

  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    I am so glad I found this thread!! I'm just venturing out into the forums, and saw another PCOS one today, and now I'm finding others.. I'm sure I'll be using this quite.a.lot!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    im feeling so inspired to beat PCOS today! normally I let it get to me.....depress me....and break me down with hopelessness, but not today ladies! NOT TODAY! I have a fresh outlook on life right now and im going to use it to my advantage. eating whole fresh foods, cooking from scratch, and exercising the Pcos right out of my mind body and soul. you all are so amazing and inspiring! I know this is a venting thread, but for me it is also inspirational and uplifting as well. MUAH! Good luck my loves!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    i've never known this many women with PCOS! it's nice to know i'm not alone!!!!!!!!! it can really suck sometimes, but i'm glad it's not anything worse!

    I know right, I've only met 2 people with it, in real life. My cousin (hubby's side) she said she's been pregnant 15 times, but she has 4 kids. The other is an old co-worker of mine, who just keeps having miscarries like me. I had no idea this many people have this same issue as I do, its kinda nice to know I'm not alone.
    Its so much more common than people think. Im sure there are undiagnosed women out there that haven't even been documented we don't really know exactly how common it is yet......thats why Im constantly trying to get the word out there to women. The earlier you're diagnosed the earlier we can take control over it before it gets too destructive!
  • Dollymix22
    Doesn't the hair growth reduce with weight loss? That's what happened with my friend. I'm sure a lot of the symptoms reduce with loss although don't qoute me on that as i'm not entirely sure.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Doesn't the hair growth reduce with weight loss? That's what happened with my friend. I'm sure a lot of the symptoms reduce with loss although don't qoute me on that as i'm not entirely sure.

    I think it depends on how severe the case is. I know women who have lost all their pcos weight and still have chin who
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    dear pcos, haha! I ovulated this month! so eff you!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    Dear PCOS
    you are an *kitten*
    I;m sick to death of these sugar cravings, and the pms fake outs you give me.
    I am sick of the fact that I have done acupuncture, herbs, vitamins, progesterone tablets and yet, you STILL prevent me from getting a period. My last one was in freaking May 2011!! I mean wtf?!
    Oh and the cherry on the cake: adult acne!! Yeah thanks for that too. Some days I look like a 14 year old.

    I just hope I can have children when I'm thanks to you...
    /end rant.
  • lerrab
    lerrab Posts: 1
    I also have PCOS! It blows =( I want nothing more then to have my own baby. It is a everyday struggle to not give up. Thanks for a forum like this. =) Always needing encouragement.
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I have PCOS. I loathe the irregular periods, and the fact that I've been trying to get pregnant for almost 4 years. I did succeed last year, but to only have a miscarriage after a couple of months. I feel so useless, and when I think about the miscarriage and the emotional rollercoaster I went through, it's all a bit too much for me.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Doesn't the hair growth reduce with weight loss? That's what happened with my friend. I'm sure a lot of the symptoms reduce with loss although don't qoute me on that as i'm not entirely sure.

    Not for me. Seems to be getting worse and spreading to new areas as I lose weight. Horribly embarrassing, and doing a real number on my never-very-robust physical confidence. That and the lower-abdominal fat-loss resistance are the two things I hate most - I've lost two sizes on my top half, and barely one on my lower body, which is naturally the bit I'm most self-conscious about. Gah!
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    Doesn't the hair growth reduce with weight loss? That's what happened with my friend. I'm sure a lot of the symptoms reduce with loss although don't qoute me on that as i'm not entirely sure.

    Not for me. Seems to be getting worse and spreading to new areas as I lose weight. Horribly embarrassing, and doing a real number on my never-very-robust physical confidence. That and the lower-abdominal fat-loss resistance are the two things I hate most - I've lost two sizes on my top half, and barely one on my lower body, which is naturally the bit I'm most self-conscious about. Gah!

    This is so NOT what I wanted to hear! I can easily spend an hour plucking every couple of days, with a few maintenance plucks in between. I'm sorry yours is getting worse, but I'm gonna cross my fingers that mine goes the other way! Now if the skin tags would fall off like an earlier poster said hers

    Also, the skin grandmother would make me scrub my neck all the time because it always looks dirty. Some necklaces really react with my skin, but I'm normally colored funny. :ohwell:
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    I have PCOS and endomitriosis. Very frustrating!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I have PCOS and endomitriosis. Very frustrating!
    did you get diagnosed with both at the same time?
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Laser hair removal was awesome on my face. I found a great deal on it on Groupon. Best thing I EVER did for myself. I am not a high maintenance person, but it was so worth it. I love not having to wear makeup to cover the breakouts caused by plucking!
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Laser hair removal was awesome on my face. I found a great deal on it on Groupon. Best thing I EVER did for myself. I am not a high maintenance person, but it was so worth it. I love not having to wear makeup to cover the breakouts caused by plucking!

    I've seen the groupon deals, but wasn't sure what to think.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    This is so NOT what I wanted to hear! I can easily spend an hour plucking every couple of days, with a few maintenance plucks in between. I'm sorry yours is getting worse, but I'm gonna cross my fingers that mine goes the other way! Now if the skin tags would fall off like an earlier poster said hers

    My hair is too light for IPL (been told be three different beauticians) so I wax. I do it fortnightly and it's worked wonders. Otherwise I have a very light beard. Because in addition to the PCOS both my mother and maternal grandmother have had to shave since they were young. So it's inherited plus a disease causing it. Joy. The wax my beautician uses has helped reduce it so, so much. I went three weeks last time!
  • rhichi
    rhichi Posts: 133
    I've decided to copy the OP.

    Dear PCOS,

    Thank you for saving me money on birth control making me infertile. Thanks for then making me never menstruate, thus requiring me to buy the same birth control I was supposed to not need just so I could avoid uterine cancer.

    No love,
  • alg26
    alg26 Posts: 1
    This is my experience. My husband and I had been trying for 4 years to have a baby when I was finally told I have PCOS. For the next 6 years we started and stopped seeing 7 different fertility specialists. We would start then move or my husband would deploy and we would have to start over with a different doctor that said he had new and different tests for us to do. They were always the same tests! After 10 years had past since we began trying I had one more test that needed to be done, but it had to be 7-10 days after the first day of my cycle. Great, that came but only ever 4 months if I was lucky! They gave me a progesterone shot and wouldn't you know, it worked! Too bad I was so busy with work I never got the chance to take the test! Ahhhh! So 4 months go by and NOW I wasnt going to let anything get in the way of me taking this test! Another shot and 14 days later, nothing! They tell me to go it because, "there is probably something wrong with your uterus"! Of course, what's one more thing?! :-/ they give me an ultrasound and I will never forget her words..."um sweetie, your 4 months pregnant"!!!!!
    Now it didn't happen quickly (10 years) nor easy (I had lose 60lbs prior) but I was very lucky to have it happen and without needing fertility medication! I truly believe the weight coming off made a huge difference! After my daughter was born (Dec'08) I was determined to get the weight off again and hopefully have another baby. I lost 30lbs and ended up pregnant with my son!!! I am very lucky I know. But I do understand the struggles and heartache!
    This is what my doctor (leading PCOS specialist for my region)tells me. PCOS is not a developed disease, we were born with it. More woman than you would believe have it but you and even themselves will never know because they don't have many symptoms (hate them ;-D). PCOS is not inherited by your mother but rather your father. Those whose mothers have it just shows how common it really is (this is just what I'm told). As for the eating lifestyle change, they tested my blood for almost every test they could. I recently found out that while I thought I was doing good some of my levels were dangerously high! I felt fine! They made it clear that if I want to continue to be able to raise my children I had to change! That's all I needed to hear! I'm so grateful to have been shown the truth! As far as the hair, I'm with you there, beard ahhhhh! I have done laser treatments from head to toe and EVERYWHERE in between (yeah, kinda became an obsession to get rid of the hair)! While it does grow back, and I'm told always will, it has improved so much in some areas and worth repeated treatments on others. While it is expensive, I found a company (ideal image) who understand about PCOS and offer lifetime reduced fee touchups!!
    Sorry this was so long, I just hope it can encourage those who are trying to conceive, lose the weight or just trying to understand what in the world is going on with them! You are not alone! We are all cysters together! ;-)
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I thought i would share. I have PCOS too. 5.5 years ago i weighed 173.1 kilos(380 pounds)...i now weigh 84.2 kilos (185 pounds). At my heaviest I had a lot of the symptoms...irregular periods (one every 7 months or so)...extreme period pain....bad skin...migraines...excess hair. Now adays...i have a period every 26-29 days...I have had one migraine since July 2009 (and it was mild), my skin is healthy, I still have the hair issue. But the majority of issues have gone away. I also find if I have a month where I dont eat as cycle will extend out to every 32 days or so...and mood swings come out with avengance.
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    My hair is too light for IPL (been told be three different beauticians) so I wax. I do it fortnightly and it's worked wonders. Otherwise I have a very light beard. Because in addition to the PCOS both my mother and maternal grandmother have had to shave since they were young. So it's inherited plus a disease causing it. Joy. The wax my beautician uses has helped reduce it so, so much. I went three weeks last time!

    Awesome! I usually use a depilatory cream on my 'stache and just pluck the chin hairs. Maybe if I waxed regularly I could get more mileage out of it. It's worth trying if I can find someone I like and can afford!