Why I'm not for cardio and resistance concurrently



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    So if I read this right, and if this is germans just say so.. But unless I'm looking to add a ton of mass, I need to lift to failure on one day focusing on certain muscles. Let those muscles rest at least 8 hours and then do cardio. Wait at least 8 hours and hit another target group. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    But how does it work in the, I'm 90+ pounds overweight?

    it doesnt matter to those wanting to lose a lot of weight. The original article was aimed at those wanting to gain muscle mass. You dont need to worry about doing some resistence work and cardio close together.
    So I did understand right, this only affects those who are interested in bulking up.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    So if I read this right, and if this is germans just say so.. But unless I'm looking to add a ton of mass, I need to lift to failure on one day focusing on certain muscles. Let those muscles rest at least 8 hours and then do cardio. Wait at least 8 hours and hit another target group. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    But how does it work in the, I'm 90+ pounds overweight?

    it doesnt matter to those wanting to lose a lot of weight. The original article was aimed at those wanting to gain muscle mass. You dont need to worry about doing some resistence work and cardio close together.

    So I did understand right, this only affects those who are interested in bulking up.

    well... I am no expert but that is my take on the article.
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    So if I read this right, and if this is germans just say so.. But unless I'm looking to add a ton of mass, I need to lift to failure on one day focusing on certain muscles. Let those muscles rest at least 8 hours and then do cardio. Wait at least 8 hours and hit another target group. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    But how does it work in the, I'm 90+ pounds overweight?

    it doesnt matter to those wanting to lose a lot of weight. The original article was aimed at those wanting to gain muscle mass. You dont need to worry about doing some resistence work and cardio close together.

    So I did understand right, this only affects those who are interested in bulking up.

    well... I am no expert but that is my take on the article.
    Well if two of us agree, we can't be wrong right? I appreciate the help.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    This is too long of a post.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
  • erikblock
    erikblock Posts: 230 Member
    you can ALWAYS still do cardio, it's mind over matter, its will, it's kicking my own *kitten*.....

    I would tend to agree. When I lift first, do I WANT to do cardio? HELL NO. It's the last thing in the world I want to do. I want to lay down and drink something cold. And I don't screw around when I lift. I superset everything, with no breaks between. I am probably sweatier, more tired, and more out of breath during my resistance work than I am during my cardio work. When I finish lifting, I'm usually beet red, dripping sweat, and seeing spots before my eyes. But I go get a drink of water, "walk it off" a little bit, grab my headphones, and hop on the treadmill or elliptical anyway.

    (Once, after a 13-hour work day, I notified my girlfriend that I was heading to the gym. She said "You still have the strength for that?" I thought it was a funny question. My response: "Of course I have the strength. I don't WANT to do it. But it's a simple choice. I WILL do it." Kind of the same thing, in my opinion.)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I think that people are confusing my original concept or are unclear a little. I'm not saying you won't burn calories if you do both, I'm saying if you do both cardio and resistance, there will be a diminished return on both of the workouts. The reason why I pointed it out in the first place is for people looking to add muscle mass. For those of us looking to add mass instead of just burn calories or possibly increase their aerobic endurance, it's not optimal to do moderate cardio in the same routine as heavy weight training.

    The reason why I didn't just say this before is because I've said that about a hundred times on MFP(I've been here for a loooong time:tongue: ), and people were looking for proof of that, I am simply supplying the proof of why weight training and cardio together will inhibit the body's ability to increase muscle mass and strength.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I think that people are confusing my original concept or are unclear a little. I'm not saying you won't burn calories if you do both, I'm saying if you do both cardio and resistance, there will be a diminished return on both of the workouts. The reason why I pointed it out in the first place is for people looking to add muscle mass. For those of us looking to add mass instead of just burn calories or possibly increase their aerobic endurance, it's not optimal to do moderate cardio in the same routine as heavy weight training.

    The reason why I didn't just say this before is because I've said that about a hundred times on MFP(I've been here for a loooong time:tongue: ), and people were looking for proof of that, I am simply supplying the proof of why weight training and cardio together will inhibit the body's ability to increase muscle mass and strength.

    And I know many of us are very thankful. Keep this info coming.
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
  • filinfrogerific
    So I have been working out in a gym for the last two months roughly. Doing both cardio and weight in the same sitting. Usually a 2.5 hour routine. I shouldnt be doing this from what I am reading but I have blocks of time available on those days that I do not have anywhere else. What about Cardio combined with abs for a day and weights another?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    So I have been working out in a gym for the last two months roughly. Doing both cardio and weight in the same sitting. Usually a 2.5 hour routine. I shouldnt be doing this from what I am reading but I have blocks of time available on those days that I do not have anywhere else. What about Cardio combined with abs for a day and weights another?

    if your ticker is correct and you are currently trying to lose 84 pounds, then the advice in this post about avoiding cardio on weight days does not apply. The advice in this post is for people trying to gain muscle mass only. It does not apply to those who are trying to lose a significant amount of weight.

    good luck!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Ive always kept cardio far from my lifting days.

    In fact for cardio...a brisk walk is all thats needed today.
    Once I get to a specific body fat % I will be adding 20 min HIIT walk/run intervals but thats it.
  • frumpytofit
    bump for later
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • zeepotafb
  • maxonehiphop
    maxonehiphop Posts: 139 Member
    I'm not muscle scientist but I thoroughly enjoyed this thread.
  • kvigo821
    kvigo821 Posts: 13 Member
  • Panda_1999
    Panda_1999 Posts: 191 Member
    And another bump :-)
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member