Woman who don't like men with tons of muscles



  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    If you can't bench press me GTFO....
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i just dont like for it to go too extreme in either direction...not into insanely muscled men like body builders, but i dont want insanely thin men either. i would break either of those rules for personality though...but to just decide on looks, itd be somewhere in the middle, just kinda nicely toned basically i guess.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    i like leaner guys.
    that being said, i fell in love and have been in a relationship for over a year with this man:
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    It is my opinion that women who say they don't like 'muscley men' only say so because a 'muscley man' hasn't taken interest in them.

    Oh snap! Except I've turned down my fair share of muscle...

    Big freaky useless muscles do put me off.... I like a man who is strong, but I don't like a man who is pumped up.... I've seen what happens to them when they stop lifting and go soft. My ex had those really tight, strong muscles that come from turning spanners, doing WORK, hiking around and doing calisthenics a bit every day... THAT is sexy.
  • nightscare0
    I don't think i could do one extreme or the other. Dating a guy with huge body-building muscles would probably intimidate me, and I would probably have to fight for mirror space. On the other hand scrawny and lean makes me feel like I would have to be the "man" in the relationship, a' la "Don't mess with me or my gf will kick your @$$" type of deal. I think I guy who is inherently strong and comfortable is his masculinity is a big turn on. A little pudge doesn't bother me, but I wouldn't turn away from a little definition either!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If you'd asked me 13 years ago what my type was, I'd have said dark hair, pale, thin. Think Johnny Depp or Tommy Lee.

    Then I met a guy who was absolutely perfect for me in every way. And he was a chunky green eyed blonde. I realized that none of my preferences mattered one hill of beans when someone understood, respected, and cared about me (and me him) as much as this guy did.

    Individual chemistry trumps all.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    i like leaner guys.
    that being said, i fell in love and have been in a relationship for over a year with this man:

    Lucky girl! He's got a nice back going there.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    heres my type of man :D bwahahah!!


    Actually, this guy is very muscular but not cut.

    I also like that body type.
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    lmao, women lie about this stuff...

    ETA: Let me clarify, 95% of the pictures these women post up look NOTHING like their husband/boyfriend. IF a woman says they don't like a certain bodytype, would these women still be with their boyfriend/husband if their body became that type?

    umm...yes? I don't overly like skinny and i don't overly like fat on a man, but if my boyfriend happened to go either way of course i'd still love him........ if he decided to become a gymrat and prioritise pumping right up i wouldn't stop loving him but would be more concerned than if he got thinner or fatter.

    (EDIT: in fact, my first boyfriend had to stop working out for a bit and got quite skinny, and my second boyfriend had to stop working out and got a layer of fat... i did not care at the time)

    it's not a lie to state a preference, you're just a good human if you don't let that preference dictate an entire relationship,

    (ugh, i'm slightly biased here though... my ex lost interest in me when i went from well fit to top end of healthy bmi WHILE INJURED FOR A YEAR. he certainly was lying when he said he 'preferred' fit girls - he could not stand anything less than a fit girl. ugh)
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    I like a lean muscular body - like a swimmer or cyclist.
  • MonkeyMoo08
    I don't think i could do one extreme or the other. Dating a guy with huge body-building muscles would probably intimidate me, and I would probably have to fight for mirror space. On the other hand scrawny and lean makes me feel like I would have to be the "man" in the relationship, a' la "Don't mess with me or my gf will kick your @$$" type of deal. I think I guy who is inherently strong and comfortable is his masculinity is a big turn on. A little pudge doesn't bother me, but I wouldn't turn away from a little definition either!

    That's pretty much me too. I don't care for the body builder look - where their muscles are so big that their skin looks like it's stretched thin to cover it all. With that said, I don't care for super thin guys that could afford to add on 20-40 pounds. I like them in the middle I guess.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    Lucky girl! He's got a nice back going there.
    right?? he used to hold a deadlifting record when he was in high school (which might still be standing), plus, he was a competitive bodybuilder for like 3 years, so......
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Lucky girl! He's got a nice back going there.
    right?? he used to hold a deadlifting record when he was in high school (which might still be standing), plus, he was a competitive bodybuilder for like 3 years, so......

    My husband looked like this when we got married, but he's significantly pudgier now. I still think he's sexy and love him anyway. :smile: I do think he's intimidated now that I can pick him up though. heheh...
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    o.k. so I just wanted to hear from other woman who like me don't really find themselves attracted to overly muscly men,

    what type are you attracted to, lean, pudgy, ect?

    I like men that are tall and very lean with a sense of muscles but have a little bit of pudge over the muscles

    yup... My significant other is tall, skinny and has the cutest little love handles!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    The ideal guy for me is very tall, and lean so I can see the musculature, but not like he works at it or anything. I also like long, dark hair and light eyes. A nice olive/tan/dark skin tone helps too.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    It is my opinion that women who say they don't like 'muscley men' only say so because a 'muscley man' hasn't taken interest in them.

    Let me prove you wrong. I get hit on by all types.. and I STILL don't like muscly (steroid looking) men. Muscles that big screams major baggage to me.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I like guys with a defined natural muscles...not body builders and not sticks. Right in between. My husband has a lot of natural muscle without having to work out. I love it!!
  • Dixietrink82
    Dixietrink82 Posts: 33 Member
    I don't want to lay my head on a rock...i prefer a soft pillow....

    My hubby is a tall, overweight type....typical middle age firefighter <3......but if he lost it all I'd still love him because he makes me laugh, makes me angry, makes me love, makes me see things differently and makes me a happy woman.
  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    I guess this would make me an equal opportunity dater (if I were not happily married). I like lean musle (Micheal Phelps), beefy types (Randy Couture), body builders and even slightly pudgier guys. Guess I just like men, period.
  • baycat107
    baycat107 Posts: 165 Member
    I like tall, lean, muscular men, not body builder types. To me swimmers have the perfect body. Strong shoulders, muscular arms, small hips. Just my preference. I married a swimmer.