Who would you be more inclined to spend your money on?

A personal trainer that is ripped.


A personal trainer with an okay body that has studied at university for 2 years.

Which one? This is totally hypothetical of course :)

edit: for those that need clarification on "ripped", here is the definition we shall go by: http://bumpshack.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/ryan_reynolds_ripped.jpg

edit: also assume this is all you know about them.


  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I used to have a personal trainer who was incredibly strong, but she didn't exactly look 'ripped'. And I thought she was fab :D
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    I used to have a personal trainer who was incredibly strong, but she didn't exactly look 'ripped'. And I thought she was fab :D

    Did you know if she'd studied?
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Honestly...the university education wouldn't sway me per se...it would depend on the degree and where. Some online certificate program? Or something official (although I don't really know what would be applicable for a trainer).

    As for the body type....ripped wouldn't necessarily sway me. Just because someone knows how to get themselves ripped doesn't mean they know how to do it for other people...particularly, that they know how to do this for "normal" people (I read forums for fitness models and serious lifters....some of those people are obsessed and either have some seriously unhealthy habits, or got ripped with a level of "multiple hours in the gym everyday" dedication that I have no interest in).

    So...I see what you're looking for in terms of comparison (book learnin'? or awesome real world results?). But if that's all the information I had, it would be a toss up, because that information isn't really very useful for someone like me.
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    Honestly...the university education wouldn't sway me per se...it would depend on the degree and where. Some online certificate program? Or something official (although I don't really know what would be applicable for a trainer).

    As for the body type....ripped wouldn't necessarily sway me. Just because someone knows how to get themselves ripped doesn't mean they know how to do it for other people...particularly, that they know how to do this for "normal" people (I read forums for fitness models and serious lifters....some of those people are obsessed and either have some seriously unhealthy habits, or got ripped with a level of "multiple hours in the gym everyday" dedication that I have no interest in).

    So...I see what you're looking for in terms of comparison (book learnin'? or awesome real world results?). But if that's all the information I had, it would be a toss up, because that information isn't really very useful for someone like me.

    I think you thought about this question more than I did :P
  • chefkev
    chefkev Posts: 155 Member
    for me, I would rather find a former fatty who made good. They have "been there and done that" so I know they understand what it is like to start from scratch. As opposed to someone who has been in shape their whole life and doesn't understand what it is like to have not been an athelete forever.

    Once you are in good shape, then move to a different type of trainer.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I think rather than either of those I'd go with one who'd specifically trained in the area I want to improve. No use hiring a body builder if I'm training for a Marathon, for example.
  • Well, I alternate between 2 trainers now, depending on what day I go .

    One is a woman, no college education, extremely fit, competes in fitness competitions in her spare time. Not bodybuilding, but something like that, where they get up on stage in those tiny bikinis and make their skin all shiny. LOL.

    The other is a man, he has an Engineering degree and used to be a Metallurgists before opening his training studio. He's highly intelligent, but not ripped. In fact, he really ought to shed a few pounds. Hee.

    I love them both. :-)
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    Interesting answers, despite not answering the question directly, they still interest me :) Keep them coming!
  • jarrodc
    jarrodc Posts: 102
    Well, I alternate between 2 trainers now, depending on what day I go .

    One is a woman, no college education, extremely fit, competes in fitness competitions in her spare time. Not bodybuilding, but something like that, where they get up on stage in those tiny bikinis and make their skin all shiny. LOL.

    The other is a man, he has an Engineering degree and used to be a Metallurgists before opening his training studio. He's highly intelligent, but not ripped. In fact, he really ought to shed a few pounds. Hee.

    I love them both. :-)

    Maybe she's a figure competitor / model?

    Lucky you, having 2 trainers! /envy
  • Interesting answers, despite not answering the question directly, they still interest me :) Keep them coming!

    To answer your question directly I don't care whether they are ripped or what their education is. They just need to know what they are doing and MOTIVATE me to follow suit.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    Eh. I honestly have more respect for educated people which makes me trust them more. Is that poor of me? Possibly, but I have had bad experiences with trainers who knew less than I did about general knowledge and I was not motivated to do the work they expected of me (even if it was for my own good).
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    The only time I've considered a trainer was to watch my form, so I would want some sort of accreditation. Mark Rippetoe doesn't look nearly as ripped as the guy from T-Nation or the Hodge Twins, but I'd trust him over them.

    Plus, ripped without a degree/certification= you'll probably be getting bro-science.
  • luvnthenewme
    luvnthenewme Posts: 121 Member
    I would not choose a trainer based on those facts alone. Really, education and physical fitness are like apples and oranges...aren't they?
  • Crazyartgrrl
    Crazyartgrrl Posts: 46 Member
    I chose my trainer (just last week actually) based upon the things he said and how he looked. He's not young nor is he fresh out of college with a fancy degree. He has some certifications (I'd love to share them but I know its acronymical and what they mean eludes me, so I didn't commit them to memory.).
    I don't think either of your hypotheticals is enough for me. Seem people are ripped because their genetics helps that, not to mention age. But that totally discounts those that have been doing what they've been doing for 20 years, that probably didn't get the fancy college degree, but has so much real experience. That and a person in their late 40's and 50's isn't going to have that same "ripped" physique as someone younger (less experienced) might.
    So I guess neither. Give me older, give me in decent solid shape, give me experienced. That's what I spent my money on.
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    If that ripped/toned/healthy trainer were a 65-year old man or woman, or a 20-year old man or woman would matter to me. A great deal.

    Depends what you are after, doesn't it?
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member

    To answer your question directly I don't care whether they are ripped or what their education is. They just need to know what they are doing and MOTIVATE me to follow suit.

    this. The main thing is that they can motivate you to work out, and know how to do it correctly. Ive seen various instructors over the years, and never been interested in having PT sessions with them, some of the 'officially qualified' ones are absolutely useless and dont look like they have ever set foot in a gym, so if i had to choose i would say experience over qualifications any day.
    My PT is an ex dancer still studying for her PT exams, so doesnt have the 'muscly gym body' or qualifications but she is fantastic and i really look forward to my workouts with her :-)
  • amymaria91
    amymaria91 Posts: 202
    People who are super ripped can sometimes scare me! Lol.

    I personally look at how much experience someone has. A degree wouldn't bother me too much cause I've met some people who did a degree but are still extremely thick
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    This is a PT who gained on purpose: http://www.fit2fat2fit.com/
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    The only time I've considered a trainer was to watch my form, so I would want some sort of accreditation. Mark Rippetoe doesn't look nearly as ripped as the guy from T-Nation or the Hodge Twins, but I'd trust him over them.

    Plus, ripped without a degree/certification= you'll probably be getting bro-science.

    this is Mark Riptoe in his early days

  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I have had several over the years. I like a trainer that is fit and educated. When I say fit I don't mean ripped. I had one like that before and it bothered me that he would always catch himself in the mirror and do a flex, or always point out the other ripped guys and say what they were doing wrong. I had a trainer I used for 2 years straight who was extremely fit and kept up certifications and classes. He was awesome. I never tried one who wasn't fit yet educated because I wouldn't be able to stand the "do as I say and not as I do" Where is the inspiration in that?