What gave you that final push to start this journey?



  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    I was diagnosed with diabetes at 31....sigh. Neither of my parents have it because they've never been morbidly obese, but my grandma does and she's had part of her foot amputated, had cataract surgery, and is now on dialysis. She also hasn't had feeling in her lower legs in 20+ years, I don't want to be like that, nor do I want to be dependent on medication to keep my blood sugars under control, hence the healthy eating and exercising.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    I was at a friend's b-day party at a restaurant, I got up to go to the bathroom, and hit a pole with my butt. when I got back I saw how wide the space was from the chair in front and the pole. I had ordered a burger I didn't eat it. I claimed illness. Which I wasn't far from!
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    Over a period of about 2 weeks I got told FOUR times that it didn't matter that I was bigger, that I was pretty for being bigger and things like that. None of this was meant nastily, it was just people giving THE WORST compliments ever.

    When I was done crying (and whinging, and shouting), I realised that I wasn't "bigger", I was obese. And really, if I wanted people to stop making comments like that, I could get off my bum and do something about it! I started the first week of January, so far I'm 30lb down.

    The thing that keeps me going is the fact that I can't wait to see peoples faces when they see me again. I've had a few people be shocked at how much I've lost so far, and that is definately spuring me on! Also, my boyfriend has been talking about marriage, and I want to be a toned, happy, healthy bride!
  • skinnyBellgirl
    skinnyBellgirl Posts: 9 Member
    For me, there's a certain weight that whenever I get to, it triggers a "You've got to DO something" button. So, I started again. THIS time, I'm going to keep it off and never get to that trigger again.
  • skinnyBellgirl
    skinnyBellgirl Posts: 9 Member
    My new rules -
    Rule 1 - you can't complain if you're not doing anything to fix it
    Rule 2 - No Excuses

    LOVE this!!!!
  • Monkeyrhea
    Monkeyrhea Posts: 39 Member
    While watching the Biggest Loser my 5 year old son said that he wishes I could go on there and get skinny. I didn't realize that he noticed just how fat I was.
  • I have a twin sister who has always been thinner than me. I once weighed 30lbs more than her in middles school and 20 lbs more than her in high school. After going away to college I was looking at pictures from the summer. I was SO unhappy with myself. I sat at my computer and cried. I wasn't happy being unhealthy. So right then I went to the gym, and six months of a healthy diet and exercise I lost 20lbs.

    Unfortunately that was a year ago and I have since then put back on TEN of the pounds. I am not as energetic as I was when I was lighter. I know I'm not fat (19 year old female, 5'5", 130lbs) but I felt better about myself when I was 120lbs. I had energy to DO things. I felt invincible. Yes losing weight means looking better, but I honestly want to do it to FEEL better.

    You only live once. Live with confidence.

    I am currently hoping to reach my goal weight of 120 again before summer.

    Add me as a friend and we can help each other through our journey to a healthy lifestyle!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • libby328
    libby328 Posts: 287 Member
    My dad found out his kidneys were failing! He has been diabetic since I was born. Had multiple strokes and been in the hospital more times then I could count! Right now he is solely surviving on dialysis! I have never been obese but he has been as is everyone on his side of the family. I can't save my dad and give him a better quality of life but I can make sure my two boys never have to see be going through this at 50-60 years old! God willing I will be here till my grandbabies get married! I made the choice to be better for my kids, because I never want them to go through what I am going through watching my dad slowly pass!
  • yeowiepower
    yeowiepower Posts: 31 Member
    working a full time job i put on a whole heap of weight which i ended up losing in 2010 while volunteering in nepal for 4 months and then backpacking afterwards walking aout 15 km a day and eating healthy will do that to you.... i promised myself i would never let myself get back to the way i was, but one day i just jumped on the scales and realised i was nearly back to my weight before my trip.... i put on somethig like 20kg in 8 months.... im only 5'8 so it really shows.... just couldnt believe it. although my g/f will never say i know she found me more attractive when we first started dating.... so if not for me, its definitely for her!
  • lexie2005
    lexie2005 Posts: 16 Member
    There was a couple of things for me, my first hubby passing away (non weight related I add) at 32 made me realise life was just too short to not enjoy every single minute of it. I also wanted to be able to spend proper playtime with my son which up until last October I couldn't do. I am nearly 6 months in now & 4 stone lighter, I have to lose another 3.5 stone but I know I will get there.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Everyone said I looked great but the next week I had to buy 38x30 pants for work.
    I've always worn 30x30s or 32x30s.

    Now i'm looking for 29x30 =D

    Also I met a guy who looked like he was in his 50s buying Banquet dinners because they were on sale.
    I was buy similar stuff.
    Anywho...he was a lot younger than me but because of his weight and the **** he's been eating he looked like he was in his 50s.
    That night, Jamie Olivers food revolution came on and something clicked in my head.

    Now i'm trying to help people lose weight.
  • I love my mom with everything I am but when I started to have to borrow pants... That and although I just had a baby in Sept and quit smoking the Sept before my husband tells me all the time how fat I am. I am doing it for me but it is going to feel good to show him.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    Nothing big made me "get it". Just a bunch of little things. Dad from nursing home to grave, hit 50, shopping with 2 thin daughters and hating what I look like in the mirrors, bad back made me start a weight training class to work with the instructor to not hurt my back, starting drinking more water, added another cardio, started inputting food and woo hoo-5 pounds lost and now I am cutting my food a little bit more!!!!

    Good luck
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    My Dad passing away at over 400 lbs this year and having only 2 caskets to choose from not to mention we were unable to cremate him since most creamatoriums don't have the capacity to do his size and it would cost us a small fortune to send his body to one able to do it. Also going into WalMart to buy some new shirts and finding that I only fit into the 5X made me burst into tears and realize how much I hated who I was on the outside.

    This made me tear up alittle. I want to give you a hug. I hope that you continue to stay strong and focused on your new lifestyle.
  • I just didn't feel comfortable in my own skin anymore. I was tired of feeling like I could do so much better. I guess the final straw was when I had to buy a new swimsuit and looked at myself from behind in the mirror in the changing room. I was shocked and just thought, holy flab, Batman! It wasn't me in that mirror. I've lost all the excess weight I put on during my pregnancy and am trying to tone up now :)
  • Lolli1986
    Lolli1986 Posts: 500 Member
    My now-ex boyfriend tried to stage an intervention! He tried to say things like 'but you know you're too heavy for your height' when i was still within healthy bmi! raging. he told me i needed to cut out all the crap i was eating... when i was not eating that much crap! i joined mfp to log what i was eating to prove to myself that i was NOT overeating.

    the worst part was that I put on the weight because i went from being a very fit runner to walking only a couple hundred metres at a time - with a LIMP - due to an injury that i had for a year! I was waiting for surgery. I put on 10kgs while with him during that year, and because I was at the low end of healthy bmi pre-injury I believe that a large portion of that weight gain was unavoidable. (i probably could have stopped 4kgs or so though).

    You don't get to be sedentary and fit. The two are mutually exclusive.

    Anyway, after I had my surgery (a week after breaking up with my ex), I was able to start losing.

    MFP has definitely been a useful tool in helping me to lose the injury weight.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I went for a job interview and didn't realise that my black trousers had a hole in the crotch area. I went to get some new ones on my way and the only ones to fit me were a UK16. I've always been a 10 top and 12 bottom (big hips) and even got down to a 10-12 bottom once. That was the final straw for me.

    I always thought, "Oh, I'm OK" because I can hold the weight pretty well but when I weighed myself and was over 13 stone, and borderline obese, I knew I had to change.

    I want to go on holiday next year and feel comfortable enough to wear a bikini without looking around and wondering who thinks I'm fat. I want to look, and feel, like a princess when I get married and I want my partner to look at me and think, "Wow, my girl is hot!" Most imporantly, I want to be able to have children (I know I'm not at major risk of infertility but who knows where I could have ended up?!) and be healthy enough to see them grow up and be able to play basketball or tennis or whatever with them!

    Edit to add - Also, when I got my Graduation photos back, I was distraught - I looked huge. The same with the photos from my step-brother's wedding. I was absolutely gutted! It's almost as if I didn't realise how big I'd gotten...
  • jestersvk
    jestersvk Posts: 49
    After getting my own car when I turned 18 I started to drive everywhere partially because I love driving and I had much more time when I didn't have to wait for the bus and then spend ages in it on my way to town. This caused that over the years since, my already near 0 physical activity went even lower and I started to puff up...
    It was getting worse with the years and I was my worst last christmas (no wonder) when I started getting random chest and heart burns and all my (already) XL shirts started do become even smaller. I didn't start then though nor did I make a new years resolution....

    It wasn't until 2 weeks into january when I was driving home (I live in a dorm and drive home only once a month) with a good friend of mine and since it was a 3 and 1/2 hour ride we had a long time to talk. Somehow the conversation came to a point where I said that I would want to see myself through the eyes of a different person (looks and personality - ).... I meant it more rhetorically but she instantly started to point out different things that I could change, like cut my hair loose some weight buy new clothes....

    And that made me think. I couldn't really sleep that night thinking about what she said. And right then and there I decided to "start a new life" the next day. I know it sounds cheap but I really woke up the next morning started MFP and exercising and now am 35 pounds down and have another 35 before me. And I haven't had a craving for junk food or sweets since....
  • jestersvk
    jestersvk Posts: 49
    I climbed on the scale one day to see a number looking back that would have put me in the morbidly obese range. Granted, it was late in the day and I was weighing myself with clothes and shoes on, but still, that was a number I just couldn't abide by. I began working out the next day and found MFPthe next week. I am really looking forward to the day when my BMI puts me in the overweight range rather than the obese range!

    I was the same... first time in a long time I stepped on the scale I thought I could die of shame right there (even though no one else else was in there). Now 3 months later I'm in the overweight range (not proud of it) feeling and looking a lot better and now I can't wait to reach a healthy weight.
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    The scale reading above 180 , my 3 year old asking why I had a big belly, my hubby asking if we were having another baby, not being able to fit in any of my cloths not being happy with my self!