Major sucess with higher calories!



  • Jgen62
    Jgen62 Posts: 66
    Yipper skipper! another really good way to do it is figure out what your calories would be to maintain your goal weight and set that as your daily intake and don't worry about eating exercise cals back, if you do it's ok but just concentrate on that maintenance calorie intake and the results are wonderful!!!
    Peace! :flowerforyou:
  • It pays to do some research first. I made the same mistake but After checking it out I was eating 600 too little.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    I do not know all your stats and so cannot say what your calories level should be, but, for example, I am 5 6" and 178lb and am on 1700 before exercises with a lightly active non workout activity level. When I exercise, I end up nearer or above 2000.

    Thank you for posting! This has inspired me to up my calories. I'm the same height and 12lbs lighter but last week after a heavy gym schedule and only eating between 900 - 1300 calories (net) I felt like I was about to collapse with exhaustion and brain fog.

    I'm giving 1700 a go, with the increase going on protein.
  • Wow: I've had a look at that fat2fit website and the formulas for how many calories you should be eating and I'm confused as to how they've come to that number? They've given me a BMR of around 1300 yet said that I should be eating close to 1700 a day to lose 15kg? :S
  • Also: Does the calorie count recommended there include excersize calories or should you be eating them back on top of that?
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Also: Does the calorie count recommended there include excersize calories or should you be eating them back on top of that?

    on the fat2fit site it gave you different choices depending on your activities.

    if you chose the sedentary one, then yes, eat your exercise calories too.
    if you chose the option that reflects your workout levels, then no, don't eat them back.
  • Okay awesome! I'm goign to go with the sedentry one but it is hard to tell being a student. I spend most of my time sitting in lectures/driving/sitting on my bed studying but I also work 20 hours a week at McDonalds which is quite a fast paced and energy consuming job. But I don't think that that is enough to raise me to the next activity level on a reliable basis?

    If I am eating back my excersize calories, to get to a net of my sedentry BMR will it matter if some weeks I am burning more through general activity?

    I must say, i LOVE the support on these forums. Even for a poor confused soul with me who's had a bad metabolism for as long as I can remember!
  • vannie18
    vannie18 Posts: 55
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Saved to read later
  • lleabrooks
    lleabrooks Posts: 87 Member
    I'm sure Dan's been busy! lol
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 228 Member
    Got my figures and have read this thread.... thanks for all that have contributed.

    I gym it 3 / 4 times a week - cardio and strength.

    Am I right in thinking u eat the BMR + 20% and then on a exercise day u make sure ur net is your BMR ?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Got my figures and have read this thread.... thanks for all that have contributed.

    I gym it 3 / 4 times a week - cardio and strength.

    Am I right in thinking u eat the BMR + 20% and then on a exercise day u make sure ur net is your BMR ?

    BMRx1.5 but I think you have numbers from the group right?
    I ran your numbers personally so you should have all the info you need.
  • mom2kea
    mom2kea Posts: 33

    BMRx1.5 but I think you have numbers from the group right?
    I ran your numbers personally so you should have all the info you need.
  • mom2kea
    mom2kea Posts: 33
    I have been reading, reading, running numbers. I keep coming to 2200/cal a day. I have lost 58 lbs since August on around 1400/day. (def more on the weekends, but never above 1900) I do cardio and strength training 5-6 days a week. I am down to that last 15 lbs, and my weight loss has slowed. My husband has been concerned for some time that I don't eat enough for the amount of exercise that I do, but it is really scary to think about going up to 2200/cal a day. I really want to be at goal by summer. Very nervous to take this plunge.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    I literally have 15lbs to go and my weight has been stuck. I'm so vexed by it!

    Now I've done the maths on here it makes sense, I have not been eating enough.

    I'm increasing my calorie allowance gradually - it looks like a lot but the majority of it is proteins, not big heavy carbs or junk - in that respect it's making my diet look better!

    I'm giving higher cals 2 weeks to settle, then I'll post to let you all know how I'm getting on.
  • imustbegood
    imustbegood Posts: 228 Member
    Got my figures and have read this thread.... thanks for all that have contributed.

    I gym it 3 / 4 times a week - cardio and strength.

    Am I right in thinking u eat the BMR + 20% and then on a exercise day u make sure ur net is your BMR ?

    BMRx1.5 but I think you have numbers from the group right?
    I ran your numbers personally so you should have all the info you need.

    Yes thanks.....
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    when you get down to the lower weight loss areas you really need to look at this as a trading fat for muscle game.
    The higher cals will work for this because it feeds lean mass better than starving fat!

    So hit the higher cals for a month and get the macros in and work out but dont kill yourself!
    You ladies can also check out for some fun things to try for a month or so.
    I intermittent fast so I dont have to do cardio.
    I hate it!!!!!
    This month ive gone from 12% to 11% body fat with working out 3 times a week only lifting weights.
    I stop eating at 10pm and resume at 2pm the next day.

    Read the website and add Martin Berkhan to your twitter so you can follow this guy!

    Hes brilliant!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Okay awesome! I'm goign to go with the sedentry one but it is hard to tell being a student. I spend most of my time sitting in lectures/driving/sitting on my bed studying but I also work 20 hours a week at McDonalds which is quite a fast paced and energy consuming job. But I don't think that that is enough to raise me to the next activity level on a reliable basis?

    If I am eating back my excersize calories, to get to a net of my sedentry BMR will it matter if some weeks I am burning more through general activity?

    I must say, i LOVE the support on these forums. Even for a poor confused soul with me who's had a bad metabolism for as long as I can remember!

    General daily activity that is mainly fed by fat is exactly what you want to increase. So long as your BMR is protected by NET eating above it from true exercise calories, the extra daily stuff is just more fat burned.
  • RepsnSets
    RepsnSets Posts: 805 Member
    It works! Ive lost 500grams in a week after bumping my calorie intake!

    Haybales and Dan deserve blardy medals! :) *thumbs up*
  • Sorry for so many replies here! I just want to clarify:

    Fit2Fat sets my Katch-McArdle BMR at 1371 calories.
    It has my TDEE for a sedentry lifestyle at 1669 in the boxes down the bottom.

    My question basically is - It asked me to put in my goal weight when I was inputting them. So that TDEE - is that my TDEE if I was at my goal weight or my TDEE now? Basically, do I need to eat less than that to achieve a deficit? Or should I eat 1669 each day and that will allow me to reach my goal weight?

    So confused by all of this :/ Almost feel ready to cry just trying to get my head around it.

    I just want to know if I will lose weight at a net of 1669 or if i need to go lower to introduce a deficit.