
  • i love Zumba i do it on my wii at home i am gonna start doing it more often now !
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    would like to try Zumba. How much does it cost Is there a DVD or WII game? I am a senior citizen with little income so I need to watch my pennies, but would love to find a way to do Zumba or atleast try it.

    If you have community centers in your area see if they offer zumba. I currently teach Zumba Gold at one of our community centers & it's free for the participants. Good luck!
  • radiva1
    radiva1 Posts: 27
    i do zumba 2 times a week and ive lost 10lbs in about 10 weeks
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    I love zumba, I do it at home with the x-box 360 kinect. I do a mixture of different workouts but I've lost 55lb's so far and I need to lose another 10lb's to be at my goal weight.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    When I first joined MFP I did Zumba the 1st month and I lost alot of inches. The weight came off slowly, but when the weight started to catch up I was losing 3 lbs a week.

    I just started back on March 1st....exercising and eating healthier after a 7 month hiatus. I gone from 208 to 195 lbs and I've lost 6 inches with only doing Zumba every morning. I have the three Zumba fitness dvd sets. Right now I'm doing the Zumba fitness concert and having a party everyday while doing it.

    <3 Zummmmmmmmba!!!
  • mandy2128
    mandy2128 Posts: 77
    My zumba dvds arrive today!!! :) I can't wait!! I can't start just yet though because I just had a baby a few weeks ago. I haven't been cleared to workout yet. I watch the infomercial nearly every day. ;) I'm really looking forward to this!!
  • Hi All, I love Zumba my exercise buddy and me take Zumba classes twice a week and a chair class (that one kicks my butt) the third day. In a few weeks we will start our 3rd Zumba night a week. I haven't seen any weight loss from Zumba but I sure do feel like I can move better but I am still so sore when we are done working out. I just restarted MFP and I am always looking for motivation and now looking for anything Zumba as well.

    I am hoping Aqua Zumba comes my way soon, dying to try that!!:smile:
  • mrsjurado05
    mrsjurado05 Posts: 5 Member
    HI!!! I love Zumba and its the only thing that has kept me commited to going to the gym.... I do it 3-4 a week and LOVE LOVE my instructor.... I just started here on my fitness pal but have lost 22lbs in 10 weeks doing zumba and lost some inches to. Would love some friends to keep me motivated...
  • Mizkatemay
    Mizkatemay Posts: 22 Member
    I have been doing land and aqua Zumba.... not noticing much change yet but know it will come....... How do you log it in as exercise on here? I have been using Dance/hip hop. Thank you!
  • lisarie26
    lisarie26 Posts: 1 Member
    So even if you're not doing all the moves correctly (cuz I just started at home) it still helps work off inches and weight?
  • munchgen
    munchgen Posts: 19 Member
    I have tried Zumba on the wii and didn't like it one bit... I couldn't tell if I was getting hte move right. A friend asked me last night if I would go to a class with her on Monday. I am really excited to go to my first class. I have 2 weeks to my vacation and I am hoping to loose some of my weight before I go. I am will even settle for inches. I would perfer the inches so I can fit back into my old clothes. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    Only about 2 lbs so far, but I love it!!!
  • Krissi72
    Krissi72 Posts: 44 Member
    I've lost 18 since I started only 2 months ago! I love it! 4 times a week!
  • MarthaSM
    MarthaSM Posts: 9
    I bought Zumba Exhilirate and was wondering if anyone's done it and if they supplemented the program with additional workouts. Please let me know, thanks!
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    I have been "Zumba-ing" 5 months now. I was down 20 lbs when I started, and am now down another 41! I started going 2 a week, then added a 3rd, and now I Zumba 5-7 days a week! I need to drop another 40 lbs or so...

    For all of you that are thinking of trying it, I know it sounds counterintuitive, but don't stay in the back.... It's harder to see the instructor, and therefore even more frustrating when you are trying to learn the steps. I always advise friends who are trying for the first time to not necessarily be in the front row, but close enough towards the front to be able to see what is going on!

    Seriously considering getting certified... who knows!
  • fdavisdarthard
    fdavisdarthard Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. I teach Zumba and wear a heart rate monitor to calculate how many calories I burn during class. Keep up the good work!!
  • melissa44
    melissa44 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello fellow Zumba lovers ! I have always loved dancing and when Zumba came out I LOVED it because it felt like I was out dancing in the clubs in the good ole' days LOL

    I am a full time RN in a NICU and I work 12 hour shifts, so I wake up at 5 am to do a Zumba DVD or the Zumba Wii (My hubby just bought me the wireless one to use on Kinect, but I have not tried that yet lol) I love doing it early before work because I can get a GREAT calorie burn that lasts me through out the day and puts my mind in a wonderful place.

    On my days Off I go hiking with my husband for about 6 miles in the mountains which is also a great calorie burn! I am currently waiting for the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution DVD's to arrive.

    I have lost 200 pounds in the last 10 years.... and working on removing the last 50 :)
  • melissa44
    melissa44 Posts: 57 Member
    WOW! I used to be a water polo player and swimmer in college and high school, I would love water zumba, I never knew it existed lol, off to locate a place near me :) Thanks!
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I start my first Zumba class tonight. I am very nervous but excited to try something new.