I want to be a runner! HELP

My entire life I've hated running. Even when I was in great shape. I just hate it so so much. But I want to be the person who just loves to run, and needs to run. Any suggestions??


  • rrcaudill
    rrcaudill Posts: 87
    Couch to 5k. That's what I'm doing. It trains you to run. :)
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    Bump! I'd love to know as well!!
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 542 Member
    ME TOOOOOO!!! I am starting the Couch to 5K program on 4/9! We could do it together..... :)
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Couch to 5k. That's what I'm doing. It trains you to run. :)

    I'm starting this on Monday :)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I agree with the Couch to 5k post. It breaks it down so easily in the beginning that it's so much easier to build up to instead of the daunting task of getting out there and hoping you can run for at least one entire mile! You won't get discouraged!
  • maggie16sweetxoxo
    maggie16sweetxoxo Posts: 314 Member
    I can't find any kind of 5k run near me! Is there a web site or something?
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    I've been working on this for about a year. It will always be Love/Hate for me. C25K is a great program for getting started. Repeat weeks or specific intervals if they feel too difficult, and don't get discouraged. Running continuously for 30 minutes is HARD...I accepted that I would either need to jog very slowly, or run a little bit faster with short walk breaks. Neither should be looked at as failure (that is often the most difficult part for me)

    Good luck, and enjoy!
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    You could run with a friend talking makes me forget how long i've been running. Or just make a playlist with your favorite music and and focus on the music.
  • missleah26
    missleah26 Posts: 146 Member
    Seconded for C25K. Also, just sign up for a race! Having that deadline is a big motivator, and the euphoria of crossing the finish line is like nothing else in this world-- you'll be instantly addicted.

    I also found that having a running buddy (my husband, in my case) helped a lot, as did having a couple of cute things to run in... just felt more like "a runner."
  • I have a few suggestions....first, start slow! If you hate the monotony of a treadmill then pick a pretty location to start, like a local park. Try to figure out how many miles the track is if not using a treadmill (that way when you want to quit, you can tell yourself "only one lap to go...."). Run for one minute, then walk for one minute if it helps. Then start trying to run longer and longer periods. Keep track of how far and how fast you run, that way you can recognize when you're making progress. Before you know it you'll start feeling better when you run...it won't be such torture, and you'll actually start wanting to run! hope this helps...it works for me:)
  • ezramedic
    ezramedic Posts: 119
    Start slowly with small goals.

    I, too, hated running my entire life. But about 5 months ago, I just felt the need to change something in my life. So, I started on the elliptical. I set small goals, and was thrilled when I achieved them. I increased the difficulty, and got further and faster.

    ...Then I moved to the treadmill, which was SIGNIFICANTLY harder. I just told myself to run for 5 minutes, then 7 minutes - and I built my way up. I found that I couldn't seem to get past 2 miles on the treadmill, which I found frustrating - so, I moved my running to outside - and I learned I was a lot fitter and more able then I realised. I just completed my first 5k event this week, without any trouble!

    ...and now I *LOVE* running! It's so relaxing!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    just finished C25k and now i can run 30 - 40 mins non-stop which is between 5-6km for me. I'm not very fast - about 7.5-8km/hr!
  • jddykstra
    jddykstra Posts: 19
    stick with it. I hated running, too, but decided I wanted to be "a runner" and just gutted through my runs even though I hated them. After a while I figured out that I didn't hate running anymore. Then after another while, I figured out that I loved it. Just stick with it!!!
  • gehlerc
    gehlerc Posts: 651 Member
    Couch to 5k. That's what I'm doing. It trains you to run. :)

    ^^^^ This. It takes you very slowly from no running to running 3 miles nonstop.

    It's a 9-week program. I just finished week 6, and my run today was 23 minutes with no walking breaks. When I first start C25K I sort of poo-poohed the idea, because you start out running only one minute at a time or something like that. But I did it, and I've followed the program for 6 weeks straight, and I fully intend to finish it. I am now a true believer and will recommend it to anyone who wants to start running.

    So, yes, this. C25K.

    Good luck.
  • BrittSwimsJDRF
    BrittSwimsJDRF Posts: 50 Member
    When I first started, I didn't know of couch to 5K. I used Hal Higdon, and Jeff Galloway (google them) has a basic conditioining program. The key is to stay consistent, and not skip days if possible. I believe in the "30 in 30". Start out with a 5 minute mandatory walk, for the middle 15 minutes you run until tired, walk until recovered, and repeat. The last 10 minutes are a mandatory walk and cool down. I went from cough potato to 1/2 marathon in 5 months in 2010, and it keeps better when you stay consistent. Good luck
  • Joana_R
    Joana_R Posts: 2
    Just start running... When I first started I hated running as well, it was a sacrifice to me and I always tried to avoid it as much as I could... But as I started to improve and to feel like I was able to run faster and longer, I also started to enjoy it... This is what worked for me but I guess it really depends on people, some people might never enjoy running and some might. Try to run outdoors while listening to music, run in a park with a really nice view, somewhere where you can distract yourself :)
  • About 4 years ago, my friend and I decided we wanted to try running. So we started on the treadmill running/jogging at like 4.5 mph for two minutes then walking for one at about 3.8 mph. We did this for about 20 minutes to start. A big motivator would be to sign up for a 5K run a few months from now that way you have to train. I know with us if we have a goal we are more motivated to work hard at it. You can always walk/run the 5K. The following year that we started we did a 10K run, by then we were at 10 min running and one minute walking. Now we don't walk at all!! I love it now, NEVER in a million years thought that I would EVER say that! Especially outside! We are doing the 10 K again in May but have a goal to beat our time from last year! Running is great cardio for weight loss! Good luck!!
  • Couch to 5k is awesome ! :)
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Take it slow. It doesn't matter how fast you go, even after you've been at it a while, and don't compare yourself to anyone else.

    Get GOOD shoes. Go to a store that will actually 'fit' your feet for your specific stride. Yes, you will pay more for these shoes (I pay $100 for mine), but if your shoes are hurting your feet, you sure won't want to run.

    Try using some motivating or pumping music that will get you going. I'd skip Beethoven, and perhaps go with something a bit more up-tempo.

    Get good 'wicking' socks to wear in your new shoes. Traditional cotton socks tend to bunch up, and make your feet hot as hades in your shoe.

    HAVE FUN! This is YOUR journey, not anyone else's.