I could cry right now-weight gain



  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    I would consider getting an HRM. If those exercise calories are off, that can really effect your overall numbers. It's all about calories in verses calories out. You need to have a 3500 calorie deficit for the week in order to lose 1 pound. It is best to only lose between 1/2-2 pounds per week. So basically you need a 500 calorie deficit every day to lose one pound. That's why those numbers need to be pretty accurate. You will never get exact numbers, but as long as you have numbers to go by then you can adjust accordingly.
    I hope this helps and like a lot of posters said. Processed foods and fast foods are extremely high in sodium and stays in your body for up to 2-3 days. Make sure you drink plenty of water and get some weight lifting in there too.
  • Amylind13
    I think it can depend on what you eat. I can eat pizza and gain 3-5 lbs the next day. It could also be water-retention from hormones. I would drink lots of water and cut the salt. :~)
  • Amylind13
    3. I've been there not too long ago but look at my ticker.....almost THIRTY pounds gone since July. It WILL happen but only if you keep at it no matter what! The weight goes up and the weight goes down. Look at it from month to month not day to day!
    If, at the end of the month you have lost weight then you are going in the right direction. How MUCH weight doesn't matter. All that matters is that it slowly keeps coming off.
    I can lose anywhere from 2-4 pounds in a weeks time. I started out this Monday at 139.8. Wed. weighed 135.8 today weighed 136.4.....see! It happens to all of us when we watch our weight every single day BUT at the end of this month I will have lost at least 2 pounds...hopefully 3 to hit my goal! : )
    Hang in there, eat healthy, exercise and forget about it!
    It takes time!

    Great Advice! Very encouraging! Thanks! I needed to hear that, I tend to weigh daily, multiple times a day, but have determined to only count it weekly. It never occurred to me to count it monthly. I think I'm gonna print your post and hang it above the scale! :happy:
  • nowucme
    nowucme Posts: 88 Member
    You said you use a lot of processed foods and they usually contain too much salt. Try to cook fresh more often and maybe add sodium content to your food tracker. I have only been here three days and already had some surprises with the food tracker!
  • xTenaciousJx
    just like most have said...if you ate fast food last night its HIGH in sodium~ this makes you retain WATER weight. drink tons and tons of water and the next few days very low sodium foods and the weight will go down. try not to eat processed foods etc. also eating a few bananas helps w/ the sodium (potassium).

    good luck and dont freak out! drink lots and lots (half your body weight in oz.)
  • dannyarguello
    Thanks for all the amazing replies! I'm obviously still confused about some stuff but I'm gonna read some more articles and re educate myself. Thanks again :)

    i suggest reading this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/512956-tdee-what-is-it-and-why-you-should-not-eat-below-your-bmr
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    I know when my mom and dad started dieting they tried the NO carb two week thing and within a week of eat zero carbs, they dropped between 5-8 pounds a week. After the two weeks of no carbs, they started going back into it but eating things with low carbs, like breads, pastas, sweet potatoes instead of potatoes, and even a milk that has a lot less carbs than regular 2% milk and taste great. But now they don't pay to much attention to it and I hear my mom complaining about weight gain... but good luck on losing more weight!
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    I totally feel ya. I gained a pound since my last weigh in a week ago. I haven't been eating much because I don't get hungry hungry and my schedule has been insane messy and what not. Oh well. I feel your pain, unfortunately. :( I've been this same weight for about almost 2 wks. :\
  • Lab2809
    Lab2809 Posts: 58
    I've been stuck at my current weight for nearly 3 weeks after losing 12Ibs. I was only eating 1200 calories for the first 7 weeks, so users on here suggested eating my maintenance weight of 1500 calories as well as working out. I just weighed myself, first thing in the morning and it says I've gained 4Ibs, I'm actually in tears now. I realised that I was still eating a lot of processed food (but still under or at calorie goal) so tried to cut that out in the last few days, slowly but surely.

    I've been really good, exercising three times a week and eating at maintenance for a week. The only exception was last night when I had some fast food whilst out but I left over 900 calories remaining to cover this.

    I feel like not eating anything now :(

    I'm really hoping this might be water retention, as I weighed myself 2 days ago and was still at the plateau weight, so 4Ibs in 2 days seems excessive?

    I recently went through the same thing. I decided to up my protein and calories because I'm working out a bit more. I was stuck for 2 weeks at the same weight and then I put on 4lbs. I then upped my water intake a little. When I weighed myself a week later, I lost 6.8lbs.

    But I suppose my point is that it is more than likely not fat weight gain and is water retention. Drinking more water and eating more natural diuretics as snacks (watermelon, cucumbers, etc.) helped me out quite a bit.