Breakfast Veggies?



  • ❤lindsay❤dawn❤
    I scramble egg whites with sauteed onions, mushrooms, and bell peppers with a wedge of LCC.

    : ))
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Eat dinner for breakfast, breakfast doesn't have to consist of what we tend to think of as breakfast foods. Scrambled tofu with loads of veggies. Veggie soup. Smoothies (rather than juicing so that you don't lose the fiber - but if you have a good juicer that doesn't leave behind a ton of stuff I think juicing is awesome). My favorite smoothie: banana, coconut milk, berries - fresh or frozen, sometimes mango, ground flaxseed, cinnamon, and lots of kale.
  • Fit_and_Healthy
    Just eat veggies, any way you enjoy them.
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    I've only ever had it once (took up way to much time in the morning for me to do often), but look up recipes for savoury oatmeal, you could get tons of veggies in there! it was really good actually becuase if you think about it, we are used to oats as something sweet only because we are so used to sweetening them with sugar/fruit etc. but it's a grain, like wheat or rice. don't tell me you only ever eat bread with a sweet spread!
    oats are a blank canvas, get creative :flowerforyou:
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    I love veg for breakfast. I love porridge for tea! Don't think about making veggies breakfast friendly, just eat 'em! I enjoy mountains of kale wilted in a little stock and then a spoonful of cream cheese stirred through for a VERY filling brekkie :)
    And I've often chopped an entire punnet (250g) of button mushrooms, fried them in frylight and then just had those for breakfast nomnomnom East what you enjoy, at any time of day :)
    Incidentaly, I'm not a huge chocolate fan, but think it's VERY nice if it's the first thing I eat after waking lol
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    I don't like omlettes either, but I do like frittatas. Something about it being oven baked with the a bit of parmesan melted on top makes it taste better to me. My favorite is a fresh spinach and sweet onion frittata.

    I used to eat deviled eggs and a side of fresh steamed green beans for breakfast all the time. Steamed asparagus seems like a good breakfast veggie too. Other breakfast veggies - Half a tomato with fresh mozzerella and basil on top broiled until the cheese is bubbly; cottage cheese with veggies; light cream cheese blended with lots of tiny chopped veggies like carrot, spinach, celery, onion, etc. spread on celery, crispbread, or a mini-bagel; peanut butter stuffed celery sticks
  • AdamBellfpt
    AdamBellfpt Posts: 224 Member
    Anything can be a breakfast veggie! If I'm honest I eat chicken salad for
    Breakfast. I don't think that you need to stick what is traditionally seen as a breakfast item!

    I try and get people to eat healthy options, no matter what time of day it is.
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    I love using my broiler! I will take an english muffin and put tomato, spinach, or any other veggie I want and top it with a cheese and broil it for a min or so. You can also use a toaster oven. Tastes yummy! Also, I put pico de gallo in most of my egg scrambles.

    Like others have said..there is no rule about what you eat for breakfast! Have fun with it!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Boil some asparagus or long stem brocolli in a pan with some eggs, and dip the veg in the runny eggs. Yummy x
  • pomme100
    pomme100 Posts: 5
    When I make a breakfast sandwich (like today) I have whole wheat or grain bread or a wrap with egg, lettuce and/or spinach, peppers, tomatoe, cheese, etc. Also, I agree, breakfast doesn't have to consist of traditional breakfast choices. I also mix fruit with my yogurt to change things up a bit and I am big on smoothies - I love them and try different ones to see what I like best! If you enjoy salads why not make a salad for breakfast? I put everything in my salads and have had some great comments from those who don't even like salads - they have called them masterpieces. I include a variety of mixed greens, spinach, almonds, cheese (i.e. feta or cheddar), dried cranberries, walnuts, meat (turkey, chicken, etc), peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, grapes, apples, broccoli, raisins, etc. Basically whatever is on hand I mix together for a wonderful blend of colours, texture, and taste. Then I'm not eating the same old salad every day and becoming bored with it. You can use a little dressing such as a vinegarette if you like. I've also had half a toasted bagel with apple slices on it and melted cheese on top of the apple. It is delicious. The options are endless and increasing fruits and veggies is very important so it is nice to incorporate them whenever you can. Good luck.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I eat sauteed asparagus in the morning with a serving of cottage cheese.

    Also, I love beets and cottage cheese, with some Heart Smart Crackers
    by Kashi.

    Another thing I enjoy is sauteed zuchinni, mushrooms, onions and peppers on
    a low carb multi-grain wrap (ie. Tumaros) with some parmesan cheese.

    A toasted 100 calorie whole grain light english muffin (Thomas) with sauteed
    zuchinni and low sodium lacey swiss cheese is really good too.

    All of these are good forms of protein, have fiber, are low in sugar and will keep
    you satisfied for hours.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I second the savory oatmeal and veggies in runny eggs suggestions!

    There's tons of recipes for savory oatmeal - where you treat it more like polenta than the breakfast stuff. You can add in mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes - anything. A bit of light parmesan - so tasty!

    We also like to make poached eggs to dip asparagus or zucchini in. We put bell jar canning rings in the bottom of the poaching pan and pour the eggs into the rings; use a spatula to make sure the egg doesn't stick to the ring - perfect poached eggs every time :)
  • SunshineT83
    SunshineT83 Posts: 158 Member
    I like to do different version of home fries/hash

    saute (just a few sprays of cooking oil will do then add a bit of veg stock) diced sweet potato with peppers, red onion, and greens (spinach, kale, collards)
    Or you can do the same thing with a white potato, but the sweet potato adds that "breakfast" sweet taste I feel you may be looking for.

    Also, the smoothie idea is a great one that I do often.
    Breakfast burrito (black beans, peppers, onions, tomato, greens)
    Try more of an egg scramble rather than an omelet and see if that is more pleasing to you.
    You could stuff a baked sweet potato (from the night before) with black beans and kale DELICIOUS
    Wraps and breakfast sandwiches are great options stuff them with your fave sauteed veggies
    Grits cooked in veg stock with sauteed veggies stirred into them.

    The best advice I can give is don't be afraid to experiment and be sure to use seasoning!! I have a tendency to like my dishes on the spicy side for breakfast. It wakes up my palate. Kind of the opposite of using a load of sugar (syrup, etc) in the morning.
    Happy cooking.:flowerforyou:
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Breakfast burrito (black beans, peppers, onions, tomato, greens)
    Try more of an egg scramble rather than an omelet and see if that is more pleasing to you.
    You could stuff a baked sweet potato (from the night before) with black beans and kale DELICIOUS
    Wraps and breakfast sandwiches are great options stuff them with your fave sauteed veggies

    I agree with the breakfast burrito. I like to include a tofu scramble (husband likes egg scramble) in there to make it a little more breakfasty.

    I tend to make my quick breakfasts on the mexican side.
    Beans and rice with salsa is super quick if you have leftover rice.
    Breakfast fajitas with leftover stir-fry and seitan or other protein option
    Quesadillas (husbands favorite) packed with beans, rice, veg and cheese (omit cheese for me).
    At work we make an egg bake- eggs, mushrooms, spinach, onion, and seasoned to taste. Pour into appropriate pan (so it is about 1/2" thick and bake for 10-15 minutes. You can cut it into smaller squares and keep in the fridge about a week. They make excellent sandwiches with bagels or just a quick side to enjoy.
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Oh and I just came across this recipe. I realize this isn't healthy, but maybe you could turn it into a mini quiche or frittata with a ton more veggies. They would be easy to freeze and heat.

  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I microwave a sweet potato and put a fried egg or two on top. yum :)