Major sucess with higher calories!



  • vickystrand1
    vickystrand1 Posts: 47 Member
    Options i went to the Fat 2 Fit website and did all the cals.

    So someone please help guide me!!! Pretty pretty please!

    Here's the stats:

    Entered information: 32 year old female, 65 inches tall, weighing 162 pounds.

    From the information that you entered, you'd like to weigh 140 lbs.

    Katch-McArdle Forumla
    The numbers above are fairly accurate, however they don't take into account your lean body mass. A more accurate formula that does take your lean body mass into account is the Katch-McArdle formula. Since many of us have scales that will tell us our current body fat, this formula may yield more accurate results. Based on the information you provided, body fat percentage of 43.3%, you have a lean body mass of 92 lbs., and your BMR is 1273 calories.

    BMR 1273
    BF% 43.3%

    From the chart:
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2199

    So...please tell me what this means?

    MFP has me eating 1,300 cals a day. I do workout. Why does this all have to be so confusing...? :grumble:

    So...I keep rethinking this in my goofy brain...
    If I don't workout, just eat my 1,300 cals a day and that's ok?
    And if I DO workout then I need to UP my cals to 1527 PLUS eat back my workout calories?

    I feel like I have this all jumbled in my brain! Or is this saying that 1,300 is not enough period and I need to eat more?

    Why does MFP calculate this soo low? This is supposed to be a helpful site and I'm finding alot of confusion. It is interesting that in various other boards there a lengthy discussions on eating back your workout calories, etc... Some say do, some say don't.

    I do understand the body needs fuel, but it seems so backwards in my head.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So...I keep rethinking this in my goofy brain...
    If I don't workout, just eat my 1,300 cals a day and that's ok?
    And if I DO workout then I need to UP my cals to 1527 PLUS eat back my workout calories?

    I feel like I have this all jumbled in my brain! Or is this saying that 1,300 is not enough period and I need to eat more?

    Why does MFP calculate this soo low? This is supposed to be a helpful site and I'm finding alot of confusion. It is interesting that in various other boards there a lengthy discussions on eating back your workout calories, etc... Some say do, some say don't.

    I do understand the body needs fuel, but it seems so backwards in my head.

    You eat same amount every day. Workout days it's too low, non-workout days makes it up.

    Why does MFP calculate so low? Because you selected too aggressive of a weight loss goal. It did suggest 1lb weekly. You also selected the activity level where the math started from. Too many think they are helping themselves by selecting sedentary.

    If you truly understand what BMR is, this makes sense.

    You eat 1300.
    BMR is 1200.
    Exercise 700.
    Left for BMR - 600 cal for actual use. It has to slow down to what it is getting left with.
    Do that constantly, and that's what it is at eventually. May take 3 days to 3 weeks, depending on how fast your body drops it. Yoyo dieting, faster. Big undercut, faster, big difference in previous eating, faster.

    Now with metabolism running at about 50% of what it was, ALL your daily activity and exercise uses less calories too. You no longer have the deficit that 1300 used to cause. And you could reach the point you no longer have a deficit at all - Plateau time!
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    For a good fat burning diet you woukd want to set protein and fat at 30% each.
    It sets the stage fir fat loss.

    Wow, 30% fat. I think MFP has me at 15%, which is hard to stay under since I love avocados and all other healthy fats. Would this be the same since I do tons of cardio?
  • antihillmoby
    antihillmoby Posts: 131 Member
    Can I ask how much exercise do you do?
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm sorry - LOL. I have read every post in this thread - and I am really trying to figure this out on my own - but I still don't know what the hell I should be eating. I went to the websites and did all the calculations and here is what they came up with.

    Lean Body Mass = 109.6
    Fat Body Mass = 106.4 pounds of FAT ON MY BODY!!! EWWWWW
    BF% = 49.3% again, EW
    BMR = 1450
    Number of Calories suggested to eat = 2393 (I do the 30 DS at LEAST 5 times a week...)
    TDEE = 2761
    TDEE - 20% is 2199

    So, I am supposed to be eating 2199 Calories per day, plus my exercise calories? Is this right? MFP has it set at 1220...
  • captnemo44
    captnemo44 Posts: 82 Member
    May i ask who /what is helloitsdan?
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    He's just another member of that is helping everyone else try to figure this out. :)
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm sorry - LOL. I have read every post in this thread - and I am really trying to figure this out on my own - but I still don't know what the hell I should be eating. I went to the websites and did all the calculations and here is what they came up with.

    Lean Body Mass = 109.6
    Fat Body Mass = 106.4 pounds of FAT ON MY BODY!!! EWWWWW
    BF% = 49.3% again, EW
    BMR = 1450
    Number of Calories suggested to eat = 2393 (I do the 30 DS at LEAST 5 times a week...)
    TDEE = 2761
    TDEE - 20% is 2199

    So, I am supposed to be eating 2199 Calories per day, plus my exercise calories? Is this right? MFP has it set at 1220...

    So just in case I was right - I started to update the above information into MFP to adjust my goals - It says i will only have a 21 calorie deficit, and I won't lose any weight!?!? What am I doing wrong? :explode:
  • vickystrand1
    vickystrand1 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm sorry - LOL. I have read every post in this thread - and I am really trying to figure this out on my own - but I still don't know what the hell I should be eating. I went to the websites and did all the calculations and here is what they came up with.

    Lean Body Mass = 109.6
    Fat Body Mass = 106.4 pounds of FAT ON MY BODY!!! EWWWWW
    BF% = 49.3% again, EW
    BMR = 1450
    Number of Calories suggested to eat = 2393 (I do the 30 DS at LEAST 5 times a week...)
    TDEE = 2761
    TDEE - 20% is 2199

    So, I am supposed to be eating 2199 Calories per day, plus my exercise calories? Is this right? MFP has it set at 1220...

    Thank you for posting you can see I too am trying to figure this out! Oh the challenges!
  • momof3boys090808
    momof3boys090808 Posts: 69 Member
    Perfect time to read this, I feel like if i eat 1800 plus calories a day ill gain all 42 lbs back but i just recently up my calories. Im at 1459 right now but still its hard even eating that we shall see! This encouraged me alot more...thanks ;)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm sorry - LOL. I have read every post in this thread - and I am really trying to figure this out on my own - but I still don't know what the hell I should be eating. I went to the websites and did all the calculations and here is what they came up with.

    Lean Body Mass = 109.6
    Fat Body Mass = 106.4 pounds of FAT ON MY BODY!!! EWWWWW
    BF% = 49.3% again, EW
    BMR = 1450
    Number of Calories suggested to eat = 2393 (I do the 30 DS at LEAST 5 times a week...)
    TDEE = 2761
    TDEE - 20% is 2199

    So, I am supposed to be eating 2199 Calories per day, plus my exercise calories? Is this right? MFP has it set at 1220...

    So just in case I was right - I started to update the above information into MFP to adjust my goals - It says i will only have a 21 calorie deficit, and I won't lose any weight!?!? What am I doing wrong? :explode:

    That is correct, you eat at 2199 daily. That already includes exercise calories, so no need to eat it back.
    Take a typical workout day minus known calories burned, right down there near current BMR.

    Why is MFP calc wrong? Because you still told them sedentary perhaps? Actually, even if you told them Very Active it would be wrong.
    Biggest reason is they don't know about the exercise calories, they are still expecting you to enter those and then give credit.
    Their math will always be off. They do their math on daily maintenance NOT including exercise, you just did.

    You'll just have to keep in the back of your mind.
    Better estimated TDEE 2761 minus eating 2199 is 562 deficit daily, or 1.1 lb weekly.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm sorry - LOL. I have read every post in this thread - and I am really trying to figure this out on my own - but I still don't know what the hell I should be eating. I went to the websites and did all the calculations and here is what they came up with.

    Lean Body Mass = 109.6
    Fat Body Mass = 106.4 pounds of FAT ON MY BODY!!! EWWWWW
    BF% = 49.3% again, EW
    BMR = 1450
    Number of Calories suggested to eat = 2393 (I do the 30 DS at LEAST 5 times a week...)
    TDEE = 2761
    TDEE - 20% is 2199

    So, I am supposed to be eating 2199 Calories per day, plus my exercise calories? Is this right? MFP has it set at 1220...

    Thank you for posting you can see I too am trying to figure this out! Oh the challenges!

    Do exactly what she did.
    Calc out to TDEE-20%

    That is eaten daily, no exercise eat back.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Good morning! I just had to post about the sucess I have had with eating a higher calorie diet!

    I started here at MFP the 1st of January and was given the 1200 calorie plan most of us get set up with. I exercised 4 times a week and at the end of the month, I had gained 3#! Sooo discouraged!

    I read through the forums, looking for clues. Looking for hope. I read a few peoples posts about eating enough to lose weight and I thought they had lost their minds. I mean, you have to starve to lose weight right? Even at 1200 calories, I was only netting about 800-900 because I wasn't eating back my exercise calories. In my mind, I figured the weight ought to be falling off of me! How wrong I was!!

    I contacted hellitsdan and had him run my numbers to see what was up. He immediately set me up with the minimum of 1800 calories and said my TDEE was 2250. No way! I cried most of the night. It seemed so absurd to think that if I wasn't losing wieght at 800-1000 calories a day, that I would at 1800. Thankfully, I listened and was a good student!

    Today marks my 1 month of eating this higher calorie diet and I won't ever go back! As of today, I have lost 4.4#, 6" off various measurements, most off my hips and thighs, and my BF% went from 28% to 24.6%!! Just think what next month may hold!

    Anyone who is struggling with a VLCD and isn't finding sucess, please up your calories. You'll have more energy to work out and you won't be hungry!

    Good luck to all of you on your weightloss and fitness journeys!


    who is hellitsdan and where can I find him to run my numbers
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Oh, Heybales! Thank you!!!! I finally get it now!!! LOL
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Good morning! I just had to post about the sucess I have had with eating a higher calorie diet!

    I started here at MFP the 1st of January and was given the 1200 calorie plan most of us get set up with. I exercised 4 times a week and at the end of the month, I had gained 3#! Sooo discouraged!

    I read through the forums, looking for clues. Looking for hope. I read a few peoples posts about eating enough to lose weight and I thought they had lost their minds. I mean, you have to starve to lose weight right? Even at 1200 calories, I was only netting about 800-900 because I wasn't eating back my exercise calories. In my mind, I figured the weight ought to be falling off of me! How wrong I was!!

    I contacted hellitsdan and had him run my numbers to see what was up. He immediately set me up with the minimum of 1800 calories and said my TDEE was 2250. No way! I cried most of the night. It seemed so absurd to think that if I wasn't losing wieght at 800-1000 calories a day, that I would at 1800. Thankfully, I listened and was a good student!

    Today marks my 1 month of eating this higher calorie diet and I won't ever go back! As of today, I have lost 4.4#, 6" off various measurements, most off my hips and thighs, and my BF% went from 28% to 24.6%!! Just think what next month may hold!

    Anyone who is struggling with a VLCD and isn't finding sucess, please up your calories. You'll have more energy to work out and you won't be hungry!

    Good luck to all of you on your weightloss and fitness journeys!


    who is hellitsdan and where can I find him to run my numbers

    Just find his profile - all of the instructions on how to do it yourself are on his profile page. :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Good morning! I just had to post about the sucess I have had with eating a higher calorie diet!

    I started here at MFP the 1st of January and was given the 1200 calorie plan most of us get set up with. I exercised 4 times a week and at the end of the month, I had gained 3#! Sooo discouraged!

    I read through the forums, looking for clues. Looking for hope. I read a few peoples posts about eating enough to lose weight and I thought they had lost their minds. I mean, you have to starve to lose weight right? Even at 1200 calories, I was only netting about 800-900 because I wasn't eating back my exercise calories. In my mind, I figured the weight ought to be falling off of me! How wrong I was!!

    I contacted hellitsdan and had him run my numbers to see what was up. He immediately set me up with the minimum of 1800 calories and said my TDEE was 2250. No way! I cried most of the night. It seemed so absurd to think that if I wasn't losing wieght at 800-1000 calories a day, that I would at 1800. Thankfully, I listened and was a good student!

    Today marks my 1 month of eating this higher calorie diet and I won't ever go back! As of today, I have lost 4.4#, 6" off various measurements, most off my hips and thighs, and my BF% went from 28% to 24.6%!! Just think what next month may hold!

    Anyone who is struggling with a VLCD and isn't finding sucess, please up your calories. You'll have more energy to work out and you won't be hungry!

    Good luck to all of you on your weightloss and fitness journeys!


    who is hellitsdan and where can I find him to run my numbers

    He doesn't run numbers anymore because it's all too easy to run yourself. Just look up this page in fact and see several that did it, what they got, and what they are setting.
  • jpfaff2
    jpfaff2 Posts: 17
    I am following this post and find it very interesting. Are there any suggestions as to what kind of food is best when trying to increase calories?
  • KristinArredondo
    KristinArredondo Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you for this.
  • emmabooters
    emmabooters Posts: 23 Member
  • DaChozn
    DaChozn Posts: 134 Member
    Interesting information here. Recently started raising my cals and hoping for the equilibrium to set in so I can start losing again. Been plateauing for a while and still have quite a bit to lose.

    Side note: Does anyone else think "Helloitsdan" looks kind of like Linus Roache? Bruce Wayne's father from Batman Begins? : lol