Almost ready to throw in the towel



  • sueow
    sueow Posts: 1
    Everybody has been so positive! I don't have a regiment, I just lower my calorie intake and find ways to eat alot within that restriction. I have had to purge my tablet several time but I started in January and so far I have lost 11 lbs. It doesn't sound like a lot but I didn't gain 11 lbs over night so I expect it will take me more than over night to lose it. I have tried every weight lose gimic know and this is the best I have ever done. Good Luck All!
  • purk59
    purk59 Posts: 2
    Stick with it that's the most important thing! Last year I would try and not lose weight and the try again. no weight loss till I tried Chris Powells book if you have a slow metabolism it may help. He suggests eating multiple small meals a day drinking water and cardio and strength exercising. I've lost 18 since jan 5th I'm 5 ft and now 177'. I'm determined to keep moving forward and looking for solutions. Best wishes and dont throw in the towel!
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Honestly I try not to eat my exercise calories. I had my calories set at 1500 and when that didn't work I lowered them which isn't working either.

    Oh I am pushing myself when I am at the gym. It is funny when I got back to the office today after the gym one of our agents (I work for a law enforcement organization) asked if it had gotten the best of me. I have found that I ENJOY working out and the harder I work out the better.

    I can open my diary up? I don't eat a lot of carbs or starchy veggies and am VERY careful about what I eat.

    I am very frustrated. The Dr actually told me it could take me a yr or more to get all of this under control. He is a great doc and is REALLY working with me but nothing I seem to be doing is working. I am trying not to give in to the self-doubt, etc but I have to admit it is a struggle.

    If you are only eating 1500 calories and working out a lot, you probably are not eating enough.
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    I honestly think that you aren't eating enough.

    Read all of this: Gives a good insight into why you may not be losing weight.
  • jbuntu
    jbuntu Posts: 54 Member
    @khollyk started a really good post on hitting plateaus the other day:

    The original article that she references is here:

    They always say you can't win if you don't play, but in our case we can't lose if we don't keep trying.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    Diary opened. I have been looking through and it is funny you can see the days that I was having off days.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    And I guess I should tell everyone. The 60 pounds was put on in less than a yr, probably close to 6 mths. Apparently with the steroids, which started as small doses but grew to MAJOR doses, will pack on the weight quick.

    I also read an article tonight that stated that your astham inhaler could make you gain weight too, or keep you from losing. I have touse mine every once in a while (more recently). This just sucks LOL
  • britexmom
    britexmom Posts: 145
    i had a quick peek at your diary....first you should track your sodium, you are eating a lot of high sodium items and you are likely retaining water. also you need to be careful and make sure your food calories are correct, i noticed on one day you had a beef patty (3 0z, 85 % lean) and clocked it at 213 cals, the next day you had a beef patty (3 oz 85% lean ) but its clocked at over 300 cals. not everything in the database of food here is correct...try to be as close to real as possible.
    also your exercise burn seems really high on some of the activities, where are you getting the numbers from ? i always try to underestimate my cals because it can be off quite a bit here in the database.
  • violetsue
    violetsue Posts: 54 Member
    Don't give up. Keep focused. You're eating a lot of processed food. Try replacing some of the processed foods with whole foods - tuna sandwiches, ect.. You can eat a lot more and get more nutrition that way. Add more salads or do chopped veggies instead of chips. That will cut down on your sodium intake too. Planning is a big key. Try cutting up fruits and veggies the night before. For breakfast, I eat a lot of oatmeal too, but I also will do toast and peanut butter to mix it up.
  • amie0724
    amie0724 Posts: 48 Member
    Exercise , dont give up and eat small meals every three hours . Look into fat burning foods . Keep your matabolism up ...example of a meal plan ... omlette -breakfast ...3 hours later ...small cottage cheese ,size of palm...lunch ...healthy sandwhich..3 hours later 3 hours later ...dinner portioned meat , veggies,carb . water no soda . you can do it! get happy and lose the weight :)
  • amie0724
    amie0724 Posts: 48 Member
    veggies are free foods , eat them and a fiber drink to cleanse out your system everyday
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    The calories burned are coming from here or from other calculators. I know that the machines are not always correct so I am using the time and the distance but not the calories burned.

    Also as crazy as it is my stamina is actually pretty good. When I started in August trying to get this off I couldn't do a full 10 mins on the elliptical and now I book it and for 30-40 mins. And the yard work from this past weekend is no exaggeration. I have a part-time job as a caretaker for a property..6 acres open land.

    Sodium has been where I am trying to get out. I don't salt anything myself so whatever is salted is salted when it is cooked.

    I will have to go back and check the patty thing. I try to be soo careful and to be honest, calorie wise I am over estimating most times. I know that there are times when I am going to be off so it is better to estimate up than estimate down.
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    you are really supposed to do strength first then cardio? I was always told it was the opposite.

    I was always told warm up, strength, then cardio, cool down.
  • msjessc
    msjessc Posts: 24 Member
    I wish I could eat omelets..Eggs are a HUGE no no for me..EGG ALLERGY SUCKS!

    Oatmeal, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt fruit. I do like the Quaker Stila bars for a change of pace though.

    And seafood I just don't like.

    I have for tomorrow, left over smoked chicken for dinner, and then for Saturday I already have lean pork sauteed with some frozen asparagus stir fry.

    I use a lot of frozen veggies,and make a lot at home. I tend to have the same thing over and over again because ther eis only two of us. But I would be lying if I said I didn't have my moments. As you can see I did/do. The longer I go without losing anything the more I tend to waiver on the eating.

    Working out though..I've got that covered. Some days I have to drag myself to the gym but once I am there and get through my workouts the better I feel. It is like a recharging of the batteries.
  • NicholeRobb
    NicholeRobb Posts: 166 Member
    I also suffer from hypothyroid & had a terrible time losing weight. I went to a nutritionist out of fear of gaining more & wanted to at least get a hold on how to prevent gain. The biggest thing I learned was that when eating healthy it is far easier to eat very low amounts of cals every day. I prided myself on that till I revisited my nutritionist who scolded me for it. Yes, the first wk or 2 it gave me a loss but after that I quit losing. I was told I wasn't getting enough cals & that even the number she had origionally told me to consume (1500), wasn't enough & that I was throwing my body into "Starvation mode". When u do that it doesn't matter how much u eat or how full u r if ur not getting a proper cal intake. Your body will still think it's starving & will horde everything preventing u from losing. It also may matter how long uve been on treatment for ur thyroid. If ur body hasn't regulated yet to the meds u may want to give that some time too. Just keep exercising & maybe try upping ur cal intake & see what happens
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    Are you still on the steroids. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have to go on three day bursts on Prednisolone regularly. It is hard to take the weight off from the steroids, but like the thyroid it can be done. It takes a while. The last time I was on a three day burst I gained 3 kilos in 3 days while I was sticking to a 1600 calorie a day diet. It takes time and is hard but you can do it. It is also harder to take the inches off around the trunk after steroids, but again can be done. You can add me if you want. You can do it though, you can.
    For almost a yr I was on major doses of steroids for sinus infections. That coupled with quitting smoking, coupled with a thyroid totally screwed up, coupled with a bad relationship all caused me to gain close to 60 pounds. Well I had sinus surgery which has allowed me to be off the steroids, and the relationship ended, and the thyroid is being medicated adn checked on a regular basis, but no matter what I do I can NOT seem to make the scale budge, or the tape measure move. In 6 mths I have lost 3 inches around my waist and 1.25 inches around my hips. I am still wearing the same size clothes so I can't go by that, and it seems no matter how hard I work out or what I eat nothing is working.

    Would love some advice.

  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    Are stats are close. I am supposed to be the same height as you, but lost 3 CM due to spinal damage. I weigh more though. If you are eating below 1600 calories you probably need to up them hon. Again you CAN DO THIS. Oh and I am 37 as well. Have you had all your vitamins levels checked. That can also cause some problems.
    Just had bloodwork done AGAIN today. The last round I didn't have to be upped but I was just borderline.

    I am 5'4 and weight 225 and am 38 (tomorrow).
  • slowturtle1
    slowturtle1 Posts: 284 Member
    DON'T GIVE UP! Health issues can make it such a struggle, but be patient with yourself/your body. This is obviously important to you judging from the effort you've put in already and the effort you continue to put in every day. You're worth the effort and you will get there! Just remember, if your body could talk to you it would probably say that it wants to meet that goal as much as you do and it appreciates all the work you're putting in to help it along.
    :flowerforyou: Some words of inspiration:
    "You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." ~Buddha
    "Learn to love, give kindness and support to someone close and important…yourself. " ~J. Charest
  • Rayjewls
    Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
    My suggestion is to change your milk chocolate to more of your daily calories before 4 pm any thing after 4 should only be dinner (during the week)...change your ground beef to ground turkey...keep snacks at least between 100 to 150 calories. I'm no expert but I think this would help you.
  • CaseRat
    CaseRat Posts: 377 Member
    Sometimes you need some tough love, and I hope you take this criticism in a good way. But you really aren't making healthy food choices.
    A lot of the food you're eating is processed. A lot is high fat, and you're eating lots of bad snacks. Most of your days have chips, chocolates, processed meats, popcorn, ice cream etc. It's okay to have the occasional treat, but you're having it every day! And it's taking up at least 1/4 of your total caloric intake, sometimes half!

    You need to stop snacking on unhealthy food. You need to increase the amount you're eating, with good, nutritious, healthy food.