Israel's new law bans overly skinny models

foxy2311 Posts: 179
:smile: I hope this is a trend that continues all over the world!


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    We have all types of models where I live, but none that are skeletal skinny, which I'm glad for, because that doesn't help self conscious teens around here! It's nice to see average and "big boned" models, they are all so beautiful!
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Kinda sad that it takes the government to step in and regulate this.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    Yes, less freedom is just what the world needs. Sweet fancy Moses. How is this any different than employers discriminating against overweight people? Or the government passing a law that fat people can't be on TV anymore because it glamorizes being fat?

    "Overly skinny models" need to make a living, too. And fashion houses that have decided these models are good for their business should be allowed to hire them. Doesn't anyone believe in free market principles anymore?
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Yes, less freedom is just what the world needs. Sweet fancy Moses. How is this any different than employers discriminating against overweight people? Or the government passing a law that fat people can't be on TV anymore because it glamorizes being fat?

    "Overly skinny models" need to make a living, too. And fashion houses that have decided these models are good for their business should be allowed to hire them. Doesn't anyone believe in free market principles anymore?

    For me, in regards to either overly skinny, or overweight - neither should be glamorized. Healthy should be the key. I think it's a good think that someone (being goverment or anyone) is taking a stand on the kind of image that the young look at and base self image on.

    (BTW - I like your saying "Sweet fancy moses". I may have to use that. Hope you don't mind.)
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    How ironic. When they came for the overly skinny models, I said nothing for I was not an overly skinny model.
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    How ironic. When they came for the overly skinny models, I said nothing for I was not an overly skinny model.

    Once the cut off points are set, they are easily moved. Are there some moral regards that "should" be followed by the producers of mass media? I would say yeah there is, are they always.... no.

    Force legislating morality is not the way to do it. Education and a public shift in what is healthy is what it needed. The people drive the market
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member

    Force legislating morality is not the way to do it. Education and a public shift in what is healthy is what it needed. The people drive the market

  • Destinie589
    Destinie589 Posts: 211
    Yes, less freedom is just what the world needs. Sweet fancy Moses. How is this any different than employers discriminating against overweight people? Or the government passing a law that fat people can't be on TV anymore because it glamorizes being fat?

    "Overly skinny models" need to make a living, too. And fashion houses that have decided these models are good for their business should be allowed to hire them. Doesn't anyone believe in free market principles anymore?

  • noteve
    noteve Posts: 57
    Yes, I hope banning certain body types will become a trend. Hopefully some races too, no?
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    How are they banning them? In magazines geared toward teens, or just in general?
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Many designers, both American and International, are banning the "super-skinny" models from their runways, emphasizing that health is most important. Michael Kors and Diane von Furstenburg are the first 2 that come to mind, they have banned all underage and overly skinny models from their runway shows, in fact they have fired girls for being unhealthily skinny and told them that if they can get healthy and take care of themselves, they would be glad to work with them in the future. We need to see a lot more of this from other designers!!

    Sadly, you can bet your *kitten* Karl Lagerfeld (Chanel) will never, ever make that move. Because he sucks. So sad, because Chanel is soooo amazing.

    Oh and to answer the discrimination question, the world of modeling is a WHOLE different ballgame. There is no such thing as a "discrimination" clause in a contract. The modeling world appears to be very glamorous, but in reality, unless you're a supermodel in Sports Illustrated or Victoria's Secret, it's quite the opposite. Models are treated like crap by the industry as a whole and have very little rights until they hit the big time and can make more demands. So if a designer says "I'm not hiring you unless you drop/gain 10 lbs" a model will do exactly as their told if they want to make a paycheck. It's not right, but it's just the way it is.
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    You are all right. We should let the fashion shops of the world continue to portray an unhealthy image of a woman's body to our young girls, 5% of whom are dealing with an eating disorder.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    Force legislating morality is not the way to do it. Education and a public shift in what is healthy is what it needed. The people drive the market

    ^ This

    While I am not a fan of the "overly skinny" being glamorized it is our place to educate our daughters and not place our worth on a standard that isn't healthy for us.

    Skinny bashing and shaming is just as hurtful as shaming for being overweight. My little sister is very thin naturally (she eats whatever she wants and exercises zilch) she doesn't gain weight even if she tries. Why should she feel like her body is wrong because we have issues with our bodies?

    Now, if they are banning models with eating disorders and unhealthy bodies, that is another story. I can understand not wanting to promote that.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    From the article about it in TIME magazine:
    According to estimates provided by Israeli modeling agency owner Adi Barkan, half of the country’s 300 professional models will be forced to gain weight to work again, something that he views as a positive step.

    Read more:
    ithink its great n it i hope it does happen here in the us.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Yes, I hope banning certain body types will become a trend. Hopefully some races too, no?

    OMG! Totes this!
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    You are all right. We should let the fashion shops of the world continue to portray an unhealthy image of a woman's body to our young girls, 5% of whom are dealing with an eating disorder.

    Theyre only selling it because we buy it!
  • LosingLizard

    Force legislating morality is not the way to do it. Education and a public shift in what is healthy is what it needed. The people drive the market


    Isn't every law force legislating morality? Murder = bad. Stealing = bad. Speeding = bad. Why? Because they can all hurt someone. I don't agree speeding is bad, but they law says it is, so it is. Forced morals.

    People have been screaming about the models for decades and it's never changed. Why? It's not because of the people, it's because of the media itself. Jessica Simpson put on 10 pounds and wore mom jeans and it was on the bloody news for a WEEK. So, any fat is bad. She loses the weight too fast, now she's anorexic. Where the hell is the line? No one is any good at any weight, at least not in our ridiculously weight obsessed culture.

    I think it is ridiculous that any legislature would spend time on regulating the size of models when there are much bigger issues being ignored (education) but if the media won't behave itself, then maybe someone should start getting them to think about it a little more.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    You are all right. We should let the fashion shops of the world continue to portray an unhealthy image of a woman's body to our young girls, 5% of whom are dealing with an eating disorder.

    Theyre only selling it because we buy it!

    David, David, David...don't you understand that this is ALL someone else's fault? We can't be responsible for what is happening to our own children. It must be the fault of someone else. There must be someone we can blame!
  • Alysgrma
    Alysgrma Posts: 365 Member
    Do you think for one mintue they will stop at banning skinny people? No, next they will start looking at the heavy set saying they too are not healthy and start to ban them? It is not up to ANY goverment to ban the size of people...but up to the people to stop BUYING the products that show unhealthy people. If you don't like the models...then don't buy the product they are trying to sell....