Spectacular Shredders (start Aug 1st) all welcome!



  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I agree with everyones comments on Jilian, really like her style most of the time but after hearing "I have 400 lb people who can do jumping jack, so can you!!!" for the 50th time I really just want to punch herjavascript:add_smiley('tongue','post_body').

    Didn't shred last night because I did my Couch 2 5k run (wk 2 day2) really felt good, just didn't have it in me to do the shred after. Humidity was so heavy last night. So I did an ab workout instead.

    I've always wondered how one would stretch a trampoline to set it up, guess its just pure muscle :) good for you! I be that does hurt after all the arm lifts from the shred!

    Happy shredding!!!
  • I didn't get the Shred in yesterday...but I decided yesterday will be my "day off" number 1 for the week! I usually do wednesdays...but I'll do monday instead. I will do the shred today! I will do the shred today! I will do the shred today!! :wink: I made up a chart that posts the days I'll do the shred. I wont' do 30 days straight, cause I'm a firm believer that your body needs 1-2 days of rest a week....Good job everyone! Keep up the good work!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • BTW- what is couch 2 5K??
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Its a beginning running program, you can read all about it at www.coolrunnings.com It gradually takes you from nothing to running a 5k in an 8 week program. There are podcast downloads available which make it really easy to follow, set to music with the timings voiced over. Also you can seach the topics hear and see a lot more about it as well.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I did it again this morning! It was a little easier today but I have got to say I hurt more today. That could be from the 100 springs on the trampoline last night though! lol

    Ladykrashy - I completely understand about not liking to be watched when I am working out. But it only bothers me at home. When I am taking a class or at the gym...it does not phase me one bit! lol How psycological is that!?

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Well, today was a very productive day! I woke up at 5 am and did Jillian's Full Frontal Video...then at about 10 I took my kiddos on a 4 mile walk...then we played in the park....when they laid down for a nap, I did Jillian's Shred Video...then I push mowed my entire yard! I feel great and ready to start again tomorrow!!! thanks for this thread!!
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    I got in day 2 of level 1 while the kids took a nap. I'm sore in my arms from the push-ups and the flys, but everything else doesn't hurt. I'm kind of looking forward to do it tomorrow. I just hope that I am able to get my run in too. I also measured myself this morning.

    Hope everyone has a great shred tomorrow.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    did the shred Tuesday night after a 4 mile walk, really feeling better and better with level 1, not quite ready to move on to level 2 yet. Took off last night but did get in my C 25k run. Weight in tomorrow, hoping it's all good :)
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    How is everyone doing!???

    I did shred this morning but I never got it done yesterday. In some ways it was easier than before but I also was able to do the jumping jacks today. Leg is a little sore but noting bad. So I worked out a little harder than I had been and my muscles are feeling it today! lol

    Jenn....you have been working so hard that I can't imagine you weigh in being bad! If it is though I would take some measurements. Let us know!

    DaniNei! Good for you! Did you get it done again today?

    Mrsprazak05 - My goodness!!!! You have got some serious energy going on there!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I just noticed this thread and I like it!
    Ive been doing the 1st session/stage/whatever of the 30 day shred for about a month now. It was really inconsistent at first, but now its 5 days a week! At first I didnt have the handweights for it and now I use simple 2 pound weights. Its been kicking my butt completely and Ive seen a lot of progress even in my endurance!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Wonderful Joviall! I am glad to hear it has worked well for you. Out of curiosity, how are you doing with the pushups? I don't know if I will ever be able to do those!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    as long as I do the "easier" version I can do all of em...but Im still not up to the real ones lol
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I agree - Girl Pushups are the only option for me too, that's ok, still great for your arms and abs!!
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    I have to do the 'girl' ones and I CAN NOT get through the entire time! Until I can do level one with no modifications or stopping....I think I am staying at level one. I never realized how weak I am! lol
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Good morning Shredders. Hope everyone is doing great and happy to see Friday finally get here

    Yesterday was my rest day, I find myself so anxious to exercise it is hard to take a whole day off. Hopefully my body will appreciate it. Despite my BEST efforts this week (followed all the rules) I'm up a pound from last Friday. Completely perplexed, never will understand this body. I'm sure it is hormones, or TOM just throwing things off wack, hopefully next week I"ll see double improvement.
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Jenn- Could be anything really but did you take measurements? I did read once that most women lose the most weight in the second half of their cycle but most of us don't see it until after TOM leaves. So there is still hope. I have been keeping an eye on this theory for the last several months and have seen that I will drop a few stubborn lbs right before I start and then gain it back during that time but as soon as it goes away again, those lbs drop off pluss a few more. So don't get discouraged. I would imagine that even though the lbs didn't dissapear. you are probably feeling more fit and healthy and in the long run, that is what matters the most. At least that is what I tell myself all the time! lol

    I don't expect to see much change on the scale because I have only had enough time to do the shred and I really think that I need to also do my kickboxing because it burns so many more calories.

    Anyway...how is everyone else doing?
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Im already behind schedule, I planned to have 2 glasses of water down everyday and breakfast started...its 10. I have one glass of water down and am battling with a migraine.
    Really sore today from the shred, 30 mins of walking, and 40 mins of strength training. Im debating a day off but I know as soon as I shower and throw laundry in Ill want my workout clothes outta that washer lol
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Jenn- Could be anything really but did you take measurements? I did read once that most women lose the most weight in the second half of their cycle but most of us don't see it until after TOM leaves. So there is still hope. I have been keeping an eye on this theory for the last several months and have seen that I will drop a few stubborn lbs right before I start and then gain it back during that time but as soon as it goes away again, those lbs drop off pluss a few more. So don't get discouraged. I would imagine that even though the lbs didn't dissapear. you are probably feeling more fit and healthy and in the long run, that is what matters the most. At least that is what I tell myself all the time! lol

    I don't expect to see much change on the scale because I have only had enough time to do the shred and I really think that I need to also do my kickboxing because it burns so many more calories.

    Anyway...how is everyone else doing?

    Thanks for the encouragement. I know it will come off eventually and yes, actually I did take measurements and compared to about 10 days ago I've lost an inch in my waist, hips and thighs, so I know it is going somewhere. I do feel so much stronger and just better overall, so it is worth it, just love it when I see the pounds drop.

    Kickboxing is great for calorie burn, I'm really looking forward to a great weekend of exercise, have to mow the yard tonight which is great exercise then will continue with my shred and C25K this weekend. Gonna be HOT!!
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I did the shred today and usually i use my 8lb weights but cant seem to do the last excersice with weights, so i wen tout and bought 3lb ones for the last circut and it was wyyyyyy better than doing it without. I feel like I really kicked my own but!

    I also took the dog for a 2km walk and had a horseback riding lesson today so it appears that I got my workout in today lol!

    Good luck to everyone on the weekend. I'll be doing the shred again Sunday morning and running tomorrow :)
  • pickadilly2009
    pickadilly2009 Posts: 320 Member
    Wow! Maddiebabe....you got a LOT of exercise in today! My goodness! Good job!

    I am going to do my kickboxing and the shred tomorrow in the morning. I want to get it out of the way early so I can get some cleaning done and then get ready for my date tomorrow night! Woohoo! lol

    Jovi...sounds like you are doing fine to me! How much water do you drink in a day? Sorry about the migraine! Those make life tough!

    Night all!
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