I hate water



  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Water has no taste so how can you hate a tasteless substance? You know…, it’s about your health, not about an explosion of flavor going off in your mouth every time you put something in it. I prefer brownies over broccoli, but my health is more important than a minute of pleasure. It’s your choice…, to each is own.

    I think Water does actually have a taste, depending where you are and how many chemicals are added etc. Either that or it's the lack of taste period that isn't pleasing. Either or, I'd ratther drink something that has a good taste to it. Just my two cents.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I hated water too but I made a resolution a few years ago to give up my diet coke addiction and drink water instead. I started by making crytal light, and gradually made the cyrstal light more and more diluted.

    I still drink Crystal Light but make it at maybe 1/5 the strength they suggest and is soooo good!!
    Plus CL has so many flavors out I can drink different flavors every day and not get bored.
    Now I've even found myself just enjoying straight plain water as well :-)
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    add a squeeze of lemon :)

    I do that, and occasionaly I'll add a packet of splenda to make a watered down "no pun intended" version of lemonade!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    HATED water with a passion--just didn't want to drink it...period.

    One of my new (humbling) lifestyle "Requirements" was to drink water. Even though I didn't like it--I did/do it. I'm following One who wants me to--therefore I do. I started off drinking room temperature water as soon as I woke-up. I started this two months ago...now I drink about 12 cups of water per day (most times a bit more). Now I ONLY drink water and tea...I don't drink anything else now and I'm so glad. My skin is really reaping fabulous benefits of water.

    First it was a major pain, going to the potty so much--but now I have more control of my bladder. Now I crave water instead of coffee, pop, store bought juice--so it's really helping me in far more ways than I'd imagined.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    Lol @ timmymon... I do. Sometimes. But I just don't like it... And I can't seem to convince myself it's delicious.

    Silkysly, maybe it comes from not being raised on having to drink water. But you're right, it is tasteless... It shouldn't be a problem. But it is. Im not saying i dont drink it. I do. I just DO NOT LIKE it... And i know people who love it. Then again, I ate banana the other day, and wound up with killer heartburn.. To me, that shouldn't have happened either. The most mellow fruit on the planet and I was on fire. Perhaps it's all related to being 40. *laughs*
  • WinWinGo
    WinWinGo Posts: 99 Member
    I don't hate water, but I'm curious about why you do. Is it the taste? Is it the lack of taste? Do you not trust the clearness of it? I am really very curious. I get not liking it, but hating it? It seems like a very extreme emotion to associate with a *mostly* harmless liquid.
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    I don't mind but its gotta be ice cold..or I substitute some 10 cal vitamin water..or a hint of lemon makes it tolerable
  • gatecityradio
    get those MIO things. I love water but every once in a while you gotta have some flavor.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    I don't hate water, but I'm curious about why you do. Is it the taste? Is it the lack of taste? Do you not trust the clearness of it? I am really very curious. I get not liking it, but hating it? It seems like a very extreme emotion to associate with a *mostly* harmless liquid.

    I absolutely have no idea "why" ... But I'm pleased to know I'm not the only one that struggles with it.

    I had a kidney stone last year. Likely due to not drinking enough fluids, namely water. So I DO drink it. I just do not like it.
  • Tank184
    Tank184 Posts: 65
    I hated water when I started, but now I am used to drinking it and I find myself drinking more water than anything else! hang in there it gets easier!
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    add a squeeze of lemon :)

    Because I the kidney stone I had... I do add lemon on most days... It has a lot of medicinal benefits... But I still don't like it.
  • millionsofpeaches
    How can someone hate water? It doesn't taste like anything.

    Its like saying I have breathing.
  • goatse911
    Perhaps you could use crystal light or propel fitness water packets? Then gradually dilute them more and more until you no longer need them?
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    i hated it too. I gradually eased myself into drinking a lot of it. I started by drinking diet sodas instead of regular (I don't like diet so that was hard too), then I switched to water from there. This was mostly at work where we have a fridge full of soda and water. I let myself have one soda a week (a diet though). At home, I drank a LOT of crystal light peach iced tea. i had a huge pitcher of it in my fridge. I would try to drink that and water. Now, I drink pretty much all water. Sometimes I can't believe it myself :) I loved soda! I think you have to ease into everything. If you hate water and tell yourself you HAVE to drink 8 glasses a day or else you "fail," then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Tell yourself to switch out one soda or coffee or whatever a day, and then go from there.

    good luck! :)
  • smiliekiwi
    smiliekiwi Posts: 92 Member
    I was drinking most my water in the afternoon. But someone told me they had heard the benefits of drinking 4 glasses of water BEFORE breakfast! Tried it this morning (well got to almost 3 and felt sick) , but I'm thinking there may be something in it. (has anyone else heard of this?)

    The water drinking does seem to be very beneficial to weight loss :) aren't we lucky it's free and on tap?
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    I feel for you. I also have a hard time drinking enough water, and never get anywhere near the amount I'm supposed to. It just makes me feel bloated and, excuse the pun, waterlogged. Plus I have an extremely hectic job, so it's hard for me to drink tons of fluids all day, because I can't get to the bathroom except once every few hours or so, which makes for some very uncomfortable hours when I do manage to drink a lot!!! I do like the Zero Water and American Water flavored ones. They aren't nearly as strong as the packets of flavored crystals, which are overwhelming to me. Until I hit on those - zero calories, zero everything, basically - I wasn't drinking much water at all. I have a diet Coke over ice that I stretch out all morning at work, and the rest of the time I drink bottled water.
  • parisdancing4u
    I am a nurse also, and hate water! Yeah, like I can drink 8 glasses a day......don't think so! I can do Fiji water, but only 500 ml a day.
  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    I am a nurse also, and hate water! Yeah, like I can drink 8 glasses a day......don't think so! I can do Fiji water, but only 500 ml a day.

    Yep, you took the words right out of my mouth.
    Fiji is my fav also.
  • jreed1920
    jreed1920 Posts: 123
    I drink a lot of seltzer, I like the bubbles and no calories.
  • LRodich
    LRodich Posts: 15
    I use the new Mio drops to flavor my water and I can drink it all day (hope this isn't cheating? There are no calories). I love the Sweet Tea and Peach Tea flavor. It only takes a few drops to turn that bottle of water into a refreshing drink. You can buy them at any major grocery store.