What's your motivation to keep working out?



  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Feeling better and breathing better
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    I love the way I feel when I workout.
    I love it when I set a goal - then meet it faster than I planned.
    But, I especially love it when I return to the sales floor because the items I brought to the fitting room are too big.

    I've never considered myself vain but this is fun!!
  • leogirl724
    I set mini weight goals as well as major weight goals {a goal every two weeks and a halfway goal and a ultimate goal}

    I set NSV goals and check my progress once a month {those jeans that used fit me like a glove}

    I set event goals {going home to see my best friend in two weeks, he hasn't seen me in 6 years}

    I think it's important to set Goals for Size and Weight.
    I have the pic of me at my goal size/weight on my ticker...I felt awesome back then and that definitely keeps me motivated

  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    The awesome feeling I get after a workout.
  • juliedee6
    juliedee6 Posts: 46 Member
    What motivates me to lose weight and exercise is the backpacking trip I have planned for this summer. I needed to lose 60 pounds and get in shape for a 46 mile trip in the Sierras. Whenever I think of eating something I shouldn't or not exercising, the thought of not being able to go makes me do the right thing.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    My workout motivation comes from seeing and FEELING myself getting harder-faster-stronger. :)

    My diet motivation comes from wanting to fuel my work out. For me, exercise is the pin without which everything falls apart. I guess I am lucky that I really like the feeling of my body getting stronger. :D
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    I make a spa appointment for a week in advance, and then I have to call and cancel if I don't work out 5 times. Each time I think..."do i want this to be my night off....or do I want to save it for later in the week?" and it motivates me to get on the bike. WIsh I could afford to do it every week, but I use it when I'm having a really hard time motivating.
  • sexycute
    sexycute Posts: 74 Member
    Seeing the reaction of those that haven't seen me in a while. They look at me and say OMG! That really motivates me! I had a person tell me that I inspire everybody at work to workout! That REALLY touched me! So, there is no other choice but to keep on pushin'! :glasses:
  • mama_of_3cubs
    mama_of_3cubs Posts: 15 Member
    personally, I have post-it's with postive weightloss affirmations stuck to every mirror I use in my house. Words like "I'm getting thinner and stronger everyday", "I enjoy exercise and appreciate what it does for my body", "I make healthy eating choices" and "I practice good portion control" ect. That way I'm able to read them daily and remind myself to keep on track. The more I read them the more I believe and have hope that I will reach my ideal weight goal :D
  • BrittRae12
    I like to do different workouts throughout the week. For example, Monday I will run on the treadmill then do strength training, Tuesday I do Zumba, Wednesday I walk 2-3 miles with my dogs, Thursday I do Zumba, Friday I do the Elliptical w/ strength training, and Saturday I either do Yoga or Piloxi. Keeps things interesting, I don't burn out, and most of the time I am enjoying my workouts! Good luck!!

    I have to google Piloxi... I've never heard of it
  • NiniLeeMarie
    These are all great ideas! My motivation is to look amazing in a bikini. I plan to buy a 2 piece & hang it in my room where I can see it until I'm satisfied with the way it looks on me!
  • BrittRae12
    I have a lot of peer pressure in my life with my job to stay fit.
    I also want to set an example for my parents and hopefully it will make them want to join me and get healthy.

    but what gets me there when those won't work is my Ipod. Love my music and I update my playlist all the time. I buy itunes gift cards for 'rewards' for myself if I stay on track with my workouts so that gives me tons of motivation. It's win-win. :smile:

    ok share some of your fav workout tunes . I love my ipod as well but haven't updated the workout playlist lately.


    What she said! Plz... :)
  • jrogersj
    jrogersj Posts: 115 Member
    I have found that what motivates me is the feeling that I get after I work out. I also continue to tell myself, the more times I go to the gym when I really don't feel like it, the more it will just be something that I accept instead of dread! I just ran for 3 minutes straight on the treadmill tonight. I don't even remember the last time I was able to run for three minutes straight. I know how bad of shape I was in before, and just being able to do simple tasks everyday is also what helps keep me going.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    It makes me have a MUCH better day...and my muscles i'm gaining keep me going!! good luck to you!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    My biggest motivator now is my actual weight loss, but when I started, I was looking at fit girls like a creepo. Haha. Gotta do what ya gotta do to keep yourself motivated. :D
  • lemonjune
    lemonjune Posts: 37 Member
    Lately, all the great weather has been motivating me, reminding me that there's going to be lots of good bathing suit weather and I want to get in on it! Also, I set little rewards for myself -- for instance, when I lose 5 pounds I get a spa pedicure done, or I get that perfume I've been dying to get. It makes me more eager to work towards goals and exercise to get there. :)
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    My motivation are my goals (to be a martial arts and wellness instructor) and my reality (I am a Wellness Coach). I have to be responsible for myself so others see the example.

    Also, on my computer desktop, I have a collage of pictures of female athletes. Their bodies and success are an inspiration for me.

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    What motivates me the most is a friend's little 4 yr old son who has a brain tumor. I figure if he can go through chemotherapy every Friday for 52 weeks, I can walk 1,000 miles in his honor for St. Jude's. On the plus side, I have several donors donating $.01 cent per mile or more, I've lost nearly 18lbs since Jan 1st, was introduced to MFP by a family member and started eating right, I was able to stop taking 1 blood pressure pill, I am no longer considered pre-diabetic, my clothes fit better and I already feel sexier. :)
  • shoby68
    shoby68 Posts: 30
    My current "motivation" is to beat my 10 km time in the annual Sun Run (A vancouver thing) from last year (the first year I got thin again!)
    After that I want to try a 1/2 marathon and then maybe enter a masters (I'm 43) track meet and see how I do at the sprints (See how close I'm to my high school days)
  • rithebard
    I want to be healthy and lose the tire aroung my tummy.

    My brother is helping because he did it and he is very fit.

    I am doing yoga every day, and for cardio swimming one day and then the treadmill with bike.

    Watching what i eat slowly its working a big motivator was being able to get into jeaans two sizes smaaller;)