Night time binge attacks!

Hello everyone,

I'm new to My Fitness Pal and I figured that I would get some advice on this current issue that I am experiencing. During the day I eat really healthy. (Don't bother looking at my Food Diary because I don't update it like I should :P). I make sure that I'm full and satisfied throughout the day.... the problem is once night time comes. Once it's time to lay down and relax it's like I've been hit with a Night Time Munchies 2x4. It's not that I crave one thing in particular, like sweets. I crave everything! I want cake, ice cream, cheddar cheese, blu cheese, etc. It's ridiculous. I always give in too and my weight is feeling the effects of my actions. How do I combat these urges and finally have the willpower to say “No, you've eaten plenty today”? I feel like I'm failing and the disappointment in myself is unbearable. So my question is, does anybody else have this problem? How do you combat it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much in advance!



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Try to leave some calories for nigh time snacking. I always have low fat popcorn and grapes late night. I can't do it any other way. I am a late night eater.
  • gatorgirlyyy
    Thank you so much for that tip. My problem is that once I get the taste in my mouth I just can't stop. Kinda like "give an inch, take a mile" kind of theory. :(
  • gatorgirlyyy
  • shebrard
    shebrard Posts: 3 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm also pretty new to this, I signed up last year but did not make a committment to really make changes until this year. I too am better at eating healthy during the day then once my son is asleep and its just me then my thoughts roll to the foods that I love and crave. So a few things that I do are: first I get a glass of crystal light on ice and its sweet and cool and filling and sometimes it does the trick. I keep 2 cup bags of prepopped reduced guilt popcorn from Trader Joes, whole fruit popcicles in the freezer, yogurt/whip cream/fruit parfait ( make them a few at a time and keep them in there), I also have been buying these Larabars that I saw on biggest loser, they are sweet and healthy and lastly I keep 100 calorie candy bars from trader joes for the times when I absolutely have to have can have anything in moderation which is what I'm learning. Sometimes I sit there and just listen to my body and think how good it feels to be smaller and healthier and that if I keep it up I will feel more amazing each day...then I dont feel so guilty having a small treat. It outweighs the treats I would usually have had.
  • Raddichio
    Raddichio Posts: 163 Member
    I sympathize. I work at home, as well as care for a multiply handicapped child who needs care/supervision 24/7 and elderly parents. Therefore, sometimes my work gets done late at night. I have found myself reaching for food to try to boost my energy when I'm working late and getting tired.

    Maybe you could start being more diligent about keeping your daily food diary and write down EVERYTHING. You might find that it makes you more accountable for what you eat. It might also reveal some deficiencies in your diet through the day that could be contributing to the nighttime eating. Since I work at home, keeping the food diary has been easier for me; in fact, when possible,I try to enter what I'm eating BEFORE I eat it. If you're away from home much of the day and find it difficult to recall everything you've eaten when you get home, keep a written list of foods through the day and enter it in the food diary when you get home.

    Again, I sympathize with your issues, as I continue to battle the nighttime eating. For me, the food diary has been a huge help. When I've eaten all I'm supposed to for the day, I'm done. Like you, I find it's best to avoid eating in the evening, for fear I will just want more and more. If I absolutely must eat something, I will have a tangerine (or 2), because fruit has never been something I would eat in excess.
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    Hi !!!

    I am a nightime snacker.... I love chips and ice cream. I have lost 50lbs this years and still enjoyed my night time binges. Everyday I would workout to make sure I had additional calories for my nighttime snack. I would count my 20 chips and my 1/2 cup of ice cream and be satisfied with that. It khelped me in a way to lose weight, because I never felt deprived of what I love.

    I eat healthy and on point everyday.... but like you I used to want to eat everything that wasn`t nailed down at night whether I was hungry or not. I still have those urges some nights....I just do my best to keep myself in check.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Maybe you need to plan some type of activity for evening. I know when I am done with the day, I have more time to think about how good something would taste and how much I miss certain foods. If you are fairly new to meal planning and eating healthy, you may still be suffering withdrawal from old habits. I allow 100 (or so) calories for evening. I usually save up for my bedtime snack, e.g. Weight Watchers ice cream bar or yogurt. Good luck!
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    bump :smile:
  • Ayemer
    Ayemer Posts: 2
    i am a night time eater as well so fully understand your struggle to say no. Once i think of a food to eat my mind is continuously thinking about it until i break down and eat it.
    So i have a routine that i know that after dinner i will eat a sugar free Jello ( specially made in 30z container from Walmart), one cracker and 6 grapes. i break it down in interval so i don't run out of options.
    i also have a goal that i will do two puzzles before getting up to eat next snack.
    hope this helps in someway.
  • MrsHutcho9988
    I have the same problem, and I always eat the most un-healthiest things In my fridge. The last couple of nights I've made popcorn, or had a sugar free no fat pudding cup, or a great go too is some fruit and a yogurt. I've heard the worst thing to eat as night is something with a lot of carbs since you are going to bed, not burning it off-but dont know if its true. I always want a sandwich at 11pm lol but just now realizing that I have the willpower necessary to overcome my cravings. Another great thing is sugar free hard candy. It puts something sweet in your mouth and is about 5 calories. I also drink a glass of water when I crave something because I've noticed that most of the time Im really thirsty not hungry. Hope that helps!
  • Rushman764
    Rushman764 Posts: 5 Member
    What does "Bump" mean ?
  • blueimp
    blueimp Posts: 230 Member
    Evening eating has always been my issue. I always eat well during the day -- or plan for excesses. I've found that if I have something to keep my hands busy, I don't think so much about munching. Even playing on my iPad helps -- it's the distraction factor.
  • dlw13
    dlw13 Posts: 119 Member
    Night time eating has been (and still is) my biggest obstacle to maintaining my weight. A previous poster suggested saving some calories for the evening hours, and I concur with them. You may also try eating something that you enjoy, but has fewer calories and is filling. Un-buttered popcorn and lots of water, apples and yogurt seem to work best for me.

    Good luck & Go Gators!
  • countrywildflower
    countrywildflower Posts: 42 Member
    I snack on a fiber bar or a speacil k bar at night. I am bad about craving foods at night. Espeacially sweets so that really helps me. they make you feel full at night and they are satisfying and taste great.
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    Same problem here...except mine is around midnight:{ I wake up really hungry and can't go back to sleep unless I have a snack. SInce it's so late I grab something fast and it's usually not a good for me snack, and :tongue: of course I feel guilty for the rest of the night....What to do?
  • Marlys101
    Marlys101 Posts: 100
    I'm the same way. Popcorn sounds much healthier but hard to say no to sweets.....just keep telling yourself you can do it and cut back a little everyday.
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    I struggle with the same thing. Here's what I do:

    >Reflect internally on what is your it thinking about the food? Distract yourself with a book or a movie.
    >Don't distract yourself with regular TV, the commercials make you want to snack
    >ALWAYS Leave in a few hundred calories in the budget in case
    >Decide that the Kitchen is Closed at a specific time (I close mine at 7:30pm)
    >Set an alarm on my laptop and on my iphone to remind me it's closed
    >Have a healthy snack at closing time and drink a protein drink
    >Get on my InMotion stepper or take a walk if I can't control myself - by the time you get a few thousand steps in and drink a bottle of water it usually passes - around 20 min for the cravings to go away
    >If that doesn't work, you just earned another couple hundred calories you can eat.

  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I feel ya - ignoring the urge to eat later at night can be a struggle for me.

    Distraction is the biggest help since I'm usually not really physically hungry - if I do eat something, I *try* to keep it light (popcorn, vegetables).

    ETA - I like the "kitchen is closed" idea above!
  • cavaaller_85
    cavaaller_85 Posts: 94 Member
    If I don't have any calories left, I find something to take my mind off the urge:

    *read a GOOD book if you have one on hand
    *do the dishes/clean the kitchen
    *do some crunches/sit ups
    *knit something or find a different craft you can turn to
    *make a list of things that need to be done this week

    Etc. Just anything to get you thinking or focused on something else! Good luck!