Overweight people putting me down



  • hkulbacki
    hkulbacki Posts: 187 Member
    Just keep this though in mind when they talk down to you, "today I will do what you won't, so tomorrow I can do what you can't"
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    I've had that happen several times lately. It troubles me too. But how sad for them. Q. How much weight have you lost? A. Enough to feel better... Statement: You're going to blow away in the wind Response: It's ok, I'll grab onto you for an anchor. Just kidding.

    Take a deep breath, smile that big cheesy "F you" smile and say something really nice about them. Truthfully, they don't know what to say.

    It is bullying! Whoop 'em with kindness!
  • PALady4JC
    PALady4JC Posts: 99 Member
    I couldn't find my size in a department store, and the saleslady came up and asked if she could help. I explained my problem. Her nasty response? "Perhaps you need to shop in the little girl department." And then she walked off.

    Wow, how cruel! I was talking with a co-worker the other day who was once overweight. She was telling me how people treat her so differently now that she's lost weight. Reminded me of the movie "Fat Like Me", a true story about a popular thin high school girl who pretended to be fat for a documentary contest. Very sad.
  • blasiansrus
    blasiansrus Posts: 151
    It's really irritating when people can't ust be happy and supportive of you.

    I always get the "You'll blow away in the wind" Really? Have you seen my thighs? I'm anchored down! :)

    I actually do have that problem though (wind blowing me away), but it's just because I'm soo short lol, I'm not even super thin anymore really.
    Also, I have the problem with one of my best friends basically putting me down for being small.
    I can barely go shopping w/her because it's always "Ugh, they don't make clothes in my size", "If I was your size I'd buy all of this"(while I was being a bit picky w/choosing clothes), "why do you need to eat healthy? You don't need to eat healthy. You're already skinny", and other comments that makes it seem like she's (not on purpose) trying to make me feel bad for being naturally thin most of my life, and she claims to want to lose weight & asked me to help her eat healthier then blatantly disregarded any tips I gave her about cutting down on sweets (not cutting them out completely, but just making it an every other day thing or one serving instead of 3 servings a day). It gets annoying
  • Monti_e_lmt
    Monti_e_lmt Posts: 189 Member
    They may not be putting you down on purpose. I probably would have said you are beautiful the way you are, but every person has an image that they think is the right size, every single one of them is different. ME, I think your size is perfect and that is what I would love to be, someone else may think you are too skinny, YOU may want to be smaller. But as long as you are HEALTHY then that is all that matters. No one has a right to judge you if you are healthy. Being a big girl myself I know that my sense of size is off a little and when I see someone that I think is skinny trying to lose weight, I think of eating disorders, and most of the girls around her are way too small, when your elbows are not in proportion to the rest of your arm and you constantly shake then that is not healthy. But you look healthy, you look beautiful, and the only person that has a say in your image is you as long as you are healthy, as long as your doctor gives you the okay then trim away.
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    This is a broad mindset of American society. It has become mainstream to be overweight. Therefore, you are seen as the exception to the rule. "Some" people see you as a threat to their status quo.

    Keep on keeping on, and ignore them.
  • midnightryder
    if a overweight person ever try's to put me down.. and talk trash about why i am calculating everything. I usually just say because i don't want to look like you.

    its mean.. but they should mind their own business. i don't go around judging other peoples daily life..

    Love this one!! Awesome!!!
  • christinerush
    I agree, its jealousy! You just keep on doing what you are and ignore their comments and looks!
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    Does anyone else get the "You're being good today" comment? I get that from one lady at work when she sees what I am eating for lunch. Meanwhile, she says "I'm gonna be bad today" as she gets grease loaded french fries and hotdog. BUT she wants to go on WW?!?!!?! Why? Cause she is very overweight.

    I can't stand when people judge what I eat as I try to be healthier while they gulp down my daily calorie intake in one meal!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    So, I've notice something more and more lately. As I lose more weight, if I even mention that I've started to exercise or eat healthy or make a healthy food choice around them (especially while at work), it seems overweight women really have a problem with me. They'll start a conversation like, "yeah, I tried a diet once, then I realized I actually wanted to live my life with freedom" or my favorite, "you don't need to do that". It always starts with, "why are you eating Lean Cuisine?" "Why are you eating a salad?"

    The best so far was when we were talking about past jobs. I mentioned that when I was 15, I worked at an ice cream shop and put on fifteen pounds in one summer. One of my overweight coworkers looked at me, scoffed and said, "yeah, you could use it."

    I'm not a thin person by any means. I'm pretty average. I'm irritated by the looks I get every time I go to lunch and scan things into MFP on my phone. I mean, I'm a big girl and handle it just fine, but I think it's amusing that they feel the need to justify themselves by talking down to me.


    I don't really get that much. Many people struggling with their weight either congratulate me, say I am an inspiration or ask me for advice

    A few things that irritate me though.. getting comments on stuff I eat. Sometimes when people at work see me eating junk food, they will say things like "should you be eating that", "aren't you on a diet" etc. that stuff annoys me more! I don't actually diet, I just eat less and move more. Also, if people ask me how I am losing weight and I just say "I am eating less" they don't seem to believe me, they ask me what diet I am on and so on.
  • FlynnMacCallister
    FlynnMacCallister Posts: 172 Member
    Ugh. jerks. You reminding them of all the times they've tried and failed is such rubbish; you're proof that it can be done!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I got it in the past. It wasn't diet related but jogging.
    "You're too fat to jog you are just going to hurt yourself!"
    I never listened. haters gonna hate
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Thanks for posting this thread, it helps to know we're not alone. I work in an office that feels they need to celebrate everything with food. They even have a designated table literally 5 ft from my desk that they use to hold all the treats and such. Every single one of them is overweight and I get comments constantly. Yesterday I was told to have a (mega) muffin since I could not have a donut since the muffin was "healthy", they are also constantly saying I am too thin and I hear them talking about how they wish they could lose weight (as they stuff food in their mouths). I just wish they could see that they could lose weight if they wanted it bad enough. They see me reading labels and state that they don't have the time to read labels, really? If you don't have time for your health what is the sense. Their snide comments are truly what keeps me going, plus I see physically what all that overeating and lack of exercise is doing to them, they are not only over weight but constantly complain about being tired whereas I'm a huge bundle of energy and feel great. Let the haters be your motivators :)
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    They are jealous that you are actually able to make the change in your life and stick with it x

    I used to get the same, and I am no stick figure but now I get those that doubted me at the beginning ask me how I have done it and any tips - they are then telling their friends and so on.... Now I have 10 plus people joined me on here.
  • AdamBellfpt
    AdamBellfpt Posts: 224 Member
    First and foremost well done on you weight loss! Losing weight is not easy and I believe people should be proud of what they achieve

    Ok, about these comments you're getting, they're are most probably insecurities these women have about their own weight and for them it's easier to put you down than to do something about they're own weight. So in a nut shell you could put these comments down to jealousy, as other have said! I think of peole like this as "power zappers" they try to "drain" you making you feel weaker! But you're a strong individual so don't let them drain you!

    Dont let them discourage you! What you are doing is fantastic! Choosing a healthier lifestyle is a great gift to yourself! Remember that! Depending on the type of person You are you could say something like I'm happy with what I'm doing because it's making me healthy and if weight loss comes with that great. Alternately you could just say we ate all different and this is something I do! Or try and ignore them.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Ok unpopular opinion alert..

    I think being on this site gives posters a false view on the majority atitude towards diet & Fitness out in the real world.

    Most people never think about their health until they get sick or get an injury, most pople are contented with their lives/bodies/food choices untill it starts to cause them problems. As the focus of this website is fitness & diet it is correct to assume that everyone here is looking to make a change to their previous food & fitness choices & as such we are pretty much all in agreement that 1) eating better or in healthier portion sizes is the way forward 2) getting some kind of increased physical activity will improve not only our healthy but our overall general appearance.

    What alot of posters on this & other fitness/diet sites forget is that not everyone gives a crap about having muscle tone, thigh gaps or wherever else it might be we (general) are trying to achieve so any difference to what they consider normal food or normal weight & activity concerns or confuses them.

    This idea that they are "all" jealous is wrong imo, some people just thnk that if you look ok, are generally in good health & happy then why you would want to change yourself.

    It is lack of understanding of your goals rather than jealousy.

    Explain your goals or your reasons for the changes & try to do it in a way that is non judgmental of their choices. Their concern & comments however insensitive might actually be genuine interest or concern for your wellbeing, most people have no idea what a healthy lifestyle or what a healthy goal weight is.

    Remember, this is YOUR choice, not everyone has to agree with you or support you.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I can relate but although it is not overweight people putting me down cos i'm pretty skinny (cos i'm still pretty big) but they are all putting me down cos of eating the right foods and exercising. My mum especially, has tried "every diet" out there I try to talk to her about calorie counting and making healthy choices but she just doesn't listen.
  • Shazzylee
    Shazzylee Posts: 31 Member
    My Mother-in-law has given me the same rubbish! I've lost 21.4kg in total so far and she keeps making snide comments to other people (while she knows that I can hear) when the congratulate me on my loss. Some of the comments so far have been "Yeah, look at the skinny B***ch", "If she loses too much more, she'll get sick all of the time and have nothing to fight it with", "what do you need to exercise again for?" blah, blah, blah...
    I know it's a jealousy thing because she keeps telling me that she wants to lose weight, but still eats fast food everyday :huh:
    I just ignore her. I'm not going to let her derail my attempts to get fit and healthy just because she can't be bothered and neither should you. Just smile and let it spur you on :smile:
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    Well it sounds like they are jealous of your hard work. How about you have 12 super hot pictures taken and have them made into a calendar for 2013. Give one to each of them for Christmas and sign it " Day after day, I just get hotter and hotter." That should shut em' up!

    LOL Love it!