Sept 20th Challege.......



  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!!
    My weight for today is 160. Same as last week, but I'm not complaining!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone, I weighed myself today and I weigh the same, a little bummed because I stayed within my cals and worked out 3 times, each time burning at least 350 cals...o well, try again for next week. Anyone have any suggestions on what might help me lose some pounds?

  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    Last week 158.3
    This week 156.5!!!!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    I forgot to weigh this morning, but I will weigh in the morning.
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    I weighed in on thursday, cause that is the day i have been weighing in on, and i was down 3 pounds. I am still shocked to see the scale moving downward after 3 weeks of being on mfp, but definitely love it.

    For those of you that have the wii fit, is it worth the money? I would consider buying one of these at some point down the road.

    Neenaleigh and meikathadiva- congrats on the loss! For those that just maintained, that is good too, at least the scale isn't going back up!
  • csnealey
    csnealey Posts: 251 Member
    Ok so I weighed this morning and it wasn't as bad as I thought. I weighed 209.2 yeah! I have kept my weight under control better than I thought. So here goes....

    CW--August 1--209.2
    GW--September 20--195
  • I'm in! My goal is to lose 8-10 pounds by September 20th to be between 138-140. :happy:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I just completed day 1 of week two of the Couch 2 5k, ran 6 sets of 90second runs. Really felt good, I'm loving this plan, I never thought I would be able to run, but with this plan I just might. Have had such a good day just had to share. The weather here in Kansas has been beautiful today so all is good.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hope everyone has had a great week. Looking forward to our weigh ins tomorrow.
  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    Hope everyone has had a great week. Looking forward to our weigh ins tomorrow.

    Okay..I only lost 1 lb..
    was 133.0 Im now 132.0

    I did walk everynight...but I guess I wasnt real good with my eating......:sick:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Yesterday was my rest day, I find myself so anxious to exercise it is hard to take a whole day off. Hopefully my body will appreciate it.

    Despite my BEST efforts this week (followed all the rules, ate well, cut down my sodium, exercised every day) I'm up a pound from last Friday. Completely perplexed, never will understand this body. I'm sure it is hormones, or TOM just throwing things off wack, hopefully next week I"ll see double improvement. I did do some measurements and I'm am down and inch in my waist and 1/2" in my hips. Hope everyone else has done great

    LW: 146
    TW: 147
    Goal by Sept 20 - 140
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    I'm discouraged because it is my tenth week going to the gym regularly (3-5 times a week), and I have gained 5 pounds. I know I am losing fat, but at what point will I begin to feel LIGHTER? I am doing strength training 2 days a week, aerobic the other days.

    Starting weight: 126
    Current weight: 131
    Goal weight: 115

  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I had a horrible week eating and exercising weight has fluctuated a ton this week due to water weight and my TOM is coming up soon.

    It said 164 today but I think it's just due to a very strenuous cardio workout last night and my TOM.
    Let's just say I'm 160 still :devil:

    SW: 175
    CW: 160
    GW (by 8/14) 155
  • Kanderson47
    Kanderson47 Posts: 110 Member
    Well Im going to start soon any day now.......I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blahhhhhhh:grumble:
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Hi Everyone,

    I was away for a few days and just catching up. I did pretty good and lost 5 pounds in the last week. I had been stuck for a few weeks at 251 so the sudden woosh was very welcome. You guys are all doing great! Keep it up!

    SW 250lbs (July 29)
    CW 245lbs (Aug 7) 10 more to go!
    GW 235lbs
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Down almost 3 pounds. I have been logging my food and walking 1-3 times a day depending on how long my walks are. I have been logging my food every day, and with the exception of one day, staying within my goals.
    Keep it up everyone!

    Sw 275 July 09
    Lw 2654. July 23
    Cw 262.8 July 30
    1st mini Gw 250 Sept 20, 2009
    Gw 170 July 4th 2010
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    are we posting weight today????

    if so, im happy this week, lost 3lbs this week compared to my 1/2 a pound last week! SO IM down to 153.2!!!!! Yeah!
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Hi Everyone,

    I am down another 3lbs!

    SW 250lbs (July 29)
    245lbs (Aug 7) 10 more to go!
    242lbs (Aug 14)
    GW 235lbs
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Still at body holds on to weight for a long time though! Not too worried.
    I do a fruit flush almost monthly and that's where I seem to get most of the weight off, but I maintain it, so whatever works, I suppose!!

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Queenie000
    Queenie000 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Guys -
    Just down 1 lb from 262.8 to 261.8! I didn't make as good of food choices as i have been, although i did stay in my calorie limits. Back on track for this week, hoping for two pounds next week. Want to get out of the 260's and into the 250's!
    Everyone have a great week.
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