Is weighing yourself daily unhealthy?



  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    It keeps me on track. Everyone kept saying to put the scale away, put the scale way, blah blah. I tried it. My mentality totally changed from daily accountability to "oh well... I don't weigh in for two more weeks. I can have a snack now and work it off by the time the weeks are up." Eh. I gained like 9 pounds because I couldn't shake that stupid mentality.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    That depends a lot on the emotional impact of the information the scale might convey.

    If you're numbers-obsessed and you don't see the number you want, and as a result have a horrible day mentally, restrict food, over-exercise: don't do it.

    If it's not going to make you want to jump off a cliff, then why not.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I've done it for the past couple of months, just because I was curious what my daily fluctuations were. Like many other things, it can be healthy, neutral, or unhealthy, depending on how the person relates to it. In my case, I think it was neutral, or maybe slightly positive.

    ^^This is true for me, too. I am realistic about weight fluctuations. I expect a 3 pound range around a central point. I can't see myself NOT weighing myself. I like to know what trends are shaping up.
  • SherryCrist
    SherryCrist Posts: 5 Member
    That totally is my thinking as well! If I wait all week to weigh, then I feel that I can "splurge" early in the week but then I'm starving myself two or three days before weigh-in! I just started this journey this week, truthfully, but I'm already down 8 lbs! I'm so glad my sister referred me to this sight! And that I'm making this more of a spiritual journey than just a weight-loss journey! :smile:
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    It is a personal thing with no right or wrong answer.

    For some people, weighing everyday causes too much emotional distress when they see fluctuations in the scale (which are normal). They can't wrap their mind around the day to day up and down of our weight.

    For other people, weighing everyday teaches them what is their normal range and therefore stops them from freaking out over a pound gained here or there. You learn how different foods affect you differently.

    I personally weigh everyday. It has taught me a lot about what is normal for my body. I know how foods affect me and how much water I need to drink each day.

    Do what feels best for YOU.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I would get so discouraged weighing in daily and come the end of the week it was about the same or just slightly less. I absolutely am a fluctuater, I have learned (for me) DO NOT weight during that time of the month either, but a daily fluctuater as well.

    This was me. I'm weaning myself off the scale now. I was weighing daily out of fear of gaining over the course of a week and getting scale shock. I also wanted to see the fluctuations to determine how different food/exercise combinations affected my weight. I found that I'm very sodium sensitive and will go up a few lbs overnight if I consume foods higher in sodium (like some Chinese dishes I like) or if I'm under my net calorie goal too many days out of the week.

    So I weighed on Monday and it's been killing me not to get on the scale. I will allow myself 2 weigh-ins a week. 1 for the official weigh-in and 1 as a pulse check for any significant changes. I was getting so depressed when I gained a pound or two overnight even though I was hovering at the same weight all week. And then I weighed in my PMS week and wanted to cry. So I decided enough was enough. Stop the torture, stick to the eating plan as much as possible, keep up the physical activity and enjoy the changes in the way my clothes fit regardless of what the scale says.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Weigh myself every morning but I don;t stress it wither way.
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    I weigh twice a day. First thing in the morning & last thing before I go to bed. I like to see how much it fluctuates from morning to night. My "Biggest Loser group" weighs on Fridays & that's when we record it. The scale for me, is an awesome tool.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    hid my scale for 2 weeks best thing I ever did, found out I lost 2 lbs the next time i brought it out, more fun that way
  • Witchmoo
    Witchmoo Posts: 261 Member
    Weighing in is just a tool. Provided you're not driving yoursefl crazy about the .2 gains or losses, I think it's fine. If you'restarting to obsess over each gain or loss, it's time to find another strategy. :smile:

    ^^ this!
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    For me, it's absolutely unhealthy. It became a crazy obsession & finally I had to throw away my scale. Been scale-free since 3.13 and I'm loving that I'm not focusing on a number to define my daily happiness (or lack thereof). I'm working on relying on how my clothes are fitting, how my body looks and how I feel to gauge my progress now. It's definitely a much better way for me to stay on track because I used to get so wrapped up on small gains / losses that it would derail my progress. Case in point: I ate well & worked out 6x a week cardio / weights for a month and GAINED 7.7#. Normally I would've ran for McDonald's, Cold Stone, whatever I could get my hands on. But I knew my clothes were loose and my thighs were getting smaller. That's when it clicked for me & I threw the scale out. Everyone is different though. I think I'm in the minority, lol.

    ETA: When I was losing weight with WW (110#) the scale was a huge motivator for me daily. It wasn't until I hit maintenance mode that the scale turned into an obsession for me. Again, everyone is different. Obviously if you fit a similar frame of mind as me then it's going to be unhealthy. If you see the number as only a number, nothing more or less, then you're probably fine to weigh regularly.
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member

    inherently, as an isolated action, of course not. if the person weighing has a mindset where they are emotionally unable to deal with normal fluctuations in weight, if weighing becomes a compulsion/obsession that interferes with daily life, then just as obviously the answer is yes.

    i really hate when people on here say NO DON'T WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY THAT'S BAD AND AWFUL. it all depends on why you do it and how you're able to respond to the numbers.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Think it depends on the person... It can be motivating if I see it low or also motivating if I see it high because that will make me want to try and workout harder.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    I agree with what pretty much everyone else has said - it depends. If every fluctuation is going to dictate your mood, then it probably isn't healthy - the number shouldn't ruin your day! But if you can see a bit of an increase and truly understand that it's normal, probably water retention, etc., then I don't think it's unhealthy.

    I like to weigh myself every day because it keeps me on track, and I know full well that my weight usually fluctuates ~3 lbs (or more) even in one day. I also remind myself of something I saw someone post on a forum once - if my weight is up say 2 pounds from yesterday I ask myself: "Did I really eat an excess of 7,000 calories yesterday?" (considering that a pound of fat is approximately equivalent to 3,500 extra calories). And the answer is ALWAYS -- of course I didn't. So while I may weigh more than yesterday, that weight isn't coming from fat.

    To each his own - If I made myself wait a week between weigh ins I think I might obsess over the scale even more because it would be such a big event in my mind, whereas for me weighing in is just a part of my day, and if the scale happens to be up one day, I can just shrug it off and hope for a better day tomorrow! However this might not work for everyone so I think it's important for each person to figure out what works for them :smile:
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    hid my scale for 2 weeks best thing I ever did, found out I lost 2 lbs the next time i brought it out, more fun that way

    Yeppers! I've been at a once a week weigh in the last 5 weeks I think, each week I've had a pretty big loss. I love that moment Saturday morning where I step on and have the "holy sh-t!" moment and feel great about it. Another reason I pick Saturday is during the week I am pretty good about what I eat and A LOT of exercise so to see a loss on the scale reminds me that just because it's Saturday or a weekend or because you lost, that's not a reason or excuse to go pig out over the weekend. That is what keeps me in check.
  • SanyamKaushik
    SanyamKaushik Posts: 215 Member
    I weigh myself daily and keep a track on app called "monitor my weight". it helps to get to know that even if i dont loose everyday but trend is what I am interested in and it certainly used to show downwards :) up until i didn't weigh myself for 3 weeks on holiday and i was taken back by a bad surprise :(
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If you cannot handle the 5lb fluctuations then will drive you insane!
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    I don't weigh my self each day as I can get a bit OCD with stuff like this I have to take breaks from logging as well or I get too hung up on it and drive myself mad with it. Like has been said on here it's what works for you that really counts as there is no one way to do things as each person is different.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member

    inherently, as an isolated action, of course not. if the person weighing has a mindset where they are emotionally unable to deal with normal fluctuations in weight, if weighing becomes a compulsion/obsession that interferes with daily life, then just as obviously the answer is yes.

    i really hate when people on here say NO DON'T WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY THAT'S BAD AND AWFUL. it all depends on why you do it and how you're able to respond to the numbers.

    Yes, and I have no problem admitting it toyed with me emotionally. I admit that. :smile:
    What I do isn't for everyone just as what they do might not be for me. Neither is right or wrong.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I think it depends on your attitude. I weigh myself at least twice a day usually, but I don't get discouraged when the weight goes up and down. It's going to do that throughout the day based on what I'm eating and doing to my body. I honestly just like to see where I am on the scale, I don't even really care if I get down to my goal weight if I can achieve what I'm looking for without losing all the weight. I'm more focused on my figure, and liking how it looks (healthy among other things), then I am a number or a scale.

    Side note: I only record my weight once a week, and I record the weight I am that morning even if it's more then last night or the day before.