Almost ready to throw in the towel

For almost a yr I was on major doses of steroids for sinus infections. That coupled with quitting smoking, coupled with a thyroid totally screwed up, coupled with a bad relationship all caused me to gain close to 60 pounds. Well I had sinus surgery which has allowed me to be off the steroids, and the relationship ended, and the thyroid is being medicated adn checked on a regular basis, but no matter what I do I can NOT seem to make the scale budge, or the tape measure move. In 6 mths I have lost 3 inches around my waist and 1.25 inches around my hips. I am still wearing the same size clothes so I can't go by that, and it seems no matter how hard I work out or what I eat nothing is working.

Would love some advice.



  • What ARE you eating? It's my belief that a whole lot of dieters try to eat low calorie processed foods and see little result. Change your diet to a clean diet with very little processed sugar or carbs, eat fat free dairy, limit red meat, and consume only whole grains. Doing this coupled with 5-30 minute workouts per week has lost me 20 pounds in 8 weeks. You have to find the groove that works for your body and stick with it. Strength training is also very important in weight loss. Strength first, then cardio, and you'll burn almost solely fat during your workout.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    Because I am allergic to eggs breakfast is my biggest obstacle, but it is normally oatmeal..No butter, no sugar. I don't eat the 100 cal packs. I eat green apples, strawberries, lunch is a salad or Progresso soup and even sometimes what I have left over for lunch. Dinner consists of salad, and then some kind of lean meat. I eat a lot of chicken. If I snack at night, 8 times out of 10 it is sugar free jello. I was doing popcorn but it had become almost a necessity so I had to break myself from it.

    Working out. I am at the gym 5 days a week 30 mins to 2 hours total for a day. I go every day at lunch and then if I am able I go again after work to get in a little more cardio and I have added some weights.

    Oh and I drink 9-14 cups of water a day
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Having thyroid issues can really screw with your weight loss. It's not impossible to lose weight, but it is a bit harder, and slower. I lose in spurts and stutters. Exercise is hugely important to most people's weight loss if they have a thyroid issue. Don't be afraid to sweat! Really push yourself when you exercise, it helps a lot!
    Be sure you're drinking plenty of water every day. It's essential for your body to work properly, it helps flush out bloating, and it helps keep you regular! A lot of people get clearer complexions, and find they are less hungry because they are full of water! To me, it's a secret no one gives enough credit to in weight loss! And it's essential to replace lost water during a workout.
    There is no reason you can't lose weight. You HAVE to believe in yourself, and believe you can do it. Learn to love the skin you're in and you'll find that the weight will start to come off. Affirmations help. Don't nitpick yourself, focus on the good. Finding something nice to say about yourself every day. Even if it's praising your stubbornness for keeping at it after so many troubles!
    A lot of hypothyroid people find eating a higher protein, lower starch diet works a lot better. I found I lose best if my carbs come from all fruits and veggies. Don't eliminate all fats, they are good for your diet too.
    Weight loss is not an easy journey, but friends do make it easier! Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Maybe you aren't eating enough. If you open your diary people could give better suggestions.
  • you are really supposed to do strength first then cardio? I was always told it was the opposite.
  • KikiiMcI
    KikiiMcI Posts: 10
    I've been looking at multiple regimes, one from a Pro-Wrestler and Dietician, and they say empty stomach cardio, food, weight training.

    (For both weight loss & muscle mass gain)
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    My trainer said it really doesn't matter which order you do it in. Some days I do my cardio first, other days I do it after. You just have to find what works for you.
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    I would reconmend perhaps seeing a nutrionist and having something taylored to you, due to previous health issue, isn't always one thing fits all, may cost you a bit but perhaps the results would be worth it.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    Honestly I try not to eat my exercise calories. I had my calories set at 1500 and when that didn't work I lowered them which isn't working either.

    Oh I am pushing myself when I am at the gym. It is funny when I got back to the office today after the gym one of our agents (I work for a law enforcement organization) asked if it had gotten the best of me. I have found that I ENJOY working out and the harder I work out the better.

    I can open my diary up? I don't eat a lot of carbs or starchy veggies and am VERY careful about what I eat.

    I am very frustrated. The Dr actually told me it could take me a yr or more to get all of this under control. He is a great doc and is REALLY working with me but nothing I seem to be doing is working. I am trying not to give in to the self-doubt, etc but I have to admit it is a struggle.
  • laurarpa
    laurarpa Posts: 244 Member
    If you really want advice, at least open your diary.

    And it would be helpful to know how much you weigh and your height. Or you can tell us your calculations for TDEE and BMR from a site such as

    It sounds really frustrating. And they're checking your blood work and all seems well? How do you feel overall?
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Sorry for all your issues.
    Have you let your DRs know of your concerns?
    I am sure that if you keep it up, you will eventually see results.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    I think most people here would tell you that you aren't eating enough. Check around the forums for information on why it's important to eat those exercise calories back.

    Don't throw in the towel. This is the place to find some help. There is a ton of information here, sometimes a tad overwhelming, but it's there for the taking.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Again, maybe you aren't eating enough. Maybe instead of lowering your calories, you should increase them. You have to fuel your body properly, or it's going to hold on to EVERYTHING it gets.

    And yes, you can make your diary public.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    I've been looking at multiple regimes, one from a Pro-Wrestler and Dietician, and they say empty stomach cardio, food, weight training.

    (For both weight loss & muscle mass gain)

    Unfortunately I can't workout on an empty stomach. I am up at 5:00 am out the door with my daughter by 6:30 have her on the bus by 7:00 and then am at work about 7:40ish. If I could get up and be at the gym by 4am I would but I don't think it even opens til 6am. (Small town LOL)
  • effdawg
    effdawg Posts: 10
    Diet is very important but I recommend swimming, if you do not know how learning how to swim can be fun as well.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    Just had bloodwork done AGAIN today. The last round I didn't have to be upped but I was just borderline.

    I am 5'4 and weight 225 and am 38 (tomorrow).
  • debdyksen
    debdyksen Posts: 5 Member
    Keep checking the thyroid.I had mine removed about 20 years ago and just recently I had a young fiend only in her 20's who had the same issue.It took her several years and different doctors.She finally got on the correct medication and everything fell into place.Do you have pain? aching in joints and muscles? She did and she also worked out a lot.She is good now, but it took a long time.Don't give up:)
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    you are really supposed to do strength first then cardio? I was always told it was the opposite.

    It doesn't really matter. If one makes you too pooped to do the other, then switch it up. If you're bored, then switch it up. If you aren't working hard enough to see results, work harder and switch it up.

    Ultimately it's about putting in the work.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    I do have achy joints off and on but nothng that a couple ibuprofen can't help.

    Thank you everyone. I am gonna run and help my daughter pack. She is getting to enjoy Spring Break while I will be working.

    Once I am done with that I will get the diary opened.
  • Do NOT throw in the towel! Everybody who has responded with advice CARES @ you (including me!), otherwise they would not have gone out of their way to try to help you. Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're drinking TOO MUCH water each day?
    It's a medical fact that you should not exceed 64 Oz. of water/day, because your body will start to retain it; hence weight gain.
    I have an under-active thyroid myself & am losing weight like molasses. But another thing you need to remember is that you did NOT get this way over-night! Therefore, you're not going to change by losing all of the weight over-night. It WILL take time & lots of motivation--lots of friends here help too! Please add me as a friend...I care!