The wonderful health benefits of celery.....................

lms32164 Posts: 212 Member
Health Benefits of Celery

Health benefits of celery are - they are rich in vitamin C, they lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, reduce high blood pressure, and promote health.

Celery contains amino acids, boron, calcium, chlorine, essential fatty acids, folate, inositol, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, selenium, sulfur , zinc, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. Celery is also a salad ingredient, which contains fiber.

Celery is a crunchy vegetable that belongs to the umbelliferae family.

The health benefits of celery include the following

◦ Reduced blood pressure: Celery contains a chemical that can lower levels of stress hormones in your blood. This allows blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more room, thereby reducing pressure.
◦Reduced cholesterol: Eating celery daily may reduce artery-clogging cholesterol
◦Good antiseptic: Celery seeds help in uric acid elimination. So, celery is good for people with bladder disorders, kidney problems, cystitis etc. Celery seeds also assist in avoiding urinary tract infection in women.
◦Healthy joints: Celery is good for people suffering from arthritis, rheumatism and gout. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling and pain around the joints. Celery sticks contain a diuretic substance, which help to remove uric acid crystals that build around joints.
◦Prevents cancer: Celery contains phthalides and polyacetylenes. These anti cancer components detoxify carcinogens. Celery also contains coumarins that enhance the activity of certain white blood cells.
◦Improved immune system: Celery is rich in vitamin C; therefore it booststhe immune system.
◦Relief from cold: Because of the presence of vitamin C, taking celery gives you relief from cold.
◦Reduces severity of asthma: Vitamin C prevents free radical damage and thus reduces the severity of inflammatory conditions like asthma.
◦Cardiovascular health: Presence of vitamin C in the roots of celery promotes cardiovascular health. Roots
◦Diuretic activity: Celery is rich in both sodium and potassium. These minerals help in regulating fluid balance.
◦Relief from migraine: Presence of coumarins gives relief from migraines.
◦Treats rheumatism: Celery extracts, which contain85% 3nB, are effective for treating arthritis and muscular pains.
◦Good for diabetic patients: Celery leaves are also eaten for treating diabetic conditions.
◦Relief from ophthalmologic disease: Dripping celery tea drops on eyelids is good for ophthalmologic affectations.

Because of the high calcium content, celery calms the nerves. So, eating celery helps people to be calm. Celery acts as an antioxidant too. All parts of celery including seed, root and leaves, can be used. Drinking celery juice before meal will help you to reduce your weight. Celery has many other nutritional benefits: Eating celery regularly helps to avoid diseases of kidney, pancreas, liver and gallbladder; neuritis, constipation, asthma, high blood pressure, catarrh, pyorrhea and dropsy, brain over work, acidosis, anemia, obesity and tuberculosis. It also helps in the improvement of teeth.


  • catelabow
    catelabow Posts: 77 Member
    I've read some of this before, but THANKS for the reminder. I love celery! And I usually have some going bad in the back of my fridge. Gotta get it front and center. It's a fantastic snack.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I juice them since i don't like to eat them to help reduce my BP.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    I like it with peanut butter.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 140Aimee
    140Aimee Posts: 77 Member
    Oh wow, maybe ill start eating celery!!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Celery + Laughing Cow cheese = yummm!
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I like it with peanut butter.

    A tablespoon of peanut butter smeared down the middle with raisins dotted on - VOILA! Ants on a log YUMMEH! :-D
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    Celery is my go to snack. I find the cruch satisfying and I love smearing it with peanut butter and raisins (ants on a log) or laughing cow cheese. I put it in my tuna fish and in my salads. Whoo hoo for celery!
  • freezerburn2012
    freezerburn2012 Posts: 273 Member
    Why does it make my mouth go numb?
  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    I can eat celery raw with nothing on it. I love the taste/texture.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    great read!, my doc recommended it to me when i had high blood pressure, it really works!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I like celery used as a stirrer for my Bloody Mary's
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    The last time I ate some celery was off a veggie tray over thanksgiving. I am going to add it to my shopping list for this week. Thanks for the reminder! I know it's very good for you.

    Q: My dh won't touch it however, so how do I make sure it keeps? I'll admit, there are certain foods I won't buy because they will and do go bad before I ever get a chance to eat it all because he is picky about fruits and veggies. :huh: I hate buying food and then I am stuck playing beat the clock. Ughhh

    PS I don't want to buy the pre-bagged pre-cut stuff, too expensive!

  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I like it with peanut butter.

    A tablespoon of peanut butter smeared down the middle with raisins dotted on - VOILA! Ants on a log YUMMEH! :-D

    We always called it frogs on logs. :laugh:
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    The last time I ate some celery was off a veggie tray over thanksgiving. I am going to add it to my shopping list for this week. Thanks for the reminder! I know it's very good for you.

    Q: My dh won't touch it however, so how do I make sure it keeps? I'll admit, there are certain foods I won't buy because they will and do go bad before I ever get a chance to eat it all because he is picky about fruits and veggies. :huh: I hate buying food and then I am stuck playing beat the clock. Ughhh

    PS I don't want to buy the pre-bagged pre-cut stuff, too expensive!


    Place stalks in a glass of water and keep in fridge !
  • callingbatonrouge
    callingbatonrouge Posts: 10 Member
    Yum - I love ot! I always cut mine and stand it in a glass of water over night - makes it taste so much sweeter the next day!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Thank you! :smile:

    I bet some celery and hummus would taste pretty good. As always, it tastes good with PB too.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    .) Eating parsley, wheatgrass and celery have a high chlorophyll content which will make secretions sweeter.