What size do you want to be?



  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I would like to be a size 12 or 8 that will be a good size for me. I have awhile to get there. But i'll get there by the end of this year!
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I'm between a 4-6 now but would like to be between a 2-4.
  • In a size 3, would love to be 1
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    I want to be a size 9! Right now I am in a 22ish so I have a loooong ways to go still. The 5-7-9 store is something I have always wanted to be able to shop in.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    um, I don't know what dress size I wand to be. but I would enjoy fitting into size 36 pants and be able to chill in tank tops again

    started at size 48 pants, down to 42-40's now :happy:

    GREAT JOB! :happy:

    hey thanks :blushing:
  • Size 10 without a muffin top. I am currently sitting at a 14 with a few 12's tossed in there.
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    Well, I want to wear pants that FIT! My stomach is my problem area, so for most manufacturers, I have to buy a size up to fit my stomach but then that means the legs and *kitten* are saggy. So, I'd like to be in a ZERO--and fit. I'm currently hovering in a 1/2 or sometimes 3/4 depending on brand.

    SOOOO, I want to lose more tummy, so I can wear pants that actually FIT ME! Having to size up due to belly isn't fun. It just makes everything fit weird and makes your *kitten* look gross because the pants are too big :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Being able to fit my TUMMY into a ZERO would mean they'd fit everywhere else. So, yes, a zero would be GREAT!

    I started at an 11/12!
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I want to be in a size 4, but more importantly I want to be toned, and not jiggle.
  • I'm aiming for single digits, but a 10 would be fine with me. I'm already at a 12 and the way my body is changing, I think I will be at a 6 when I'm done.
  • fefetwimom
    fefetwimom Posts: 28 Member
    at this point i would love to be a 10
  • bdendy1
    bdendy1 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow... I am aiming at a consistent 12..........
  • bdendy1
    bdendy1 Posts: 7 Member
    :cry: some days are really better than others. I am developing discipline in this challenge.
  • bdendy1
    bdendy1 Posts: 7 Member
    Stay as motivated as possible. I know its not smooth sailing, at least not for me either. I just take it one day at a time. The hardest time is during the day at the office. I sit in an enclosed room with 4 other women who are very slim and eats everything all day. Lord help me :)
  • I'd be overjoyed to be a size 10 again.
  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    The numbers don't matter to me. I want the size that allows me to eat a cheeseburger but still keep up with my rowdy nephews. When I get there, I'll be good.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I am probably being very unrealistic and maybe silly, but trying to make it so I can get into all UK size 8s and some 6s.
    I already wear some size 6s actually, but it is a hard job maintaining it at my height (5'9.5) and a not so small build.
  • steffo365
    steffo365 Posts: 183 Member
    I currently wear a US size 9, but they are a little bit tight.. I would love to get down to a 7, maybe even 5!
  • jodyl70
    jodyl70 Posts: 94
    Was a size 16 at my heaviest.

    In a size 4 now and hoping to get into a size 2. Have 5 pounds to go! :happy:
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I'm about a size 6 right now. Would love to get to a size 4 by the summer!
  • zkjmum
    zkjmum Posts: 96 Member
    I'd like to get down to an Australian size 12 to14 (US size 8 to 10). With my height and build I start to look anorexic if I get thinner than that.