strenght training along the way vs waiting til goal wt



  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    You should start now.. you coulda started day one.
    Muscle burns more calories than fat... ie.... building matter where it is on your body... will burn more fat than your cardio.
    Also... you don't need to lift light and hi reps. Lift the most you can lift and complete the sets/rep.

    I am going to semi-quote Jillian Michaels here...not her exact words....

    "Lifting heavy doesn't make you bulk up or get big. Eating more than what you burn makes you big."
    So lift the max you can and still complete the # of sets and reps you chose.

    also...Cardio strengthens your heart muscle... which is good... you need that ... builds stamina... but burning is more in the muscles
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    "solidify my fat".

  • _Kitten_Kate
    _Kitten_Kate Posts: 520 Member
    I would argue that this is not true.
    To OP: Check out the book New Rules of Lifting for Women
    Absolutely agree with huffdogg!
    A book to have!
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Think of it this way: train and tone your muscles NOW, and then when you get rid of the fat, you'll have a nice, toned body, instead of being "skinny fat." Tons of people do cardio-only routines, and when they reach their goal weight, they are the same exact shape/bodyfat % as when they started... Major bummer. :(. Anyway, you need weights and cardio together to lose weight and reshape your body. Start NOW!! You won't regret it! :D
  • dol826
    dol826 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh my goodness I have no idea what solidifying your fat even means.

    I heartily agree with everyone who says start weight training now. Don't wait. I also enjoy throwing in calisthenics like burpees, pushups, pullups, which use your own body weight as resistance and are kind of a mix of cardio and strength training (if done at a high enough intensity).
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Think of it this way: train and tone your muscles NOW, and then when you get rid of the fat, you'll have a nice, toned body, instead of being "skinny fat." Tons of people do cardio-only routines, and when they reach their goal weight, they are the same exact shape/bodyfat % as when they started... Major bummer. :(. Anyway, you need weights and cardio together to lose weight and reshape your body. Start NOW!! You won't regret it! :D
    I would really love to know what your routine is because your back and arms are looking good.
  • CarpeDiem177
    Mainly, never lose sight of your goal and be consistent with what you choose. Personally, I want to be healthier for my kids' future. I want to be here for them until im 100!!! Being a parent im sure you know the feeling as well. I know MFP has a goal "weight" that we all want to get to, but being healthy and changing your lifestyle is what we have done. Instead, Think in your mind of a goal "figure" you want to achieve, and understand that just losing fat isnt going to bring out that figure. You need to start the growing process for you muscles by doing compound movements that develope your core muscles to make a base figure. Then when you are getting closer to your goal figure, begin to tone those tougher areas you want to sculpt for that pristine shape you desire!

    a few small goals that are within reach are easier to overcome than a large goal that seems distant and out of reach.....
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  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I would really love to know what your routine is because your back and arms are looking good.

    Fri 03/23/12 02:25 PM

    Thanks, I'll tell you what I've been doing, but there are many ways to get results, and I'm not pretending to be an expert. :) This is my 2 1/2 month progress from using moderately heavy training combined with cardio. I'm about halfway to my original goal, but really I don't care as much about the weight as how I look and feel, and how my clothes fit :)


    Firstly, as to diet, mine is not perfect by any means, but I try for 50% carbs, 30% protein, and 20% fat (it's just MY preference). I get 125-150 gm of protein a day, and I eat 6-7 small meals (2 of those meals are protein shakes with fruit). I average about 1700-1900 calories a day.

    For cardio, I just do the elliptical machine mostly. I do 45-60 minutes of elliptical every day, either by itself, or following my weight training sessions. There's nothing special about the elliptical, you can do whatever you want. I choose the elliptical because my knees get messed up if I try to run and my gym only has ellipticals, treadmills, and bikes. I wish they had a stair stepper...sigh...

    Weight training is 5x a week. I work my upper body at the gym, and I work my legs at home with a DVD, but since you're asking about my back, I'll share my upper body routine. For each bodypart, I choose 4-5 exercises, and do 4 sets of 10-15 reps each (usually working in supersets because I like to go fast). I rest very little, but I do try to lift heavy, as heavy as I can without cheating form. I never do the same workout twice, and my goal is to get SORE. My training split is like this:

    Monday: Back/ calves, cardio
    Tuesday: Chest/abs, cardio
    Wed: Biceps, cardio
    Thurs: Triceps/abs, cardio
    Fri: Shoulders, cardio
    Sat or Sunday: Abs and cardio

    As I said I work legs at home while my son naps. I use a DVD called the Butt Bible, which is basically just strength training for legs using lots of squats, lunges, etc.

    That's pretty much it. I work really hard at the gym (no talking, socializing, long rests), and I really try to focus my mind on what I'm doing (the mind-muscle connection). It feels great to see results, and I can't wait to see my muscles when I get a bit more of that fat off. I wish you all the best, now get out there and make it happen!! :D
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    However do remember this as well CARDIO is KING for weight loss, STRENGTH training is QUEEN. You need the King and Queen to build a kingdom....

    I would argue that this is not true.
    To OP: Check out the book New Rules of Lifting for Women

    Not sure how you can argue that the first statement is untrue. It's been true for decades, and it will continue to be true. Tons of women are going to end up injured because of that NROLFW book. I'm all for lifting heavy, but if you're only doing 4 reps, you have to lift SUPER heavy, and not all women have the joint strength, tendon strength, and all-around strength needed to lift like that without serious injury. Cardio combined with weights combined with good nutrition is the BEST way to lose weight--not the only way, but it's the best. :D
  • betterin2012
    Strength training builds lean muscle tissue. It's that lean muscle tissue which continues helping burn calories even when you are at rest. However do remember this as well CARDIO is KING for weight loss, STRENGTH training is QUEEN. You need the King and Queen to build a kingdom....

    ^^^^^ what Antoniosmooth said....I've never heard this analogy before... LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Strength training builds lean muscle tissue. It's that lean muscle tissue which continues helping burn calories even when you are at rest. However do remember this as well CARDIO is KING for weight loss, STRENGTH training is QUEEN. You need the King and Queen to build a kingdom....

    ^^^^^ what Antoniosmooth said....I've never heard this analogy before... LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

    Yep!! It's not complicated, really :D