HELP!! How long did it take you to like running?

I love the idea of running, and I'm always jealous when I meet runners. I am trying to start a running habit, but it is difficult.

I was wondering, when did you guys start to enjoy running?


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    When I completed my first mile without stopping. Or dying. :smile: I started running (again) last June. Love it now.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    As I neared the end of Couch 25K I started to really like it. Today I put in 4.27 miles! If you are not a runner and need to build up to running, I HIGHLY recommend Couch 25K - I loved it and it really helped make me a runner!
  • BCKS
    BCKS Posts: 287 Member
    If you want to really love running, sign up to participate in a 5k race. Even if you walk most of it, knowing you have something to prepare for will keep you training, and then the excitement of race day, the thrill and feeling of accomplishment when crossing the finish is amazing!! You'll be wanting to do it again and again. It's addicting!

    Running is definitely a mind game You have to push through the thoughts of being too tired, I need to stop, or I can't run this far. When you push yourself passed those negative thoughts and keep going to the end, you'll be so glad you did!

    Have fun!
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I really liked running after noticing all the fantastic people on my running trail. =)
  • riskiestlavonn
    riskiestlavonn Posts: 207 Member
    It really does seem like a mind games at some point (wanting to stop VS. needing to stop). If I do sign up for a 5k, how long should I give myself to get ready?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I started running outside and running races. It's never fun on a treadmill.

    As for how long to give yourself? Couch to 5k takes approximately 9 weeks.
  • jhughes3155
    jhughes3155 Posts: 7 Member
    WOW, 101 pounds! That's amazing!! :)
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hated it in high school, now at 26 I am really falling for it. Ran my first mile under 10 this weekend and I am pumped to keep going and do a 5k!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    If you want to really love running, sign up to participate in a 5k race. Even if you walk most of it, knowing you have something to prepare for will keep you training, and then the excitement of race day, the thrill and feeling of accomplishment when crossing the finish is amazing!! You'll be wanting to do it again and again. It's addicting!

    Running is definitely a mind game You have to push through the thoughts of being too tired, I need to stop, or I can't run this far. When you push yourself passed those negative thoughts and keep going to the end, you'll be so glad you did!

    Have fun!

    I totally agree....I don't think I LOVED it until right before I ran a 5K...and then afterwards, I was PUMPED!! Just take it day by day and keep pushing. Oh, and you will hear a lot of talk about the dreaded 10 or whatever they call it...but it is so true. Once you get past 10 minutes, it is like you get a second wind and POW....

    Good luck and have fun!
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    15 years.

    no joke.

    I use to be a runner in high school. then I hated for 15 years. I started running again last year, and well now I have grown to love it.
    I started with small goals. 3km, then 5km, then time, and now 10km.

    I suggest starting with couch 2 5km, it's a great program (i've never done it, I just went out and ran lol). I'm currently doing the bridge to 10km.

    Interval training is also your friend. Weather you do fartlek when you run, or you do HIIT at home, it will help with your cardio fitness, which will in turn help with the running.
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    I loved it when I started making running friends. Maybe you can find a running club that has beginner classes or short easy runs. Being part of the running community makes a big difference! And you'll want friends whose eyes don't glaze over when you start talking about negative splits and such~
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Like it??? I've been doing it for years and I still don't like the actual running part. But it helps so much with other sports that I keep it a part of my routine. Plus, it's a quick and cheap calorie burn that you can do almost anywhere.

    I will say that sometimes I like trail running... downhill, that is :-) I love to fly and jump over things!

    Good luck!
  • xachooo
    xachooo Posts: 42
    I never liked running until I started trail running---now street running is just training so i can trail run. also planning out a route in advance makes running more fun---or at least more bearable. less fixated on just trying to keep going.
  • NancyHukka
    46 years, no joke here either. I repeatedly stated, "I hate running" Then my neighbor said she was going to run a 5k and I thought, "Sure you are" I'll be damned she did. Then another and another and another. Pretty soon I was feeling like I better give it another try. I started with the Wii runner and learned I'd been trying to go much too fast. Next thing I'm out on the road with my neighbor. Last year I ran in about 7 5ks and 2 weeks ago did a 7k.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    When I did a race and forced myself to go out and try some more to improve that time. Also, when I realized it's okay to walk sometimes :) (my 5K time is down 7 minutes since October - woot!)

    Good luck, and try to have fun - you're not in a competition with anyone but yourself - enjoy your health :drinker:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Fell head over heels in *love* immediately. Seriously. Because I never thought of myself as a runner for the longest time. And then about 15 years ago I decided that I wanted to be a runner and just went out running around the neighborhood, going a little farther each week... and then I registered for my first race... and then a few more races... and the rest is history.

    Good luck!!
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    I always used to say things like: "I want to WANT to run - to have the desire to do so would be AWEsome". FINALLY that is true.!!! I really enjoy it, and miss it when I don't. 11 months ago, I couldn't run for a minute in a row without wanting to DIE! Seriously. A friend recommended the Couch to 5k program - I tried it, it worked! Turned me into a runner. I have never actually done a 5k 'race' but I can run 5k with NO problem, without stopping and without hurting! I LOVE running a 5k. So, a new challenge... I have signed up to do a 10k in May -- so that's my goal. You CAN do it, you WILL love it - just stick with it, you'll see :)
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    I totally agree with the couch to 5 k...or as you will find it C25K online and as an app on your phone! it takes 9 weeks and you will be totally surprised at how well you do! sometimes you have to repeat a day or two, maybe even a week until you get it. But being in a 5k, even if you walk a lot of it or none of it will make you want to be around the type of people who are fit. I notice them all over now! I am just going from 5k to 5k this summer! so I am always "training" for one. I walked and ran my first one March 17th, the atmosphere was awesome! so many different levels~! I also suggest getting a subscription to Runners World mag. It has some great training stuff, great stretches and it for ALL levels not just pro runners! it has great reviews of runs, shoes, clothes and training tips that will keep you motivated! good luck, I am just starting to really fall in love with running. not to be fast or to win, but to enjoy the feeling, the time for thinking and the feel of my muscles learning something new and feeling strong! to be one of "those people" that I have seen on the road and envied! Just relax and enjoy the time to yourself...oh, and get an AWESOME mp3 music track to keep you motivated. I suggest getting and find the Workout Playlist it has about 42 great songs to keep you going!!!
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I love running.
    I hate running.
    I love running.
    I hate running.
    I love running.
    I hate running.
    I love running.

  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    When I learned to pace myself, and that running is hard when you start out, and you need to work up to it. I'm another fan of Couch 2 5k. It gave me a goal each run to keep progressing, but limited me enough that I didn't get shin splints like I usually would if I just tried to go for it like in the past. I'm currently redoing Couch 2 5k after a long break off running, to recondition and build up my speed.