits into Fage Total 0% Greek Yogurt. I have a busy schedule but honestly, it doesn't take that much longer to prepare meals from scratch and frankly, the food tastes better, servings are typically larger and I am fuller longer.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    ...honestly, it doesn't take that much longer to prepare meals from scratch and frankly, the food tastes better, servings are typically larger and I am fuller longer.

    Amen to that!