Spectacular Shredders (start Aug 1st) all welcome!



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Does anyone know if the 30 day Shred that is on "On Demand" with my cable provided for free is the same one as the DVD you buy in the store?

    I've heard yes - but I am unable to confirm that myself, as I do not have on demand. How much do they charge for on demand?? I know that you can buy the shred for under $10, I even heard that walmart had it for $6 online with free shipping site to store. Just a thought... ... :flowerforyou:

    I completed day 2 - level 1 :drinker: Really feeling it in my back & shoulders!! Yahooo!!
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    Does anyone know if the 30 day Shred that is on "On Demand" with my cable provided for free is the same one as the DVD you buy in the store?

    I've heard yes - but I am unable to confirm that myself, as I do not have on demand. How much do they charge for on demand?? I know that you can buy the shred for under $10, I even heard that walmart had it for $6 online with free shipping site to store. Just a thought... ... :flowerforyou:

    I completed day 2 - level 1 :drinker: Really feeling it in my back & shoulders!! Yahooo!!

    On Demand is FREE! So I was wondering if I should buy the DVD or just use the free resource. Level 1 and 2 are offered by my cable company. I didn't know if it was the same or not.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Wow...I need to get back to the shred tomorrow. Today was a day of heavy cleaning of the house from top to bottom :( God I hate cleaning all day! Im so tired I can barely move...which resulted in pizza for dinner and DQ for desert! I loved my cheat day but I am looking forward to getting on track for tomorrow morning bright and early!!!!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Does anyone know if the 30 day Shred that is on "On Demand" with my cable provided for free is the same one as the DVD you buy in the store?

    I'm sure that it is, and actually easier to use. I have AT&T and it is the same, I also purchased the DVD, before I found it on demand. I bet it is the same on all cable services.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    O.k. I have an admission to make.....I did not do the shred again today. I did not wake up before everyone else and once they are up it is so hard to find a space to work out. Then we went to church, grocery shopping and I took a 2 hr nap! lol I know how bad that sounds! I can find time for a nap but not to work out! My oldest son is moving back in so he showed up with a bunch of his stuff, then it was time to cook dinner and back to church for choir practice. I just got home and it is 8:15. I could do it now....o.k. I think I have convinced myself to just do it.

    Come on someone make me feel guilty enough to chase everyone out of the living room and do my workout!
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I hope you managed to get yours in last night - Picadilly. I didn't do mine until about 9:00 myself. More than anything it is the motivation to get started that's hard for me. This weekend, I had so much else going on that I put this off until late evening each day, better late than never, right?

    Hope everyone has a great Monday !?! :)
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    So I missed the start of the month for the Shred because I hardly check MFP on the weekends..ususally soo busy but here I am. I just ended my membership at a gym because of costs so this will be a perfec tthing to pick up since I get Fit TV On Demand with my cable plan so I have alot of Jillian's and Bob's!! Workouts. I've done the fix your trouble zones one before..wish they had more cardio in it but I was drenched afterwards so that's a good sign. I'll be starting again tonight...which one should I do?? I'm a little intimidated by the hour long videos haha
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Darn it I did not do the workout last night. The gang was watching a movie and I couldn't just tell them to get out. But I felt so guilty that I managed to get up at 5 this morning and do my workout! WOOHOO!! My leg felt pretty good this morning but I just didn't think I should push it so what I did was jog in place and did the arm portion of the jumping jacks. My heart was still working trust me! lol It seemed much harder today than when I did it last week! My leg is a little sore but I think it will be fine.

    Jenn, good for you!! You are so dedicated! You had a busy weekend but you got a lot of exercise in! Running, walking, the shred! Impressive!

    Kgolovin, have you done the shred before? It is only 20 min. so that might be a good one! I am used to 60 min cardio workouts so I am always surprised when I get to the end of the shred.

    Everyone have a fabulous day!
  • carlahgay
    carlahgay Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on Day 4 Level 1:) I am LOVING this:) How many days for each level? 10 straight? I
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I haven't been doing the days straight through, but have been using the shred videos on days between running for the past month or so, or sometimes in addition to running when I cut my runs short. I LOVE these videos!!

    I tried level 2 for the first time last week... it's definitely a challenge. there are moments where i have to take a few seconds break and I'm cursing Jillian's name for making me do these things, but at the end, when I'm dripping sweat, it feels good to have worked so hard for it. These are definitely awesome workouts. Keeps you moving and energized throughout, even at the moments when you entirely hate her. :laugh:

    I found it got harder after the first week, too. But then the third week felt a lot easier. And my knees don't hurt much like they did in the beginning. Also, I think these are GREAT for beginning runners because of the manageable strength training that really targets muscles in your legs that help keep your joints from getting sore from the impact.
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Darn it I did not do the workout last night. The gang was watching a movie and I couldn't just tell them to get out. But I felt so guilty that I managed to get up at 5 this morning and do my workout! WOOHOO!! My leg felt pretty good this morning but I just didn't think I should push it so what I did was jog in place and did the arm portion of the jumping jacks. My heart was still working trust me! lol It seemed much harder today than when I did it last week! My leg is a little sore but I think it will be fine.

    Jenn, good for you!! You are so dedicated! You had a busy weekend but you got a lot of exercise in! Running, walking, the shred! Impressive!

    Kgolovin, have you done the shred before? It is only 20 min. so that might be a good one! I am used to 60 min cardio workouts so I am always surprised when I get to the end of the shred.

    Everyone have a fabulous day!

    I have done the trouble zone one and I can't remember how long that one was off the top of my head. I normally do 45-60 min workouts but it's with only 30 of it being cardio, the rest was weight training and abs.
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    I have yet to start the shred, but I plan on doing it today after the kiddos go down for a nap.

    Just a couple of questions:
    Is this the only workout you do?
    If not, what else do you do?

    I want to stick to my running, but I don't know if I will be able to handle both. I plan on taking weekends off from any type of exercise for the next month, because I never seem to find the time to do it and I start training for a half-marathon in mid-Sept.

    Now lets see if I can get past the first day.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I have yet to start the shred, but I plan on doing it today after the kiddos go down for a nap.

    Just a couple of questions:
    Is this the only workout you do?
    If not, what else do you do?

    I want to stick to my running, but I don't know if I will be able to handle both. I plan on taking weekends off from any type of exercise for the next month, because I never seem to find the time to do it and I start training for a half-marathon in mid-Sept.

    Now lets see if I can get past the first day.

    My plan is to work the shred in with my beginning running plan. I plan on alternate days, but if I get my run in and still feel I have a little extra the shred is a great complement. It is good because it is only 20 minutes (I figure I can survive 20 minutes of about anything) If I'm totally beat after running then I skip the shred, so far they have worked well together. However I am still on series 1, may feel different if I move to series 2.
  • I hope its not too late to start this. I started the shred a couple of months ago...then I quit...not quite sure why. It's such a great workout! My plan...two workouts a day as I have a HUGE goal of getting 17 more lbs off this month. So...going to wake up at 5 am and do one of Jillian's workouts from her Biggest Winner series that I have ...and then when my kids nap...the Shred. I also plan on walking a few days out of the week too!! Good work everyone! And Good luck in the future! Thank you for starting this thread!!
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    Alright just finished Shredder Level 1 (the short video-like 28min) I did not think I would be this soaked!! Haha I love it. The exercises were simple but with intervals of cardio it really got your HR up. I'm energized now so I think I'm going to get my bike out....later!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    Woo hoo, I did the shred level 1 today. i went out yesterday and picked up a set of 3lb weights because teh 8lb ones i was using were wayyyy to heavy for the last circut on level one! These 3lb ones were wayyy better!

    I also did week three run number one of the couch to 5km running program and HOLY CRAP the 3 minutes of running nearly killed me! I am not looking forward to run number two on wednesday!

    I hope everyone has a good start to the "spectacular shredders" yesterday and today! I cant wait to see the inches and the weight start to come off!!!

  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    I got the shred in today. :happy:

    Isn't it funny how much you can hate Jillian sometimes? "bring those weights up to eye level!" grrrr... :angry:
    Yet when the workout is finished, you feel so good (or maybe relieved it's over!)
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I know what you mean about the bringing the weights up to eye level! That is even towards the end of the workout and my arms are screaming by then! lol My arms didn't hurt as bad today as they did the last time I did them though. What killed me tonight is putting up our trampoline in the back yard! Pulling all those springs! My shoulders are not happy campers right now! Up at at-em early in the morning to shred again though!

    Good night all and GREAT JOB TODAY!
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    I got in the first day of level 1. My arms and legs are like jello tonight. I'm surprised at how many calories I burned in only 20 mins. I'm glad I was finally able to get it in and I just hope i'm able to get up early and do another day, plus I want to try and get a run in tomorrow as well.
  • Today will be day 9 for me! I can't do my workout this morning, because we have a bunch of kids over from a sleepover.

    I will squeeze it in somehow..when no one is around to watch me! I did all of the stomach crunches and some pushups just to make me feel better. I feel terribly guilty not doing it this morning...but I feel so silly working out in front of people!

    Is anyone else doing JUST the 30 day shred?

    I have only lost 2 inches in these past 9 days...and I haven't seen the scale budge. That isn't so motivating. When I was doing Tae bo, before I got pregnant with my 3rd baby, the inches feel off so quickly! These inches weren't even where I really wanted to lose either. I need some other stuff to add on I guess.
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