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I just messed up completely.



  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    No you didn't. We all mess up. Ask anyone who has been super successful on here and see if they've been perfect. I can guarantee you won't find a single person who hasn't gone over their calories at a minimum once in a while. Learn a lesson from it, talk to your mom about bringing temptation foods into the house (I've had to have many, many, many conversations with my fiance about mac and cheese and chips!!) and learn to control your portions and make sure Ben and Jerry's is a once in a great blue moon treat for yourself (I wouldn't completely eliminate anything - you'll just crave it more and more and give up!). You're doing something great for yourself - that's the first step!! Great job :flowerforyou:
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    No point stressing about it, try and think more longterm rather than here and now, and realise you will balance those 1000 calories out over time. Life is too short as it is, without beating yourself up over a tub of ice cream. I got through 2 loaves of fruit bread with honey one time, and yes, I temporarily gained weight but it soon went again. Hence, think longterm. As long as you don't make a habit of it, and just splurge occasionally, you will be fine as you will balance it out on your better eating days.

    PS - I also noticed your topic on struggling to meet your daily calorie goal...
    So if you have been in deficit anyway on some days, then I don't imagine this will affect you. Just consider it as making up the deficit from those other days, and maybe as a reminder of why you do need to try and reach your daily calorie goal... it might keep you so full you can resist the ice cream better, hehe.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    IT HAPPENS. Don't beat yourself up! The best way to counteract that, and make yourself feel better, is to get some (or additional) exercise in.

    And even if you can't, IT'S OK to have a high calorie day here and there.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    Remember that weight loss and weight gain is not affected by one day. Water weight gain is, but not fat gain. It is the number of calories you consume over a longer period of time that have impact on actual fat loss or gain. Remember that one pound is 3,500 calories, and you burn more then half of that just going about your day! The only way this Ben & Jerry's mishap would actually negatively impact your progress is if you either kept on doing it or if you let it stop you in your tracks.

    You have the control here! :O)
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    They usually say" Oh little bit of it won't hurt." Yes it will.

    No, it won't.
  • amyy902
    amyy902 Posts: 290 Member
    i love this attitude :) - i was supposed to be quoting the lady with the horse picca but it didnt work .... now i just look silly.
  • Sofithomas
    Sofithomas Posts: 118
    One day of high calories does not a weight gain make :)

    Think about it - it didn't take you a day to gain all the weight, so why now? Why this one day of splurge? Do NOT feel bad. If anything your metabolisms probably revved up and burnign that ice cream thinking woah what is this lol!

    The great thing about this journey is everyday we start a fresh. Today wasn't my healthiest but so what? I managed to do some exercise and I know all week I ave been SO good so thats something. Today has been my 'cheat' day LOL so it just means watching myself this weekend :D the same for you! You messed up, so what, we are all human, it means NOTHING in terms of fitness - this is a life change not a diet. Sure if was a diet you 'messed up' because diets aren't good and are temporary. But this is life and we all eat naughty things and have slip ups, everyone does!!!

    Think about how far you have come, and plan your food and exercise for tomorrow to excite yourself and envision your goal even further! Also maybe ask your mum next time to skip the ice cream, if its not in the house you won't/can't eat it!
  • LadyRush
    LadyRush Posts: 95 Member
    Wow, you admitted your mistake IN PUBLIC! That's accountability! Great job! Learn and move. Next time maybe you can escort it to the freezer in the basement.... or the trash when your Mom isn't looking... Maybe plan what you can do next time the icecream appears.. Sounds weird but better to be prepared. You are amazing for being so honest and you noticed your mistake. Great progress!!!!!!
  • I ate out, just this week, for most of the day. Chick fil a milkshake, taco bell, cookies, doritos, and I went home and logged it all in. I knew it wasn't going to be good but I am ashamed that I ate over 3,000 calories. D:

    I agree with Sofitthomas! :) Very well said.
    and yes, I would ask your mom not to buy any more tubs of the ice cream. Or you could ask her to buy the smaller cups of them, the ones with about 2 servings in them. Like this: http://www.icecreamsource.com/Java-Chip-Frappuccino-Cup_p_952.html
  • Kathkeb
    Kathkeb Posts: 7
    It happens.

    My Weight Watchers leader always says, "If you drop a glass and break it, you don't open your cabinet and break all the rest of them. Sweep it up, be more careful next time and move on".

    If you have time for a walk or run, it might make you feel better.

    You are human --- forgive yourself and do better next time.
  • rqel
    rqel Posts: 2
    I have had a weak day too... !!! wasn't that ice cream delicious... dont sweat it and get back on track ... do your exercise and control for next days to come.... and most important be happy!! :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    dont sweat it.

    stop tying emotions to food, that includes shame. so you ate an entire think of ice cream. *kitten* happens. just pick yourself up and do better. eat a nice salad and good protein the rest of the day and tomorrow make less reactionary choices

    it'll be OK :smile:
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    i have done that, PLENTY of times...entire pints! log it, drink some water, and get back on it tomorrow! :D
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Stay strong, get back on track tomorrow!! One day does not do you in!
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    tons of great advice here - mostly get over it and get on with it! ;) Put it behind you and get in some extra exercise to help off set and just don't beat yourself up over it. I do agree with those who say that perhaps it is time to have a talk with your mom and being more supportive.

    It's in the past and now is a new moment so don't fret it. You were accountable and that is what counts!
  • rfechter
    rfechter Posts: 109 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. Move on, tomorrow is another day. In a meeting today I probably ate over 2000 calories in cookies. I could not stop myself. I even took leftovers back to my desk and finished up the package. It happens, and I just try to eat better the next time.
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Don't beat yourself up over it. It happens. Talk to your mom and tell her how you feel. She doesn't understand that she undermined your weight loss efforts. Tell her about Skinny Cow ice cream, delicious, without all the fat and sugar. It does have a lot of sodium. Just shake it off, workout, and get back to the program tomorrow. This is a lifestyle change. :)
  • kdiment
    kdiment Posts: 31
    Don't worry about it. Just get back on track tomorrow. We all have these days.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Exercise it off!
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    Ok so go for a run about 2 or 3 miles whatever you can do then come home and start your the rest of your life as it didn't happen for the exception that you remember when you want to do it again, then remember how you felt now. That is one of the blessings God has given us mercy and grace, also a new day.:wink: