Over exercising and undereating



  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    who forgets to eat??? even my boston terrier reminds me she hasnt been fed
    seriously ... maybe you need to visit your doctor and see if there is a medical condition ... and im not trying to be rude
    I can totally relate to being too busy to think of eating.

    BUT, it sounds like you're spending most of your day in fasting mode or you wouldn't be able to stand it. Eating just 2-300 Calories for breakfast will, literally break your overnight (sleeping) fast and "wake up" the body to burn Calories properly. Then you WILL be hungry enough to eat on a more-typical schedule throughout the day. Your body will insist on it and drive you crazy until you do.

    Excellent point. Are you eating breakfast? I definitely noticed that when I started eating breakfast I was a lot hungrier throughout the day. Also, when I upped my cals from 1200 (which put me way under 1000 net) to 1500, I was hungry like every hour. So, you metabolism may be slower if your net cals have been consistently low.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member

    Not to get off topic, but could you point me to information as to how much fat the body can burn per day? I'm interested in doing the least amount of exercise :)

    dont know if u were trying to be funny but... LMBO!
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    The kids are mine and while I was gardening my son was 'helping' me he was spreading the seeds and getting tools and digging holes and watering the planting bed I made yesterday. In the mean time I set up my son's play yard and he played in the yard with his toys and then took a nap during my gardening and yard work time. As for gym time my husband and I trade off with the kids at night so I can fit 2-3 hours at the gym each day. After dinner I put the baby to bed and he takes on our older son so I can go to the gym and then when I get home we spend 1-2 hours together before bed. It is possible it just takes creativity.

    But unless you are training for something big....even three hours at the gym is excessive. Your time would be better spent with an hour or two at the gym and then planning and cooking meals ahead of time so there is no reason not to be eating properly or forgetting to eat.

    I find this thread especially interesting as I am watching the current season of the Biggest Loser and each week they focus on different excuses people use on a daily basis. That is what this kind of reminds me of. Regardless I hope you get this under control and are able to manage your time better.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    Realize that a 600 calorie burn is tough for 1 hour. And somehow this was sustained for 10 hours?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Yep. I give myself 600 Cal for an hour's Muay Thai. That includes about 100 sit ups, 50 pushups, 50 lunges or squats with body weight and a heck of a lot of time breathing hard sparring. Or for a rule-of-thumb, one REALLY sweaty T-shirt. :) By contrast, MFP will try to give me 420 Cal for an hour's general gardening, which is nowhere near as intense.
  • I have a hard time fitting in 1200 never mind 1500. It depends what you're eating. If it's really nutrient dense food you become satisfied sooner.
  • Vyshness8699
    Vyshness8699 Posts: 390 Member
    You should cut back on your excerise to 1-2hrs and eat more ! Try eating 6 small meals a day to keep your metabolism up.. Eventually u will burn out doing that much excerise a day and maybe what the guy said is true about MFP overestimating your calories burned for those activities ... On avg how Many lbs are u losing a week ?
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with two very active boys and finding time to eat is hard because I'm always running to do something for them. Yesterday for example I spent from 12 till 5 at three different Dr. appts. Then at 5 when my hubby got home I rushed off to get my 3 hours in at the gym. So I completely missed supper. In the mornings I'm up getting breakfast for the kids and their clothes and baths and general house cleaning before dropping my son off for pre-school and then running to afternoon appointments. I don't really get hungry during the day (which is what led to being overweight) and I would eat late at night. But I'm trying to change that so that I don't eat 5000 calories a night. My oldest son eats at pre-school for lunch and my youngest son eats baby food so I don't usually cook lunch and I forget to eat it because I'm taking my son to school and my little guy takes a nap then as well so I'm rushing to feed him and put him to bed and then I'm rushing to do what needs to be done before he wakes up.

    Like I said, if you're that active during the day, cut back on the gym workouts. Making time to eat is more important than burning an extra 1000-2000 calories when you're already burning more than you can handle.

    I agree with this. Take more time to eat and less time to workout. Fill your purse with protein bars, nuts, pretzels, trail mix or other easy to pack snacks, and when you have 5 hours worth of dr's appts to do, eat while you wait. While making breakfast for everyone else, remember to make your own (drink a protein shake or something anything) at lunch make something.....even if it's a frozen dinner that can be heating while you feed baby. Honestly it's easy to remember to eat..............taking time and care of yourself is more than just working out, eating is a huge part of the process of weight loss.

    Buy a HRM to keep track of what you burn accurately and I if you are very active day to day, a walk with the kids or trip to park may be all you need (and it gives you more time to be with them and not spend every waking moment working out or flustered doing chores and running around, that can't provide much quality time) and if you feel like doing more an hour should be good and then you probably will find it easier to eat those calories.
  • sthomse5
    sthomse5 Posts: 22 Member
    But again, if you are burning that many calories in daily activities, there is absolutely no need for you to go to the gym for hours every night! Also, you would literally be starving yourself with that calorie deficit. One pound of fat is 3500 calories, one pound of muscle is 660 calories, therefore you should be losing like 12 pounds a week with that deficit, no matter what you're doing, and there never would have been a weight issue to begin with if this were a typical day. Contestants on The Biggest Loser don't even burn that much a day, and they are literally running all day. Something in your calculations is very off. Maybe go see a doctor and make sure everything is ok? I am a Physician's Assistant and this has red flags all over the place.
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 137 Member
    I'm burning between 3-6 lbs a week
  • This is getting into the realm that would best be suited to a mental health professional. Working out for three hours at the gym and "forgetting" to eat is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle in any way.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    LOL. Did you ever think that people on a weight-loss board would be telling you to work out less and eat more? :)
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Realize that a 600 calorie burn is tough for 1 hour. And somehow this was sustained for 10 hours?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Yep. I give myself 600 Cal for an hour's Muay Thai. That includes about 100 sit ups, 50 pushups, 50 lunges or squats with body weight and a heck of a lot of time breathing hard sparring. Or for a rule-of-thumb, one REALLY sweaty T-shirt. :) By contrast, MFP will try to give me 420 Cal for an hour's general gardening, which is nowhere near as intense.

    I agree that MFP overestimates a lot of the general activities, but I think you're REALLY cutting yourself short with the Muay Thai. I use a hrm and I burned about 850 in a 1 hr boxing class that was no where near as intense as the Muay Thai classes I've taken. I wasn't allowed to use the hrm in muay thai but i would have given myself minimum 1000 for an hour.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    This is getting into the realm that would best be suited to a mental health professional. Working out for three hours at the gym and "forgetting" to eat is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle in any way.

  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
    Realize that a 600 calorie burn is tough for 1 hour. And somehow this was sustained for 10 hours?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    Yep. I give myself 600 Cal for an hour's Muay Thai. That includes about 100 sit ups, 50 pushups, 50 lunges or squats with body weight and a heck of a lot of time breathing hard sparring. Or for a rule-of-thumb, one REALLY sweaty T-shirt. :) By contrast, MFP will try to give me 420 Cal for an hour's general gardening, which is nowhere near as intense.

    I know friends who've wore a HRM for housecleaning and general yard work, and find that MFP is overly generous with the calorie estimates. It's definitely smart to scale back whatever number MFP gives you.

    I just don't see a 6000 calorie burn possible for the activities described, unless she was sweating heavily, and had a high HR the whole time. In which case, the lack of nutrition would likely have her getting dizzy or even passing out. If anything, I'd expect her to crash. :flowerforyou:
  • SwimKitty
    SwimKitty Posts: 122 Member

    Not to get off topic, but could you point me to information as to how much fat the body can burn per day? I'm interested in doing the least amount of exercise :)

    'dont know if u were trying to be funny but... LMBO!'

    Laughter really is the best medicine. Seriously though, I don't care too much for exercise, but, I love to garden, swim, ride a bike with my kids, tennis, disc golf, hiking, etc. I do as much of these as I can, then throw in some strength training too (heavy kind :)

    Really, does anyone know or buy into the 'your body can only burn so much fat on any given day' kind of thing? And yes, I am being serious, so please don't be rude or snarky :)

    Gah, didn't quote right - not computer savvy, so please be nice.
  • BrewerGeorge
    BrewerGeorge Posts: 397 Member
    I'm burning between 3-6 lbs a week
    Whoa! Unless there's some water weight in there, that's way too fast.

    But 6lb/week is about a 3000 Cal/day deficit, so your exercise estimate ARE too high - at least somewhat. So yeah, eat more and exercise less.
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    Good grief, how on earth are you burning 6000 calories per day? Running a few marathons before breakfast?

    If you seriously bust your a**, you might burn 600 calories in an hour. I doubt that you could maintain that level of activity for ten hours. My guess is that you're seriously overestimating your calorie burn.

    Nevertheless, if you are extremely active, your TDEE may well be in the three/four thousands – and yes, you need to eat at least some of those calories back. You always want your net calories to be equal to or greater than your BMR.
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member

    Not to get off topic, but could you point me to information as to how much fat the body can burn per day? I'm interested in doing the least amount of exercise :)

    dont know if u were trying to be funny but... LMBO!

    Laughter really is the best medicine. Seriously though, I don't care too much for exercise, but, I love to garden, swim, ride a bike with my kids, tennis, disc golf, hiking, etc. I do as much of these as I can, then throw in some strength training too (heavy kind :)

    Really, does anyone know or buy into the 'your body can only burn so much fat on any given day' kind of thing? And yes, I am being serious, so please don't be rude or snarky :)

  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Regardless of how many calories you are actually burning, you seem to have a very active lifestyle.

    If I were you I'd spend half of the time you would normally be at the gym preparing food for yourself for the next day. Have it ready and on hand so you have no excuse not to eat.

    Then spend that other half of the time at the gym. You are already so active it doesnt seem like you need to spend as much time as you are at the gym anyway. And you deserve to be able to take care of youself and your own meals!
  • fitby38
    fitby38 Posts: 307 Member
    in conclusion OP ... your numbers somewhere are off ... i think we can all agree on that