Humor -Growing up without a Cell Phone



  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    I'm still waiting for the day when all text books will have Ctrl + F.

    Now THIS I can't wait for either. I HATE reading textbooks on any form of screen, be it kindle, nook, the computer, an ipad. Whatever. But this, I won't deny the usefulness of this, or how much time it saves. Plus the computer version is always at least 1/3 the price =)
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'm 25 and identify with pretty much all that, haha. But my mom was kinda stuck in the land of no technology, so that's probably why.
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Hahahaha.. I'm only 31 but growing up out in the country almost all this applies to me.

    My mom had a "car phone"... not a cell phone.. a car phone... permanently installed in the car with the litle curly cue antenna on the back window.. you couldn't take it anywhere, and it had like 50 minutes a month for a simple 1 minute "i'm on the way home" or 911 if something happened.. that's it. LOL

    Oh and for the beating.. yeah, my dad whipped me with a belt... but dammit he only had to do it ONCE.
  • cmel6334
    cmel6334 Posts: 41 Member
    Why do these always have to include the entry about child abuse? Do you purposely set out to ruin it, or does it come naturally?

    Why do your posts always have to be rude? Do you purposely set out to ruin it, or does it come naturally?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I mean...shhhhhhhhh, don't make eyecontact and just ignore her and she might just.... go away.....

    That's it, you're all in a timeout!!
  • MsJenny813
    Lol, that was great! I'm 28 and can relate to most of it!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    22 and I did all that except steal music and wait all week for cartoons :P
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I'm 46 and I remember when my best friend got pong. I just couldn't understand how that box could make the tv get something other than shows. Then came the betamax, my mind was blown for like a week.
    There is not one thing on this list that I cannot relate to.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Why do these always have to include the entry about child abuse? Do you purposely set out to ruin it, or does it come naturally?
    Because we did get spanked - most of us turned out just fine.
    . I just told my young grandson how we used have to go cut our own branches to get switched with and if we didn't we got the belt. True stories. Had red welts on my legs frequently, and never once thought I was abused!

    Oh - also I still remember when my aunt (head telephone operator) let us know when we were going to cut over to actually dialing the phone number ourselves instead of calling the operator to place it. We called my grandmother (at a really odd hour of the day) LOL
  • Vailery
    Vailery Posts: 18 Member
    Why do these always have to include the entry about child abuse? Do you purposely set out to ruin it, or does it come naturally?

    I must say "ElizabethRoad" every time I see you respond to someone no matter what it is you respond negatively. Maybe Im just missing on the nice, positive thing that you feel MUST be heard but Im sick of it. Maybe I am just misinterpreting you..

    Take a joke, move on. I dont usually respond on the forums negatively but good lord.

    Edit- I didnt read the rest of the responses after this one so I didn't realize so many people noticed too! Im glad Im not the only one!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member

  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I used to love riding in the back of a pickup. I hate that my kids never get to do it unless I am off the road.

    My dad used to take 8-10 of us at a time in his truck. It felt so free. I know it is safer, but I hate ALWAYS having to strap the kids in.

    Oh, and my little brother sleeping up in the back window on road trips! LOL
  • michellelynne474
    michellelynne474 Posts: 49 Member
    :heart: loved this !!! So true... I remember most of this stuff growing up... will be 38 next month....
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Oh my! all you young folk! lol! typewriters weren't electric, computers were big honkin' things that took up a whole room in an office building. Before cassette tapes & 8-Tracks we had reel to reel tape machines, we didn't have texting but we had phones that were on a party line. Girls weren't allowed to wear pants to school & that was a regular public school & we said the morning prayer. And all the food was from local farmers, without additives & hormone injections. We didn't need to lock our doors or car at night & gasoline was .60 cents a gallon. The best Concert tickets for the Beatles, Stones & the rest of the British invasion were $6.50, those are the best memories.

    Yes! I remember party lines and nobody ever locked their doors. I remember when the Beattles became famous my mom discustedly called them long hairs. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We only had one channel on the tv and the shows were black and white. Also, we had rabbit ears on the tv to adjust the picture. We took baths in a galvanized tub because we didn't have indoor plumbing. A lot of good memories. Ahhh, those were the good old days. :bigsmile:

    Oh yeah the galvanized tub on the kitchen floor with water heated on the stove - been there done that. And the littlest kid was always last getting the grey water. woot woot!:laugh:
  • TappiGabi
    TappiGabi Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed this!
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143

    :laugh: Story of my life right here up until I was about 20
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I read this list to my 15yr old. He can relate to some of it.
    He still doesn't have a cell phone.
    He has to use the land line to make calls. And we don't have call waiting, forwarding, caller ID or voicemail.
    We don't have cable, and watch tv on a old Toshiba widescreen from 1994 (hey it still works so...)
    He actually has to walk a mile home from school.
    We do dishes in the sink, with our hands.
    His friends think he is so deprived.

    On the flip side-
    He thinks rotary phones are cool and wants one because they are 'retro'.
    I tried to explain laserdisc to him, saying it was like a HD DVD the size of an LP record. Then I had to remind him what an LP was.
  • stebs1984
    stebs1984 Posts: 38
    I'm 27 and can relate to most of this...

    never stole any records, just recorded them off the radio
    The microwave we have at home and use daily is older than I am (or so i'm told) and still works fine
    I remember listening to 8-tracks on occasion
    I remember the VCR with the remote that had a wire all the way to the VCR and a switch to go between play and pause
    I still have a commodore 64 and still sometimes play games on it, used to have an activision game console but I believe it got sold at a yard sale many years ago.
    I remember thinking my babysitters daughter ( a couple years older than me) was lucky because she had her own landline and number to her bedroom
    i remember the carphone, My grandparents and aunt still have their old bag-phones
    The grandparents dont have cableboxes or DVR's and still use the printed TV guide that comes in the paper every week
    I remember getting AOL for our dial-up internet, and not moving from dialup to cablemodem until I was around 18 years old
    I still have my original gameboy and all the games I had
    i remember our old Sears and Royal dot-matrix printers and practically begging to upgrade to an inkjet (HP Deskjet 682C), I think I might still have it too!
    How about blowing into the nintendo to make the games play?

    Maybe its time to send all the new generations back in the day for awhile, might help get rid of the sense of "entitlism" that a lot of them seem to have these days.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm 25 and agree with most of the points you make, although the scenarios are a little different.
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    lol I'm about to turn 26 and most of these apply to me as well. I never thought i'd feel ancient at 25, but man, the kids growing up today are 3 yr old cousin got mad santa didnt bring her the ipod and ipad she asked for! It's insane!!
  • jeanie_ca
    jeanie_ca Posts: 38 Member
    Remember when there were no cell phones and you lost someone at the mall or store? You had to just had to keep looking for them or hope they heard the store operator page them.