New here - looking for buddies!



  • bosulli1
    bosulli1 Posts: 33
    feel free to add! the community is so great!
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Hello and Welcome! Anyone can friend me if they like. This site is wonderful and I am hoping it will get this weight off me and all of you as well! :smile:
  • Brooke7860
    Brooke7860 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new here too... been using the mobile app for about a week and just now getting around to getting myself situated on the website. I'm 34 and shooting for a 60-lb weight loss (at least for now!). I would love to have some friends here so we can motivate each other.
  • spedwife
    spedwife Posts: 25
    Hey I'm new too! Just started the MFP today, have been working out for a little over a month, my goal is to lose 30 lbs. Hopefully with the help of this site, and some support it will go by easily. Add me if you want!:smile:
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    Well I'm not new but MFP is amazing! It's helped me so much and I'm sure it will do the same for you. Feel free to add me! :) (Same goes for anyone!)
  • jilleencaizzi
    jilleencaizzi Posts: 64 Member
    So many new people Welcome all!! I have been on this journey since October I love this site and my MFP friends!! If you are really looking to give and receive support feel free to add me!! Gook luck everyone!!
  • lnmom44
    lnmom44 Posts: 1
    Hi! New here just today and needing support. I have been making small changes with eating and my cooking style. Making healthier changes for my whole family. My goal is to loose 25 pounds. Would appreciate encouragement and am happy to cheer anyone on who needs a boost.
  • anyone who would like to add me please do! I'm a 31 y/o female from NY and I have been at this for almost a month....lost 5 pounds so far....slow going but it's going!
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    Feel free to friend me! I love MFP. Been on here since 9/2011. This place is awesome!!
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    hi there, I am new as well and would love some buddies. Anyone feel free to add me. I have a lot of work to do here.
  • Hello, 100pds, wow that a big goal. But I know you can do it if you set your mind to it..
  • Skeen903
    Skeen903 Posts: 408 Member
    I am also looking to lose about 100 lbs total. I started out at 252 and I'm down 34 lbs since last August. I have kind of hit a plateau so I bought the Julian Michael's 30 day shred in hopes of kick starting myself! You guys can feel free to add me, I'm all for encouraging and encouragement.
  • mrsboles
    mrsboles Posts: 1
    Hello all. . . This is the first time that I have ever actually tried to loose weight. So I am only shooting to loose 13 pounds. I have an 11 month old so and I'm in school/work full time; I have plenty of things to keep me busy. I am starting by shooting for the sky then the the stars ;)! I love the food database it is so helpful, especially since I am a type 1 daibetic. I am hoping to make some buddies to help me along the way ;)!!
  • glennam1
    glennam1 Posts: 172 Member
    anyone who wants can ADD ME :)
  • Hi I'm Khelsey, I'm not very good at introducing myself lol. I'm 22 and a fulltime student. I finally made a commitment to myself to be healthier and shed some pounds and it would be great to meet people with the same motivation that I'm trying to keep. It's nice to have people that understand what you're going through so feel free to add me!
  • This is my first post to the MFP forums. I have been using MFP for just over a week, and find it very helpful in keeping me below my daily calorie limit or, at least keeps me logging what I put into my mouth. Hopefully, it keeps me honest, for I have been a closet eater for some time owing to some very poor examples growing up. I am starting on a path to lose around 120 pound, and need some support. Feel free to add me as a friend/accountability partner. I have a friend helping me and, to keep my head in the game, I would like to find other people to try to help as well.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jlands
    jlands Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. I am new to the site kind of :( I am 30 years old and need to lose 30 lbs problem is I have PCOS and I LOVE Potatoes and pastas. My condition is getting worse and I really need to kick my butt into gear.. I am really not a sweets person but once in a while i get a sweet tooth. I am not that much picky of an eater i actually think i don't eat too badly but for some reason i can't lose the weight.... I need to drink water and cut out pop... Looking for new friends on here to help motivate me and for recipe ideas also looking for other that are going by a Low GI Diet if possible.
  • I'm new to the MFP app. I'm in the last stage of my journey. I lost 91 lbs in the last 10months. I have a little ways to go to reach my ultimate goal. Looking to meet some new friends with the same focus Healthy Lifestyle Change. Please add me. Thanks
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 24 from Australia, needing to lose about 8-10 more pounds/4 kg! Hope it would be OK to send some friend requests to some other people in this forum so we can all encourage and support one another!! :o)
  • Hi all. I've been on this site for a few years but I keep jumping up and down with my commitment to it. I'd love some supportive people who can help me and I can help keep motivated in this rat race of weight loss. Much luck to everyone out there! We Can do it!