love at first sight--or first meeting?



  • I love reading these stories! :smooched:
  • My husband knew the second he saw me that it was over for him. He was 30, I was 19. I was sort of oblivious at first, I didn't realize he felt that way, but we hit it off right away and had a very easy friendship.. Our meeting was brief, maybe a half hour, I was with one of his friends (my cousin) eating lunch and he stopped by to say hi. Two months later, we spent the day with my cousin playing golf, and on the car ride home, he asked me to go to the Regatta with him. Still thinking this was just a cool guy to hang out with, I said OK. By the end of the first evening, it wasn't just friendship anymore. By the end of the 7 days we dated, he proposed. I again said, "OK." He lived two and a half hours away, I only got to see him on weekends when he came to town. We married 9 months later. We will be celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary in June, and come August we will have been inseparable for 20 years. We are still crazy for each other, and it has been the best 20 years of my life. It has been awesome to grow together with this wonderful man. Oh.. and did I mention that before he met me, he was famous for protesting marriage, he was NEVER going to get married.. he was the playboy bachelor, not settling down for anyone. So, never say never, you're love may (literally) be just around the next corner.

    aaaw...that's adorable! so happy that you're still in love.
  • We kind of knew each other from school but we were on opposite ends of a friendship circle and then he moved away so I didn't see him for around 7 years.

    I saw him on a train one day and text my friend (I always said they should have babies together - long story!) and then when I broke up with my fiance a few months later, I added a bunch of people on Facebook (my ex never allowed me to have friends unless he knew them) and the friend I texted told me she was chatting to him online. I added him, and it took him forever to accept. I knew he was online because she was talking to him! He was playing poker! I'm a bit of a cheeky-cutesy person so I said "About bloody time!" when he accepted.

    We talked on facebook for a couple of hours and then on MSN Messenger, just for ease. He asked for my phone number and I said "you'd better text me then!" so he sent a text, which just said "text".

    We chatted on MSN and on the phone for a couple of days, until 3-4am and then he asked if he could take me out. We spend an evening debating over movies and 5 days after befriending on Facebook, we "re-met" on 24th January 2009. It wasn't love at first sight. I think I already knew I loved him from our MSN and phone conversations - we talked about EVERYTHING!! I didn't want the night to end and we stayed on the train until the end of the line!

    A couple of days later I went to his place to watch a movie (full-length pyjamas and he left the room for me to change! Totally innocent!) and I heard him whisper something which sounded like "I love you" a few times but he obviously wasn't ready to say it aloud just yet.

    On 31st January 2009 I told him I loved him first. It just came out and I could have killed myself! He said it right back :)

    We've basically been inseperable ever since we first "re-met". It doesn't work for some couples to be living in each others' pockets 24/7 but it really works for us. He's my best friend and I know it sounds cliche but it's true... I feel so blessed to have him in my life and I can't wait to be his wife :)

    wow--that's amazing. congratulations.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i had spoken to my bf online for a few days to a week before and we both liked eachother so met up and i still have a picture in my head of how he looked and still smile about it now, i was so nervous and he admitted he was too but then he made me feel so relaxed and the first kiss was full of excitement and butterflies, i still get them when looking at him sometimes now 3 years on :)
  • debra4647
    debra4647 Posts: 71 Member
    I met my husband through a friend I worked with. It took me 4 months to actually agree to go out. But it was the friend asking for him. But the first time we went out I knew I would marry him. Our first date was in January and in October we were married. Been together 28 years now and I still love him.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I was 12 or 13 the first time I saw my now DH (we're 34 now). I showed up at swim practice with my bff, practice was already underway and he was in the water swimming. I said to her "you see the new boy?" She said, "Yeah, what about him." I said, "I'm going to marry him someday." She said, "Love at first sight?" I said, "No, I just know. He's going to be one of my best friends and I'm going to marry him someday." We never really dated because my mom said that when you're young and date a "marrying man" you will inevitably mess it up so badly with a young persons decisions and you will lose your opportunity. So we waited until we were 24, moved to the same city at 26 (by that time we'd spread our wings a little), and got married at 29. We dated other people and had our own crazy lives.

    My now bff was a freshman in college, looked up at her professor on the first day and was smitten. At the end of the first week she approached him and said, "You will not be able to say no to me" or some such. They got married 6 months later and have been married for 10 years.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    My hubby contacted me on ChristianMingle on Thursday, August 28th, 2008. After telling him almost immediately that I wouldn't date him because he was pentecostal and I was not, he fought with me for a chance to get to know me better. We chatted for a bit, and I was smitten almost immediately. We met in person on Tuesday, September 2, 2008 at 6:47pm. He was late, but he actually phoned me a few minutes before we were supposed to meet to let me know he was on his way. I was very nervous that he would not live up to my expectations. I remember commenting that he looked a lot like my ex's brother and that his voice wasn't as deep as I was expecting (I honestly have no freakin' idea why I made either of those comments ... smh....)

    We went on our second date that Friday, Sept. 5. And that's when I knew that he was the man that I was going to marry. He proposed the following year (on that day :smile: ) at the spot where we had our first kiss. He is such a wonderful husband. God sent him to me and for that I am truly thankful. Eternity will not be enough time to spend with him.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Once upon a time, I joined MFP and started making friends. One of my earliest friends was one of my favorites from the start, specifically because he had made great progress in a very short time. He was (and still is!) very determined to live healthy and continue to become stronger.

    I really didn't treat him differently than any of my other friends, I gave him the same support that everyone else got.

    One day he called me out in a thread (and a few others too)...thanking me for my support. I really couldn't figure that out because I didn't feel like I had given him any kind of special support but I started to look at him a little differently after that.

    A few months later he posted in one of the MFP crush threads - he said he had a few but didn't name anyone. I half-jokingly told him that I knew I was one of his crushes. Turns out, I was. From that point on (and still to this day) we both call each other "crushie". Hee hee.

    We started talking more on MFP, and that led to being FB friends, texting on occasion, and Skyping. We talked everyday about everything, our past, our history...everything. We were both honest and upfront with each other and learned a lot about the other during that time.

    Neither one of us was "looking" for anyone...though I must say, he did have quite the flock of groupies! :drinker:

    We had some obstacles that seemed to make the reality of us being more than long distance friends just a pipe dream, so reluctantly I stared to pull away. As I was hoping to meet someone great, I joined a dating site. Crushie and I still talked, just not as much...and I figured since he was a guy he would make a great sounding board for my dating site stories and experiences.

    Well little did I know at the time he didn't like the fact that I pulled away one BIT! Nor did he like hearing my dating stories. :laugh:

    He has family close to me, so he booked a ticket to come here under the "guise" that he was meeting family but as I found out later, it was to meet me in person to see what kind of connection we would have in real life.

    We connected. Oh, how we connected. Months of talking, getting to know each other as friends, flirting, believing it wasn't realistic for us to become more culminated into us falling hard for each other over that weekend. Life hasn't been the same and it's never been better. We realize now there are no obstacles that can keep us apart and we are working towards our future.

    I seriously could not be happier. Love you, crushie! :heart: :love:
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    Once upon a time, I joined MFP and started making friends. One of my earliest friends was one of my favorites from the start, specifically because he had made great progress in a very short time. He was (and still is!) very determined to live healthy and continue to become stronger.

    I really didn't treat him differently than any of my other friends, I gave him the same support that everyone else got.

    One day he called me out in a thread (and a few others too)...thanking me for my support. I really couldn't figure that out because I didn't feel like I had given him any kind of special support but I started to look at him a little differently after that.

    A few months later he posted in one of the MFP crush threads - he said he had a few but didn't name anyone. I half-jokingly told him that I knew I was one of his crushes. Turns out, I was. From that point on (and still to this day) we both call each other "crushie". Hee hee.

    We started talking more on MFP, and that led to being FB friends, texting on occasion, and Skyping. We talked everyday about everything, our past, our history...everything. We were both honest and upfront with each other and learned a lot about the other during that time.

    Neither one of us was "looking" for anyone...though I must say, he did have quite the flock of groupies! :drinker:

    We had some obstacles that seemed to make the reality of us being more than long distance friends just a pipe dream, so reluctantly I stared to pull away. As I was hoping to meet someone great, I joined a dating site. Crushie and I still talked, just not as much...and I figured since he was a guy he would make a great sounding board for my dating site stories and experiences.

    Well little did I know at the time he didn't like the fact that I pulled away one BIT! Nor did he like hearing my dating stories. :laugh:

    He has family close to me, so he booked a ticket to come here under the "guise" that he was meeting family but as I found out later, it was to meet me in person to see what kind of connection we would have in real life.

    We connected. Oh, how we connected. Months of talking, getting to know each other as friends, flirting, believing it wasn't realistic for us to become more culminated into us falling hard for each other over that weekend. Life hasn't been the same and it's never been better. We realize now there are no obstacles that can keep us apart and we are working towards our future.

    I seriously could not be happier. Love you, crushie! :heart: :love:

    I love you MoAR!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I knew my wife was the one the first time we went out. Proposed to her on our second date. We will celebrate our 20th anniversary this summer.

    Can't imagine my life without her. Don't know what she sees in me.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,670 Member
    My second semester at University studying Fine Art, I put my paintings up for a jurried show to get into an exclusive student studio. Only 5 students get to use the studio; about 30 "auditioned". I was a transfer, so didn't know the other student artists, and spent several hours looking at everyone's art. This one person's art REALLY grabbed me. It was all very nature-vs-man, black and white work on a huge scale, and very surreal. I knew I needed to meet this person.

    We both got into the studio, but three months into classes and I never saw the person whose station was right next to mine. He was, apparently, a night painter. I'm a morning painter.

    At the same time, I had a portfiolio class and there was a shy boy in it that I had eyes for. I didn't know him, he never spoke in class, and when I attempted to talk to him he just looked at the floor and mumbled. I thought he was beautiful, though. He was tall, with long naturally silvered hair, big dimples, broad shoulders, graceful hands....yeah. Huge crush.

    When our first showing for Portfolio came up, man was I shocked to see that this boy that I had a physical crush on was the SAME painter I had an art crush on.


    He was so shy I had to internet stalk him and follow him around the entire semester to get him to go out with me. Most people would have gotten a restraining order. He moved in with me. We've been inseparable for three years now.
  • casinostamper
    casinostamper Posts: 24 Member
    Although I had been warned by an acquaintance to "stay away from that guy he's crazy" when pointing out a very hot gut at the bar I felt an instant attraction to him after our introduction later that evening. He called me days later after spending forever frantically searching (his words) for someone who had my phone number. On our first official date (beers at the pub) he asked if I was related to a ( my dead grandmothers name) when I said that she had been my grandmother on my fathers side he kind of paled. She had suffered a heart attack after climbing the stairs in her apartment building and had fallen through the open laundry room door.
    She was found the next morning by a slightly hung over 19 year old farm kid who had recently moved in with a cousin in town. He was 24 when we met I was nearly 18 and my grandmother had been gone for nearly 6 years. I have considered him my grandmother's last and most precious gift ever since. We have been married for 32 years this summer and have 3 wonderful kids.
    So in closing, I am a highly skeptical person, I don't believe in ghosts, or spirits, or really even fate. I do however believe in love!!!
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    Ah lust. What a powerful emotion you are.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I do not believe in love at first sight... you simply do not know someone well enough to actually LOVE them from a "mind blowing kiss"... or add in anything else here that might happen during a first "meeting" or "date". It's purely physcial at that stage and is only lust. Those who say they KNEW just happened to have lasting relationships develop out of this LUST.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I met my boyfriend of 7 years on a website called cpixel.

    We talked online every day for 3 mos before I finally heard his voice the first day we was suppose to meet... it didnt work out in our favor for about 2 weeks after that.... the first day we met we was instantly attached at the hip, I knew I loved him and it was gonna last forever.

    I wouldnt have it any other way. :o)
  • 1988, standing in a bar with a friend, in walked the love of my life, i watched him for a while in the mirror behind the bar, then he spotted me. We both say it was love at first sight.
    We married in 1990 but unfortunately things went wrong for one reason or another and we seperated and divorced in 1994.
    For the next 15 years i longed for him, never managing to get him out of my mind and wondering if he ever got over me.
    In March 2009 i looked him up on the UK electoral roll and found his done this many times before but each time i found him, there was a female listed as living with him so i left well alone...this time there wasn't.
    My dad had recently died and to be honest i was at a point of feeling suicidal so i thought, well, i have nothing to lose, im gonna go find him.
    I drove 30 miles and just knocked on his door.
    The love was still there, thankfully for both of us.
    We remarried in December 2009.
    He is truly my soulmate, my one true love, the love of my life.:smile:
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I do not believe in love at first sight... you simply do not know someone well enough to actually LOVE them from a "mind blowing kiss"... or add in anything else here that might happen during a first "meeting" or "date". It's purely physcial at that stage and is only lust. Those who say they KNEW just happened to have lasting relationships develop out of this LUST.

    Did I fail to mention that when we first met, I did not find my hubby attractive at all. He was NOT my "type" at all.... Far far far far far from my "type." We did NOT have a "mind-blowing" first kiss or anything of the sort. So, for me it was love at (nearly) first site, and not lust.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    These stories are so sweet! I met my bf online, he sent me a message when I was about to give up after a string of a-holes. When I was getting ready for our date everything went well, it just seemed easy. When I saw him all I could think was "whoa, you ARE different". We had an amazing time and we have been inseparable since! It's been a year and a half and this summer we will be "officially" move in together :)

    It took me time to let go of my fear and allow him into my heart, but I am very excited for our future together!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    So...for those of you who maybe met your significant other online or perhaps just got incredibly lucky...did you "JUST KNOW" you loved the person almost immediately upon meeting them?

    Did speaking to the person and getting to know them beforehand make you fall for them before meeting?

    Did that first meeting confirm all the emotions you felt? Did you feel insane while growing through it (not literally...just a little uneasy about all of your feelings)?

    Share your stories...PLEASE! :)

    My husband found me on myspace. He was planning a trip to NYC and I had just been so we initially bonded over conversations about things he should see and do while there. I tried not to get my hopes up about it turning into anything, and then he didn't write back for weeks. I figured he had forgotten about me and was in the middle of planning a move back to Southern California. Then he messaged me after he got back from NYC and was disappointed to hear I'd be moving. He told me he wanted to take me on a date before I left. Normally, that would have creeped me out but for some reason it seemed really sweet. So, we met that evening at Borders and talked for hours and just clicked. Neither of us were at our best, he had a black eye from a fight he'd gotten into in NYC and he was covered in poison oak (he'd crawled through it while escaping from police, a separate incident from the fight). Ordinarily, NOT someone I'd be interested in! I was wearing sweatpants, had no makeup on and my hair was in a messy bun. Not my most attractive.

    But, that was probably part of what let us be ourselves instead of trying to be what the other person wanted us to be. We've been together ever since. We had some real dates over the next few days and we were immediately in that comfortable phase of the relationship. Less than two months later I unofficially moved in with him. Four months later we got a place together, and I unexpectedly got pregnant. 11 months into our relationship we were married and two months after that our first baby was born. We've been married for 3 1/2 years and just had our third baby. Things haven't always been easy, but we love each other and our children.
  • I went through a yucky divorce, and a few months later (but almost a year after our separation) I started dating again. I made a profile on OKCupid (I know, I know) and met a few guys through there but nothing ever really clicked with any of them. Once the divorce went through, I decided I didn't want to live where I was anymore because there were too many bad memories, so I chose a city where a few of those guys had been from, including the one I was dating at the time, so I'd at least know someone. When I changed my city on my profile, I showed up on someone's match list, and he wrote me because we had a lot in common. He said since I'd be new to the area, he'd be happy to show me around since he'd lived there his whole life - no strings attached, and not as a date if I didn't want it to be. I told him I wasn't sure when I'd be moving, and I was seeing someone at the time, but I appreciated him writing, and he was cool with that and said I was welcome to write him anytime if I changed my mind.

    Well, I moved a month or so later, and the guy I was seeing screwed me over about two weeks after that (long story). I was devastated and scared that I'd made a really HUGE mistake by moving there. Something compelled me to write back to the guy who'd offered to show me around the city, because he seemed genuine that even if I didn't want to date, he was always happy to meet new friends. He wrote me back right away and offered to meet at a local coffee shop so that there would be lots of people around, for my sake, and we wouldn't consider it a date, just two people meeting for the first time. (He says now that the second I stepped out of my truck, his first thought was, "I'm gonna date her." I will admit to thinking the same about him lol.) So we had coffee and sat and talked for... geez, 3 or 4 hours I think? We just hit it off amazingly - it was like talking to someone I'd known my whole life. It was getting to be dinnertime so he asked if I wanted to grab a bite at McDonald's real quick so I could get home before dark. When we ordered and I got out my money, he said, "Tell you what. I'll pay for it if you agree to call this a date and we meet again tomorrow for a real one." He had such a kooky grin that I laughed and said sure.

    The next day, we met again. We went to a local park and walked and talked for a few hours, then he took me out to a nicer place for dinner (lol) and we went back to the coffee shop again. I asked him if he wanted to hang out and play on the Xbox at my place, and he of course said yes. We ended up talking all night long - literally. I think it was like 9am before we looked at a clock. The time just flew by. He said he better head home, and joked that his favorite thing to do is give people hugs for just a LITTLE too long, just to see how long it takes til they feel awkward. It was pretty see-through so I played along and gave him a hug and didn't let go haha. One thing led to another and he spent the rest of the day and the next night at my place *blush* We were pretty much inseparable after that - I don't think a day went by that we didn't see each other, and he moved in with me after only a few months. I'm sure from the outside it looked like we moved WAY too fast, but I don't think either of us has ever felt that way. I wouldn't have been surprised if he proposed to me on that second date, and I probably would have said yes! But, he waited about 6 months to propose, and we got married a year later. Our 2nd wedding anniversary is in April, we have a beautiful 9-month-old daughter, and we're all happy as clams :D

    So yup, I'm definitely a believer!