AUGUST No late snacking

dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
Pick a cut-off time. Count the number of consecutive nights when you don't eat past that. Report here. It's that simple :wink: .

Well, truth is, it's not :grumble: . It's a habbit which is hard to break, but let's fight it together. Let's challenge ourselves this month again. :flowerforyou:


  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Okay.... I"m game. I am of the mind that your body doesn't REALLY know or care when it's getting nourishment, and that it doesn't make any difference in terms of weight gain, except when you eat salty chips and drink a liter of water just before bed - then that's a no-brainer, you might wake up with some water weight - but I'll give it a try....

    I don't generally snack after dinner anyhow, but I do work out a few nights a week when I might not be able to get dinner til 7:30, so my cutoff time will be 8pm.
  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    hmm im game for this, il put my cut off time at 7:30 and see how i do (i tend to workout late at night n end up hungry after) sooooo lets see wat happens :D
  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    Count me in - this is by far one of my worst eating habit I love late night snacks or a drink. I will be making 8 pm my cut off. :smile:
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i deffinately want cut of time is after dinner period i'd like to say 6:30 at the latest but sometimes we have very hectic nights and dinner doesnt get on the table till 7:30 but imma aim for 6:30 at the very latest dangit lol
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    I started to try this....(the last two nights) :grumble: but I am friggin starving by bed time:cry: and it makes it hard to sleep when your tummy is growling! I feel so much better when I eat and then go to sleep! :bigsmile:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I'm in! Cutoff is 7:30pm
  • mrsprazak05
    I'm in also! My cutoff will be 7pm...if I'm feeling hungry past that...I"ll drink water...
  • BabyWeight2009
    This is one of my worst habits! I'm in, cut off time: 8pm because my husband often doesn't get home until late and we end up eating dinner at 7:30...and yet somehow i still snack before bed! but no more!!! (hopefully)
  • Starrotts
    Starrotts Posts: 164
    kkkkkkkkkkk im in im the worst for eating at nite its my big problem but am willing to try...........cutoff time 7 pm...:grumble:
  • conmonja
    conmonja Posts: 28
    This is a biggey for me the cut off time will be 7:00 . I f I am desperate I will drink more crystal light This is a good one for me .
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'll set mine at 8p.m.. Kinda early for me, since I often go to bed past midnight. Yet, who knows, if I stay strong at this I might end up going to bed earlier, too :wink: .

    Russia, it may not matter (according to songbirdy, it scientifically doesn't), but I double my calorie intake for the day at night, when I get static in front of the computer. So this is not about going to bed with a growling tummy, it's about not eating dinner after dinner, so to say.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Last night was good :drinker: . I'm counting Sat, too, cos we got home only shortly before 8 from out biking tour (at least 4 hrs of biking) and we hadn't had lunch, so I wanted to cook and it got late (I think I finished eating at 9:30 or so). Still, I was under my calories for the day, so I was pleased :happy: .
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Well I totally failed....i kept munching until about 10pm and went to bed at 1 am so atleast i stopped 3 hours before bed right? :laugh:
    lets see at 7:30 i had a banana
    at 9:00 i had a handfull of nuts
    and at 10:00 i had a bite of spinach soup with little pasta balls in it (just one bite) and 5 goldfish... thats not all that bad is it? =/ lol atleast most of them were healthy foods (kicks herself...stop making excuses damnit) :laugh: :laugh: and yes i was talking to myself
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Well I totally failed....i kept munching until about 10pm and went to bed at 1 am so atleast i stopped 3 hours before bed right? :laugh:
    lets see at 7:30 i had a banana
    at 9:00 i had a handfull of nuts
    and at 10:00 i had a bite of spinach soup with little pasta balls in it (just one bite) and 5 goldfish... thats not all that bad is it? =/ lol atleast most of them were healthy foods (kicks herself...stop making excuses damnit) :laugh: :laugh: and yes i was talking to myself

    HAHA :laugh: , loved this. Well, it was healthy and it was just a bit. I take it, you did not go over your calories - am I right?

    If you think it was bad, reset the counter, just to motivate you more. Otherwise, count last night too, but try harder next time :wink: .
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Well I totally failed....i kept munching until about 10pm and went to bed at 1 am so atleast i stopped 3 hours before bed right? :laugh:
    lets see at 7:30 i had a banana
    at 9:00 i had a handfull of nuts
    and at 10:00 i had a bite of spinach soup with little pasta balls in it (just one bite) and 5 goldfish... thats not all that bad is it? =/ lol atleast most of them were healthy foods (kicks herself...stop making excuses damnit) :laugh: :laugh: and yes i was talking to myself

    HAHA :laugh: , loved this. Well, it was healthy and it was just a bit. I take it, you did not go over your calories - am I right?

    If you think it was bad, reset the counter, just to motivate you more. Otherwise, count last night too, but try harder next time :wink: .
    i didnt even look after putting it all in last night...but nope i still had 96 cals left and i'm on a low low low cal diet (1000 allowed a day if i dont exercise) luckily I exercised last night lol so i was able to eat 1196 or something like that :laugh:
  • mrsprazak05
    Took the family on a picnic at the park last night ...and we didn't leave our house until 6...but I made darn sure I ate and was done by 7pm! We got home at about 9:30...and got the kids to bed...then my hubby trained me for an hour (boot camp style)...after our 3.5 mile walk after the park...needless to say...I WAS HUNGRY by the time I sat down at the computer last night (about 12 midnight)...but I resisted. Even when my hubby asked me to scoop him a bowl of icecream! I still resisted...and just drank more water!! yay!! Good luck this week everyone!!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i dont even know why im gonna try


    except on school days that i am there until 10 and get back at 11, im allowed a snack after that brutatlity

    we report weekly?
  • cboehm
    cboehm Posts: 462 Member
    first night I totally failed :laugh: :laugh: I couldn't help myself true blood was on late and I needed popcorn -- oh well today I will do better LOL and I will not fail the rest of the week :tongue:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Okay, question.

    First two nights, great -- no snacking after 8pm,.... only one problem: I did HIIT training on the elliptical tonight, for a total of 30 minutes of cardio, and I have 348 calories left (a combination of leftover cals from the day, and my 270 exercise cals).

    I can't eat them? But I'm supposed to eat them... right? How does that work? Somebody chime in.
  • VeganGal
    VeganGal Posts: 26
    I'm a couple days late, but I'd still like to join! This is my worst habit. My cutoff is 7pm.....hopefully this will keep me more accountable!