What keeps you guys from snacking on extra food?!



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    A little pre-planning
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    I plan out everything I eat. :(
  • JohnnyKitty
    JohnnyKitty Posts: 117 Member
    I guess I should say I have problem eating ONLY what I have planned out.
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    I guess I should say I have problem eating ONLY what I have planned out.
    Why not give yourself permission to eat a few low cal snacks that aren't planned? Is okay to do so. Just put the snacks in your food diary.
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    Healthy snacking seems fine to me. I would rather go ahead and snack on some carrots or an apple instead of letting my hunger get outta control and go for the bag of chips. I also get very hungry at times. If its at night I go ahead and go to bed. During the day I slowly eat a snack to make it last longer!
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    i drink a lot of tea. When I am craving snacks and it doesn't fit into my calorie allowance I make a big cup of tea and it really helps . I also try to leave some extra calories over (Some days are easier than others to do this) in order to allow myself for some extra snacking
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Better to snack on fresh fruit and veggies, or greek yoghurt, or cottage cheese, or a can of tuna, than to end up bingeing on chocolate, cookies or potato chips, I think.
    I see nothing wrong with having some healthy snacks if you are hungry or need a little more.
  • fugaj01
    fugaj01 Posts: 171 Member

    i couldn't help myself. lol

    usually nuts... dear, that does not sound right! :ohwell:

    darn. could not get the pic to work.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't have snack food around, so I can't eat it. I've got out of the habit now anyway.
  • Wreak_Havoc
    Wreak_Havoc Posts: 597
    I make sure that I have low/no cal snacks around. Celery, rice cakes (the little ones) and such. If I aboslutely need a snack. I wait 5 minutes and if I still need the snack, I go ahead.. Then I log it and press on. I was able to break the I needasnack monster by actually working three snacks in during the day. Mid Morning, Mid afternoon, and one light one 2 hours before bed. Has worked out great!
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    I'm sure everybody on here would just love to eat burgers, hot chips, ice cream, chocolate etc every day.
    I myself still treat myself at least once a week, and i would eat like a couple of brownies or a soft server from McDonalds.
    At the end of the day, although it's ideal that your diet, actually Fuc* that word, i hate the word diet. It's ideal that the way
    you eat should be healthy. No processed foods, no soda, no alcohol etc. But we are all human, and in today's society,
    unfortunately we have been programmed to enjoy these lovely fast food, sweets and alcohol since the day we were born.
    The only thing you can do for yourself is to have it in moderation, and this is the only way you can get to where you want to get
    and keep sane. I eat clean 90% of the time, and the other 10% of the time, i eat foods that i really enjoy.
    Because nobody will be able to eat healthy 100% of the time. Even body builders have off seasons and off days and the
    way they eat is immaculate, impeccable and super healthy.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    Log it before you put it in your mouth...I have found this helps me. I have MFP where ever I go. If I see it on my calorie total it makes me think..Do I really want to eat this???
  • stewartcarden
    im a bit of a caffeine junkie , i try for sugar free though , bit of an appetite suppressor . Also studies have shown that it helps burst out a few more reps in the gym , so its good for you in that sense too 8-)

    Thinking in the long term always helps . Sure a few things you have now might make you feel good. But when you're over your goal and not losing weight you feel bad . But being healthier and losing weight can last forever and be one big lifelong buzz hah
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you're snacking on just fruits and veggies along with your normal snacks, I wouldn't worry about it very much. If you're really hungry and feeling the need to snack, maybe you're not getting enough calories. I try to eat filling foods with protein and whole grains so I feel fuller longer. I also drink lots of water.

    This is exactly what I was thinking. Fruits and veggies are A-OK. Even if you go over a little bit, it's not going to hurt you in the long run. But my first concern would be to make sure you are eating enough to begin with.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    This is the easiest thing to do - meal planning.
    Always making good/appropriate food choices... You can decide to eat more, eat less... the choice is yours. I have yet to oversnack on anything because I pretty much dont 'snack'...
  • jleslie66
    jleslie66 Posts: 31
    Drink more water! sounds hokey, but works! A lot of "Hunger" pangs are your body wanting water. if you drink a glass of water when you feel the urge to eat, then wait a few minutes, more often than not the hunger will go away!! it works for me as I do this ALL the time!! it helps keep me on track!!
  • lollypop_ginger
    lollypop_ginger Posts: 69 Member
    drinking a glass of water before your snack might help make you to feel full quicker, and I wouldn't worry too much if you are just eating extra fruit and veggies with your snack- they're healthy and most are very low calorie
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
  • childofthecity